We’re studying the ins and outs of why we get sick this week.
We’ve talked about the foods we eat and the drinks we drink and how they affect the body either in a negative or positive way.
We’ve talked about how toxins mount up in our bodies and why that makes us have symptoms of this and that.
And today we’re going to talk about “Why Do We Get Sick – Cleanse and Detox.” Because with all that gook in your organs – you’ve got to move it on out and replace it with good stuff if you want to be healthy.
Disease Doesn’t “Just Happen!”
I think most folks believe that colds and flu and cancer and heart disease and diabetes just happen. “OH NO!!!” – they say when the doctor tell’s them their diagnosis – “HOW did THIS happen to ME?” Well I’ll tell you how – one plate full of garbage at lunch and another plateful of garbage at supper and you already started the day with a toxic and sugar loaded donut or two or three. What did you THINK was going to happen on down the road just a skip, hop or a jump? Did you think you were going to be given the Body Builder of the Year award? Or the Health Nut of the Year award for this irresponsible behavior?
We’ve learned now that when the liver is sluggish from all that garbage we’ve put in our bodies – it’s just harder to keep things moving on through our bodies. And fat gets stuck in the blood vessels and the liver and other organs and then when all those places are overloaded it goes on to your cheeks and tummy and thighs. But those overloaded organs are not going to function properly and then you’re going to be a walking time bomb waiting to see which disease decides to strike.
Oh so THAT’S how it happens? YUP – sure is!!! Simple to understand, isn’t it? Yet me make getting healthy seem so hard.
Start With A Good Internal Cleanse
One of the first things we should all do when we decide to turn our health around is to do a good internal cleanse. A good cleanse should restore your energy and get rid of your brain fog. You should drop a few pounds on a good cleanse and possibly even get rid of a few of your every day aches and pains.
Eliminating these old bad toxins will affect you emotionally and physically. You’ll feel lighter and refreshed and ready to get back on the road but this time – go in the right direction. Cleansing can be as simple as a few days on the Cabbage Soup Diet or having raw foods and salads for a few days with lemon water on and off during the day and leaving off absolutely ALL dairy, sugar, white flour and high carb foods OR you can get a little more in depth with your cleanse and do The Master Cleanse. But which ever one you choose – you’ll feel better for doing it.
One simple thing you can do right now is just get on a good Milk Thistle and we recommend Liver Smart by Natureenetics. Just one a day should keep your living functions and keep it moving the toxins on through and out of your body. You must keep your liver healthy and in good working order or you’re fighting a losing battle with anything else you try to do. A healthy liver comes first – so get on Liver Smart once a day at least and give yourself a good jump start on the road to good health.
The main thing in all we’ve talked about the last 3 days IS – you are in charge of your own health. You can eat junk food and drink cola’s out the wazoo day after day and have one illness or cold or flu after the other one OR you can eat clean and green and healthy and have energy like you’ve never known.
It’s time to stop living to eat and start eating to live …
My first realization as to what I eat or drink can have major complications on my health was very simple. I read milk produced more mucous so I stopped drinking it during allergy season…Wow! The difference was amazing. Now all these years later, I stopped eating white sugar a year ago…another wow!
Jenny recently posted…POWERful Bible Journaling: Matthew 27
That’s wonderful Jenny. Dairy and sugar are both real problems if we want to be healthy. Thanks for reading …
Kay Comer recently posted…Infused Water – The BEST Cleanse and Detox Drink