Depression and Anxiety – A Natural Remedy That Works.
Whether that be postpartum depression – clinical depression – or even if you’ve just found yourself overloaded and overwhelmed and then – yup – depressed.
Many are looking for natural remedies for depression and anxiety that WORK! And the good news IS – – I found myself dealing with depression about 3 years ago – and I was determined not to stop until I found my answer – or remedy that worked. WHICH I DID!!!
I don’t really know what caused my depression that just come out of no where. It could be due to my under active thyroid which I’ve taken Synthroid for – since 1973 –
Or it could be hormonal – because I had a complete hysterectomy in 1996 and never took HRT.
I literally live a storybook life in LaLa Land – and I’m not talking financially – I’m just talking – happily married for 52+ years – with super kids and grands and great grands and while we don’t have a lot of big ticket items – – we have absolutely everything we need – which really is our love – our health and our peace of mind with being happy with what we do have.
But I had to find my own answer and I just researched and tried this and that until I found it. And boy did it work and fast …
Treatment For Depression and Anxiety
There are foods and supplements for depression and anxiety that we swear by and we’re going to talk about them today!
MY Treatment for Depression and Anxiety That Worked For ME.
I’m sharing today – the supplements that I take myself – that I feel keep me balanced and if I miss more than 2 or 3 days – I can really tell it. Because I find myself feeling down, moody, emotional, anxious about nothing and everything – and literally sobbing or blubbering over a mean – dirty mugger on the news – who in all actuality should have been beat till HE was black and blue himself – but I’m upset and weeping because he’s dirty and bleeding himself and I’m telling Billy how sad this makes me and how I feel so sorry for the mugger TOO – and he probably had a bad childhood … and he has no hope for a real future – blah blah blah.
When this happens – Billy will say “You’ve missed your vitamins for a few days, haven’t you?”
Few of us were born with nutrient deficiencies. But our diets and even our insanely busy lifestyles – just cause a depletion of the nutrients our bodies need – to run as smoothly as they should.
IF you are suffering from depression, anxiety, restlessness, and other signs of emotional instability – your body absolutely should – respond to the supplements I take on a regular basis. AND you should feel a good improvement in just about 3 days.
I take Soloray Vitamin B Complex – Mega B Stress, Finest Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc Combo – (And I crush that up or chew it up so it goes into my system faster).
Nature’s Bounty Vitamin D3, B Total B12 Sublingual, extra Zinc and Doctors Best High Absorbency Curcumin. And I order most of these from amazon – mainly because life is so hectic and I cut corners and lots of time where I can.
An amazon order like above – takes me about 3 minutes.
These supplements all work together to balance your hormones naturally and you will feel almost an immediate and positive change in your body when you combine them and take them daily.
Vitamin B Complex – I buy Soloray Vitamin B Mega Stress and I take 3 a day and ALWAYS with just a little food. One capsule – 3 times a day.
Now with the B Complex – your urine will be bright yellow when you take this – but that’s OK. You will also notice an improvement in your hair, skin and nails fairly quickly. Your nails will immediately start to grow harder and longer. I LOVE this stuff!!! But now you must take a little food with it or it will make you nauseated. But this stuff is GOLD!!!
Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc – I buy the brand called Finest – It’s a good quality and we all know we need to take calcium and magnesium together to balance each other out properly.
In doing research on the heart about 2 yrs ago – I found that some people who die instantly of a heart attack are simply deficient in magnesium. BECAUSE magnesium regulates the heart rate – BESIDES – balancing our nervous system.
SO I asked my own local cardiologist if this was true and he said YES! And went on to explain – The bottle says 1 tablet 3 times a day – and I took 3 daily for a week to get it in my system – and then backed off to 1 and I’m still doing fine. However – I do chew this one up – or mash it to a powder and put it in a smoothie or something – – so it gets into my system much faster.
Vitamin D3 – 1000 Units – I buy Nature’s Bounty. Some people have messaged me and said they are taking 2500 and more units a day – and I feel that’s too much for most of us. 1000 is PLENTY if you take it daily.
B12 Sublingual – I buy the brand called B Total and I order that from amazon. It comes in a twin pack of 2 small bottles in one box and you put it under your tongue – swish for 30 seconds and swallow.
You shouldn’t eat or drink anything for 15 minutes before or after taking the B12. Now I’ve tried other brands – but this is by far the very best in MY opinion. One dropper a day is all you need.
Zinc – I buy Nature’s Bounty to get the extra Zinc I feel my body and nervous system needs and again I use amazon. We have the prime membership with amazon – which is quick and easy – lets my fingers quickly do the walking to place an online order and shipping is FREE with PRIME and most things are here within 36 hours. My life is way too hectic – and my time is way too valuable – and it would take me 2-3 days just to figure out when I could go shopping for these things.
Fish Oil – Although I don’t have it pictured above – I take Nature’s Bounty fairly regularly and my own cardiologist told me to take 6-7 a day. I love Nature’s Bounty because they have a mini soft gel that packs a super punch – health wise. SO if you can and want to – it’s a good thing to add Nature’s Bounty Mini Soft Gels – and I get those from amazon too.
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Now you’re probably wondering WHY I have the little homemade bottle of Zinc in the photo – lol Someone local asked me about zinc for a skin issue – and when I told them about it – they said “I REALLY need to get on that – so next payday – I’ll order some.” Their issue was very worrisome to them – so I told her to just come out and get mine if she wanted and I’d take a few out to hold me till I could get my order in.
My husband said “You WHAT?” I said “Well she needed it now and her payday was 2 weeks away.” UGH – MEN!!! But – YES – I DO goofy things like that all the time. I’m like a drug dealer of VITAMINS. lol I give a LOT of creams and supplements away.
But I know the power behind the supplements we take AND their value to our health – and I literally love to help people and I hate to see someone suffer or do without – when I can help in some small way.
All I can tell you is that at 72 years old – I have energy to beat the band. I can work circles around most people half my age – – and do that on a daily basis. And I credit that to first the Lord – and then to my diet and supplements.
Amazon – The Only Way To Shop For ME
I can honestly tell you – there are now well over a dozen local women in our small town on these very supplements – that have contacted me to ask about natural remedies for depression and anxiety – and this combo above has worked for all of them.
It’s nothing to run to the grocery – and someone run towards me with out stretched arms saying “I ordered the supplements you suggested and it has saved my sanity.”
Kim (our daughter) was on a local business run just recently and the woman owner of the store asked if she was my daughter. Kim said yes she was and she said that woman grabbed her and hugged her and started squealing and said “I LOVE your MOM – she saved my sanity with her depression remedy.” 🙂
But I didn’t do it – this lady just did the very same thing that had worked for me. We don’t promote anything – that we don’t use or know about personally – in some way.
Natural Remedies for Depression and Anxiety – Unlike the MLM Products – These ARE Totally All Natural
The supplements I’ve told you about above really are natural remedies for depression and anxiety. There is nothing in any of them to increase your metabolism – like some of the MLM products running through facebook that say they are all natural and they are not.
THESE – really are just nutrients that our body NEEDS on a daily basis and because of our diet, lifestyle and degree of stress of the average person – most of us are just deficient in.
NOW – I’m not a doctor – as you all well know. I’m sharing what “I” do for myself and my family after decades of extensive research and study of healing the body naturally. SO it’s always good to talk with your doctor about adding anything – especially if you take prescription meds. But these are all very safe and needed nutrients that our bodies need to function properly.

More Home Remedies!
I’ve had more private messages asking about depression and anxiety remedies than anything else. SO DO NOT be ashamed if you have either or both of these problems. I have them TOO – It’s a very common thing. Only difference in me IS – I’ve found a home remedy that works and I’m preaching it from the mountain tops.
Billy takes these same supplements and Kim does too. And those that have used them have had amazing results. And THEN if you add the lemon water with Celtic or Himalayan sea salt daily – HOLY MOLY!!! 🙂
I’ve recently added Turmeric – and I’m taking for now – Nature’s Bounty while I research the more expensive ones – said to be more effective.
Turmeric is said to be as effective as Prozac for emotional stability – depression – anxiety and more.
These simple supplements – make a difference in the way you feel – and for me and others it is as noticeable as comparing night and day – and I would not tell you that – if it was not so – because even mild depression, anxiety and stress are miserable.