So I knew it was going to be quite a while before I was sleepy again….so I went into the living room…started another fire in the fireplace and got under a quilt and I was already tired of watching tv….so I had this new little stack of books I had bought at the junk store this week and I decided to skim through a couple of them….and I ended up reading for hours in the Jethro Kloss book….Back To Eden …and another of the McDougal Heart Health books……I feel so empowered and full of good information this morning…. 🙂 I am set on reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaddddddyyyyyyyyy!!! 🙂
But today we’re going to talk about the Blue Zone people….And the Blue Zone people are…people that live in 5 areas of the world….where the health and fitness of the people in those areas are just extremely outstanding and they live much longer and much healthier lives into a much riper…old age. Those 5 areas are:
Okinawa, Japan
Sardinia, Italy
Loma Linda, Calif
Nicoya, Costa Rica
Ikaria, Greece
These people in these 5 Blue Zones are said to also be….the ‘happiest people’ in the world….So now…all we need to know is why they are the way they are…and what can ‘we’ do….to be like ‘them’…..The first thing we need to all be doing….if we want to be ‘satellite blue zone people’….is SLOW DOWN……but MOVE…and by moving…I’m not saying they belong to gyms and fitness groups and they don’t have any of the high priced fitness foo foo that is stuck under our noses on a daily basis when we turn on the tv in the evenings…their life styles are just lived in a way that they are just extremely …physically active people…..Where we may want to put in a garden…and we hire someone to come and turn the ground for us….they do all that physical labor themselves and they do it manually…and their benefit from their gardens and everything else they do….isn’t the finished product…it the construction….of every single thing…they do….They don’t look for the quick fix and easy way out…because that’s just not their style…..
They all have a ‘sense of purpose’…The people in Okinawa call it ‘ikigai’ and the people of Costa Rica call it ‘plan de vida’…but what both of those means is….”why I wake up in the morning”. They have a ‘purpose’ to each day. I think this kind of describes Billy….he has a purpose for every single day…and on the rare occasion he doesn’t have a manual project to work on…he is a bundle of nerves….He is NOT a piddler or a tv watcher….But the people of the blue zones…all have a purpose for their lives and they try to incorporate things they love…into every single day….
All of the people of the blue zones have a “down shift hour” each day…and that’s just a time when they take a few minutes to an hour to ‘rewind’…whether that’s just taking a break to rest….or setting down to chit chat with someone close for a bit….Ok…now gee whiz….on this list of 9 power points of the blue zone people….Billy and I actually live 3 of those points….so we’re doing good so far….how about you?
4th on the list of power points to blue zone living for health and longevity is the 80% rule….and that’s stop eating when you are 80% full…….Ooooooooopsie daisy….Billy and I just fell off the blue zone wagon…..because we eat….until we are about 125% full and running over…….oh poop…It is said that the blue zone people don’t set down to a table with full bowls of this and that and get refills when they finish one or two or three or four things on their plates….but they fill their plates at the counter and they don’t over fill their plates…and when that plate is empty….they’re done….People of the blue zone areas have their smallest meal of the day in early evening and that’s it for the day….they don’t snack in the evening…..
Number 5 is that they ‘do’ eat meat….but they consider it more like a condiment and they eat only the healthiest and most lean meats and only about twice a week….Beans and lentils are the backbone of their diets…And they ‘say’ that snacking on a handful of nuts a day…will add a few years to your life…if you’re doing all these other things….to be healthy…
Number 6…Is drink a glass of Welch’s grape juice a day :8) …and you can have about 5 or 6 ounces.. twice a day if you want….instead of having it all at once 🙂
Number 7. There were 263 centenarians interviewed for the study by National Geographic ..on the blue zone people…and of all of those 263….there were only 5 that did ‘not’ belong to a faith based organization…These researchers say that being a part of a faith based service at least once a week…can add 4 to 14 years to your life…Now that’s what they say…and why read these studies….if we’re not going to take them to heart…….So today is Saturday….be thinking about finding you a ‘ding…..dong’ to visit tomorrow…if you don’t already have one……
Number 8…The people of the blue zones put their families and those they love the most….first in their lives….and how in the world can you go wrong….when you make that one of the rules you live by….So many people live lives where their life is ‘all about them’…..I guess one of my biggest problems…is probably putting ‘me..myself and I’…way too far down my own list……But I’m right on track on this one too….
Number 9…And they say that one of the 9 power points to living a healthy/happy life…is being a part of a close knit/friends group…….But they say ‘assess who you spend time with outside your own home and then to proactively surround yourself with the right kinds of friends’……..
So what I’ve learned from my little bit of studying the people of the blue zones the last few years…is that they are very physically active….they take time for fun…and they spend time relaxing and just savoring the moments….they fill their lives with love and laughter and when they eat….they eat healthy…..tons of greens and raw foods and fruits and veggies and very little meat…and when they do add meat to meals they make it lean and healthy……Doesn’t that sound warm and fuzzy and so very refreshing? We really do pretty good according to this list…..if we don’t count our diet….but goodness….our diet and yours…is ‘major’ in whether or not we will live long ..healthy…happy lives….
For years before I heard of the Blue Zone people….I studied the lifestyles of the Hunza people….said way back then to be the healthiest and most vibrant senior citizens in the whole world. And the Hunza people live in the mountains around Pakistan….When I first started studying these people…Billy was always telling me it was their lifestyles….because they walked everywhere and did hard physical labor all day every day…and they ate meager fair…..But do you know what? I think THAT is the secret to being healthy and fit…..having a very active lifestyle….doing tons of walking and plenty of physical labor right around your own homes or just where ever….and eat a meager fair…instead of stuffing ourselves with ice cream and fried foods….cookies and cakes and chips and all kinds of garbage……We outside of the blue zones…are absolutely killing ourselves…slowly but surely….We are committing suicide by fork and recliner….it doesn’t take Columbo to get to the bottom of THIS mystery…….
You know what I realized in writing this blog today…..of all the hundreds of books I have on diet and health and fitness and natural healing/living….I only have one book….on the blue zone people…but I’m about to remedy that….Dan Buettner has written 2 books on the blue zone people I believe…and I need to find those books for pennies on amazon and get them on the way…..
Studies show….that by improving our diet and lifestyle….we can add years of healthy living to our lives….Less than 25% of how long the average person lives…is dictated by genes…so really…it’s up to us…We can change our diet and lifestyles if need be and live healthier/happier lives….or we can buy our own ticket to an early demise…Aaaaaaaaaaaallllllll aBOARD……..eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeegads….
I first heard about the people in the Blue Zones on the Dr Oz Show….and I can’t get enough of studying about them now……
I really admire a few friends/readers who are just doing super duper jobs of what I mainly talk about….Dianne and Debbie and Ginger from Chicago…I wish they’d all teach a class or something….because they DO….what “I” talk about…..But spring is just around the corner….and what a good time…for us all to start today…to put our best foot forward………
Well…I’ve gabbed long enough this morning….time to get busy and accomplish something….I’m going to come up with a purpose for today…..but then….isn’t Monday the best day to ‘start something new’…So at least I’m starting out on the right foot….
If you found something good or informative in today’s blog….I hope you’ll find the link on this blog page and click to share it…..and besides being ourselves…and encouraging others to think ‘healthier and happier’….let’s work together to spread peace and love … around the world….one person…one day…at a time…
This has been a bird’s eye view from Round Knob Canyon and the world of the katydid…until next time…you are loved……