The blog gets so many questions about Vitamin B Complex
Complex when Kim was in the 8th grade. She had been having headaches and other health issues since starting 7th grade and we had been to doctor after doctor to try to get to the bottom of what was going on.

We have been to so many doctors and they had no CLUE.” He said, “Because when you and Kim came in … I was ‘reading KIM’ and not thinking about a ‘bandaid fix’ … I was looking for the reason for her headaches and I felt it was an emotional thing with Kim.” COME TO FIND OUT … HE was able to get out of her what I wasn’t, she was having some stress related to the “social workings of being junior high age” and she had herself stirred into a tizzy…
So after those 5 doctors and their solutions bit the dust and we had spent over $1,000 on my hands, I decided it was time to hit my books and come up with my own answer to this problem.

Vitamin B Complex is as essential to YOUR well being as the air you are breathing.EVERYBODY should be taking a Vitamin B Supplement every day or at least 3-4 times a week.We started out with TwinLab – Stress B-Complex Caps
You want a soft capsule that will dissolve easily and quickly and not a hard and chalky tablet. Do not take that Vitamin B Complex on an empty tummy because it will make you nauseated. It is SO crucial to your well being I just can’t emphasize that enough!I URGE you to research Vitamin B Complex yourself and watch for the other blog coming later today (I hope) with more on Vitamin B Complex and we’ll have that link at the bottom of this blog also. This Vitamin B Complex information is going to be SO important for all of us, I hope you will share that blog with your friends. Peace and love from the canyon…I love you all gobs and thanks SO much…for stopping by. Read Vitamin B Complex: The Wonder Vitamin Part 2