Some days can start out so ordinary and before they’re over you find yourself right smack dab in the middle of one of the biggest messes you’ve ever been in. That’s happened to me more times than I care to mention. BUT ON OCASSION you can also find yourself in one of those magical moments when you think to yourself … “HOW could I BE this LUCKY!” And that’s how I felt on the day I’m writing about today, but I don’t call things lucky … I call them “blessed”. And blessed beyond measure is what I was on this particular day in April of 2013.
We had been over to the Deland Flea Market about 24 miles out of Daytona on another occasion or two and it’s kind of a cross between a flea market and a farmers market.
If you like that kind of thing, it’s well worth your time. We LOVE the Deland Flea and Farmer’s Market which is only on Wednesdays from 7am until noon. So that was definitely on our list to hit again this trip…
We had scanned the fruit and veggie booths that you come to as you enter this fabulous outdoor market and decided what we were going to pick up for our Spa Week In The Cottage on our way to the car. And then we proceeded on to tour the rest of the market.
This market opens at 5am and closes about noon and we didn’t get there until about 10am so we had to hot foot it to get all the way around, but we were just out having a good time and not that concerned if some of the booth’s closed down before we got all the way around anyway.
As you’re coming up on the end of the market after you go around the circles, there’s a big building on the right that usually houses several booths in one big room and last time there was a lady there that sold ventriloquist dummies and you know me and my ventriloquist passion, so I had to go in and see if she was there. She wasn’t, so I made the circle and was about to head out. There were only about 6 or so booths in that big room this time and Geezer had stopped just inside the door at the first booth to exchange life stories with another old geezer that he’d never seen before and would never see again and he just watched me … like he always does to make sure I’m safe and not being abducted, as I made my loop around the tables.
I was on the next to last table, I think it was and a lady was selling little jars of something, but I was tired from my long and fast clip walk around the market and had been promised a great meal at the new Golden Coral just on the outskirts of Daytona so I was thinkin’ fried chicken crust instead of miracle face cream … so I just kept going. As I passed and was heading towards the Geezer, the lady called to me and asked if I’d like to try her cream. I said ‘no thanks’ but she kept talking and telling me what a miracle cream it was and that it was an all natural product and that she had free samples and people just can’t resist it, once they try the sample.
Well, I didn’t want to be rude, so I stepped back to talk to her and told her I’ve studied natural healing and living since 1977. Now if Geezer had been closer he would have been so excited that we were exchanging stories because he loves telling stories TOO and he would have told her how he was born in the back of a motorcycle shop in 1945 but much prefers Hondas and the Valkyrie over Harleys.
But he was busy with his own old geezer right inside the door and totally unaware there was another storytelling fest going on just feet away so this was MY story telling time…and “I” was talking about ME and MY passion … which is lovin’ and givin’ and doin’ everything as close to the old time ways as possible……
She was insistent on me trying her sample on any bad/dry place on my face or hands or even just put a dab on the back of my hands and see what it would do, so I remembered I had this tiny cut where my pointer finger connects to the hand and I had been trying to get that rascal to heal for 5 or 6 weeks. We had said over and over during these few weeks that I had probably needed stitches on that cut that I got opening a coffee can…because it kept gapping open and bleeding and I was ALWAYS having to wear a bandaid because that rascal just would NOT heal … So I said “Ok hand me that Q Tip and I’ll put a dab on this finger cut that doesn’t seem to want to heal.”…which was snow white and hard crusty…not a scab…just hard white thick crust that would NOT go away…
So I dabbed my finger and we kept on talking and I looked down in a few minutes and that white hard crust was turning clear and it was getting soft. I told her I could NOT believe what that had done in that few minutes and I was going to TAKE a jar of her cream and it wouldn’t be the first time I had blown $20 and lived to regret it if that’s what happened. She said “Oh you won’t regret it, you’ll be wanting more when that’s gone … everybody does” So we said our goodbye’s and I headed to the geezer who was … by now … laughing and telling the OTHER old geezer that I had just been suckered into buying some little jar of magic. 🙁
We headed to get our fruit and veggies and headed to the car and when we got in the car, Billy said, “What did you buy from the lady?” I told him about the cream and looked down at my hand and that old thick/hard/white crusty scar was literally dissolving already and I had tried and tried to even just tear it off but it wouldn’t budge. NOW it was dissolving on my finger … right before my eyes.
By the time we got back to Daytona and the Golden Coral, half of that crusty scar was already gone. I was just absolutely amazed.
So we had lunch in the absolute BEST Golden Coral we’ve ever been in and headed back to the cottage on the beach. The geezer plopped down on the couch to check the news and I headed to the bathroom to bathe in my magic cream.
But let me try to cut to the chase. I had lathered that cream all over me at about 2pm and by the time we took our showers at dusky dark, I was amazed at how good my skin was looking and I just went on and on and on about it. By morning, my finger cut had disappeared (but now I had put that on my finger about 6 times over the course of the rest of the day after I saw what it would do) but by morning … my white crusty scar had totally … I MEAN TOTALLY … disappeared. SO I ran to the bathroom mirror to see if I possibly looked 25 years old again … and THAT hadn’t happened … but my 4 big age spots on the left side of my face along my chin line were GONE. SO I ran and woke Billy up and I said “HEY!!! Have you noticed if the sun has been bleaching my 4 big age spots … or do you think this CREAM did that?” Billy said, “Well I haven’t noticed … but let me get up and get my glasses on and my teeth in and see what’s happened here” :8)
We found that my pores were still closed … my age spots were gone … my wrinkles were plumped until I only had a very few small lines and my hands and face and body just felt like silk. NOT greasy or oily at all … there was NO evidence of any cream or anything on my face, hands or body … but everything was so soft and silky … it was amazing. Even my old dry feet were baby soft.
SOOOOOOOOO I said to the geezer…”Ok I have a question. Do you think of me as over bearing and a whiner and always wanting something or to DO something or do you think of me as easy going and one that can roll with the punches and someone that you’re glad to have around” 🙂 He said, ‘No I’ll have to say … you’re a pretty good old girl” 🙂 Ok now if he had given me this big long romantic speel … I would have thought an alien had taken over his body … so ‘a good old girl’ was ok with me … and I knew he meant it. SO I said “Well, I’m glad you feel that way because I’m afraid I’m going to have to look this lady up from her business card and where ever she lives we’re going to have to see if she’ll let us come to her house or where ever her flea market is this weekend so I can buy some more of this cream AND YOU SAID we’re on vacation and we can be gone a week or 2 or 3 it won’t matter … so can we DO that?” He said “Well sure … if you can get more cream from her at another flea market or her home we’ll do it.” So I called Michelle and she said “As a matter of fact, Robert is going to be at the Market at Marion flea market tomorrow and you can get all you want THERE.”
Sooooooooooo early Friday morning, instead of heading up the Interstate we came in on to head back home…we headed to the Ocala area to Market at Marion flea market and Michelle had given me directions right to their booth…so we ran in and I bought 5 more jars of this cream…and was SO SO glad to get it at $21 each…
The cream is called Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream…and it’s made with the royal jelly, aloe vera, the B vitamins and a few other natural things…but I’m telling you this stuff is DYNOMITE!!!
Robert told me when we went back the 2nd time that he heard about it about 7 years ago when he had a horrific problem with eczema and had been to doctors and couldn’t get relief and someone told him about this and it worked so good and so fast and he’s been a distributor ever since….
You know … the ancient Egyptians believed that royal jelly stopped skin from aging and could reverse aging and even now, they are known for flawless skin…
I have Robert and Michelle’s contact info right here for you today … and if you’re interested … you just couldn’t buy from a friendlier or nicer couple. You can go to their website and order there ROBERTSROYALBEE.COM or you can call them between 10am and 10pm at 1-843-364-8860 and they say that when possible, orders will be shipped the day the order comes in. And I won’t be making a penny off of any sales through this story. I’m just promoting it because I believe in it.
Now I KNOW there are people out there that may buy this stuff and not see any results at all. Anything is possible! All I can tell you is that if I had paid $21 for this jar of cream and didn’t like it I would be the first person to say “Well I AM SOOOOOO STUPID AND GULLIBLE … SERVES ME RIGHT” But no I LOVE this stuff and I hope to never be without it the rest of my life, it’s that good.
This is what we saw as we were coming up from Daytona and just before we turned into the Market of Marion…
And this is Robert Broadway … and he’s married to one of my favorite people … because she managed to lure me into her booth when I was bound and determined not to let her give me her ‘speel’ … but I will be FOREVER grateful.
This is the kindest man, just full of stories about royal jelly and the health benefits. He has the actual royal jelly too and I bought a couple jars of that too. I gave one to Kim and I have the other…

So this is as true and accurate a review of this product as I could possibly give. THIS IS MY OPINION on this product. THIS IS what it did for MY skin. I HAVE NO CLUE what it would do for YOU. I CAN tell you that when Kim came out yesterday to work on my computer, she put some on and said she could not believe how good it made her face feel. My hands are still silky soft this morning and I haven’t even put it on this morning yet.
So I don’t need to hear how some of you don’t
believe in the benefits of royal jelly or you don’t believe in miracle creams. I’m just hear to tell you that miracles of all kinds happen for those who believe and “I” believe in miracles and to me this IS a miracle cream.
If you want to try it you can call Robert or go to his website and he’ll have you some in the mail asap. To order it … will cost you $30 for one jar … with the added shipping and handling … but when I run out if Kim has not become a distributor I WILL NOT HESITATE to send Robert a check for more of this at $30 a jar. This same cream is for sale for $174.00 on ebay … now of course I’d never EVER pay that … but it IS for sale for that amount on ebay … and I think another dealer has it for $169.00 on ebay or close.

Have You Read:
How to Look 10 Years Younger in a Flash!?
I think I’ll have 2 more blogs about our trip … one will be giving reviews of Daytona, St Augustine, and New Smyrna Beach and a few of their most popular eateries that we tried … the other one will be called “When 2 Have Been One for 100 Years” and that will have the story of the woman that tried to pick up Billy at the first flea market and just some other good stuff … And we also found the Fountain of Youth in St Augustine … so I guess I’d better talk about that … and I have pics to show you from inside our little cottage on the beach that was built in 1927 … so still good stuff coming up…
Peace and love from the canyon … I love you all gobs and thanks so SO much … for stopping by. This has been a bird’s eye view of the katydid and until next time…you are loved.
Read How To Look Ten Years Younger In A Flash!
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