Ok don’t laugh…I could DO that…if I just didn’t have ADHD and could remember things like a normal person…because I sure have the positive attitude…and I sure love to share. But I’m only good at time management with a little timer close by.

I’ve used those little timers since I discovered the Side Tracked Sisters way back in the early 1970’s…and the timers are a LIFE SAVER for a woman with ADHD, like me.Kim just did a blog on those timers a couple days ago and I asked her to share her blog here with all of you today. She decided to set her timer on 8 minute sessions because the number 8 has been her lucky number since she was a little girl.
If you tend to procrastinate…I hope Kim’s blog will help you today.NO ONE should live in a littered home. Chaos just interferes with our thinking and our mood and those things interfere with our LIFE. NO one wants to come home at the end of a hard day at work and have to sit in the middle of clutter. We should want to walk in the door of our homes and our home give us a warm/tight hug and say “Welcome home..I’m your warm and fuzzy haven away from that crazy world out there…now relax.”
Sooooooooooooo let’s read Kim’s blog…and maybe head out to the Dollar General Store and pick up a $3 timer and turn our lives AROUND!!! How bout it?
8 Minute Timers Have Saved Me and They Can Save You Too!
Read It All HERE