WHY does Hydrogen Peroxide bubble when we pour it over a cut? Did you ever wonder about that? GADS – “I” wonder about all KINDS of goofy things. I’m like a walking information sponge. I like to know the story behind the story and I don’t mind digging to find the details. SO after Geezer got a boo boo while cutting firewood yesterday – when he came back to the house, we cleaned up his wound and poured some Hydrogen Peroxide over it to be sure we got all the germs out. And I SAY “to be sure we got all the germs out – but we did that in 2008 when he was weed eating around our property fence line and the weed eater slung a piece of old wire into his jeans and it went right through to the ankle. We THOUGHT we cleaned that wound up good – but that rascal of a cut went from a little cut – to him almost losing his leg about 6 days later. He was in the hospital for a WEEK. SO maybe I should be looking for a stronger Hydrogen Peroxide.

#HomeRemedies – #LoveHomeandHealth As I was pouring the Hydrogen Peroxide over his cut yesterday – I said “Isn’t it neat how that bubbles – wonder what makes it do that?” WELL he had one of those old Geezer answers that takes 30 minutes to explain and I didn’t understand a thing he was saying – SO when he went back to work and I got a minute “I” looked it up. I just typed into my search engine “WHY does Hydrogen Peroxide bubble when we pour it on a cut and I’d like this in simple English please”
The Bubbles Made Me Wonder
But as I was pouring the Hydrogen Peroxide over his cut yesterday – I said “Isn’t it neat how that bubbles – wonder what makes it do that?” WELL he had one of those old Geezer answers that takes 30 minutes to explain and I didn’t understand a thing he was saying – SO when he went back to work and I got a minute “I” looked it up. I just typed into my search engine “WHY does Hydrogen Peroxide bubble when we pour it on a cut and I’d like this in simple English please”
The Reason Hydrogen Peroxide Bubbles
I FOUND that the reason it foams is because blood and cells contain an enzyme called catalase. Now I didn’t really know what catalase was EITHER so I looked THAT up. It said “Catalase is a common enzyme found in nearly all living organisms exposed to oxygen … like bacteria, plants and animals.” And it catalyzes (accelerates) the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen.
Well okie DOKIE then – I was beginning to see where we were going here.
It went on to say “Since a cut or scrape contains both blood and damaged cells, there is lots of that catalase floating around in the cut. (a lot of enzyme/bacteria floating around in the cut) And THEN when that catalase/enzyme/bacteria comes in contact with the hydrogen peroxide, it turns the hydrogen peroxide which is H2O2 – into water and gas and BOOM – we get BUBBLES!!!It said the bubbles we see in that foaming cut are just pure oxygen bubbles being created by the catalase/bacteria. And as we all know – hydrogen peroxide doesn’t bubble in the bottle OR even if we just pour it on our skin. We have to have that cut that has been invaded by a little blood and bacteria.
I decided to write about this subject because I found this question asked in a new book I had just ordered called “Cancer: Step Outside The Box” by Ty Bollinger
His book is in it’s 5th addition and I think he touches on every single natural cancer prevention, remedy and cure there ever was and he does it all in simple laymen’s terms. This book is a must have for anyone who loves to study cancer prevention or cure or is just interested in the subject for possible future use. Ordering it from amazon I found that it was sold out – so I just ordered a used book from that same posting. It arrived within days in perfect condition and I’m devouring it one day at a time.
Well I don’t know about YOU but I can sure sleep better tonight having solved the mystery of why hydrogen peroxide bubbles on a cut …
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