I worked in the gardens a few hours yesterday and when I do that…often the phone will ring and I’ll have to run inside to answer it if I’m close enough to the kitchen door to hear it. While on the phone I usually scroll facebook newsfeed real quick just to see if there are any urgent prayer requests or anything going on that I need to know about.
Used to…we relied on old nosey Aunt Ethyl from our churches to keep us informed of our town’s happenings…but these days…it’s facebook.
So as I talked with the person on the phone and scrolled facebook, I saw a prayer request from a lady whose husband was having a horrific kidney stone attack right then and they didn’t have insurance for a doctor. His pain was a 10 plus and he needed to go to the ER but they were trying to wait it out and he had gone to bed. She was desperate and almost frantic as you can imagine.
I quickly posted to her about B Complex and how it’s dissolved so many kidney stones for Geezer and many others that I’d given it to. She immediately posted back for details and said they were desperate and she’d run out and get the formula right then and they’d give it a try.
I told her he needed a good Vitamin B Complex and that I also gave Geezer…in years past…a magnesium/calcium/zinc
combo and 500mg Vit C
and a good multi vitamin
and that his pain would always be gone within 30 minutes.
She messaged me again last night to tell me that he DID take the supplements and he wasn’t pain free yet but he had come down stairs and the pain had let up tremendously and he was feeling tons better and even his color was better and he wanted her to get on the computer and thank me for giving them the formula to dissolve kidney stones. I’m expecting a total recovery for him today.
Someone posted and asked how I came up with that formula and to be honest…I just can’t remember.
But Geezer used to have lots of kidney stones 25 plus years ago and I just decided one day that since I believed there was a natural healing method for most things…I needed to find one for his kidney stones and I remember getting in my books and digging for an answer.
I don’t remember how I came up with this particular formula. But I will tell you this. It has never failed him and since he started taking the Vit B Complex regularly…he’s never had another kidney stone.
I came home from the grocery one day…years ago…and he was in the recliner and he said “I’ve got a kidney stone moving and we’re going to have to go to the ER with this one…I just can’t handle it” I said “Can you give me 20 minutes to try to ease your pain” He said “Yes” In 30 minutes…his pain was gone and I was fixing his lunch.
I’ve literally had people call for a remedy for kidney stones that lived locally and I’d let them come to our door for the Vitamin B Complex and mag/cal/zinc combo…Because ‘usually’ one dose is all you need. But to keep the stones away from then on…you’d need to take Vitamin B Complex on a regular basis.
Never ever take B Complex on an empty tummy because it will make you nauseated. When you take it…it will also make the urine a bright yellow…even from day one.
Vitamin B Complex is very safe and in fact is a supplement most of us need to supplement WITH…BECAUSE our diets are so pathetic these days we just don’t get enough B Vitamins. And the complex is best because you need to take them together because each one helps the other…
Vitamin B Complex will give you a natural lift…is good for anxiety, depression and PMS. It keeps the heart, muscles and nerves healthy and functioning properly…helps with digestion and the nervous system. Can help to ward off cancer of the colon, breast, cervix and even pancreatic cancer which is CRUCIAL BEYOND MEASURE…just in itself.
It’s also good for the immune system and can help improve memory.
We see many babies born with birth defects and if the mom had been given Folic Acid…one of the B Vitamins…those babies would probably have been born healthy. SO SO SO sad…something so simple and quick…that can prevent something so horrific that will last a life time…
I have recently switched us from Twin Labs Vitamin B Complex to Nature’s Way 100 Vitamin B Complex
and I came to that conclusion by reading the review on amazon. I give a lot of supplements away so it just stood to good reason…that I needed to find one a little less expensive than the Twin Labs. I believe Nature’s Way was about $11 and Twin Labs is about $18.
And we are LOVIN’ the Nature’s Way.
For years…we took B Complex daily. And we’d start getting a little gray hair and we’d take it for 6 weeks straight and for the first week..twice a day… and our hair would darken back up. Geezer was always coming home with a note from some man at the plant wanting to know the name of the hair dye we take in a pill…hahaha But it was just the B Complex. And I really believe if we’d take it now like we did back then…even our ‘really’ gray hair would darken…but we just don’t do it daily unless we need it for something…
Jackie just posted to me last night and said “You need to BLOG about this B Complex” 🙂 And I told her I had many times…but decided to do it again today…and yes I’ll try to get to the Black Drawing Miracle Salve today too…I”M WORKIN’ NON STOP EVERY DAY…About 15 hour days right now to get the gardening caught up and the bible school prep done and do my normal dailies!!! AND I”M SO FAR BEHIND I THINK I MUST BE FIRST!!! hahaha
But I’m just about the biggest supporter of the B Vitamins…that there is anywhere. And it’s totally safe and something most all of us need. SO pick you some up or order it from amazon. Go to amazon and just read the reviews and see for yourself.
OK…that’s it for today…tons more gardening to do and I think we’re going for another load of dirt for another wildflower bed this morning first thing.
Peace and love from the canyon…I love you all gobs and I hope you all have a super duper…grand and groovy…zippity doo dah day!