No one would want these hands to grace the cover of a magazine - but they can sure work circles around a dozen other hands.

No one would want these hands to grace the cover of a magazine – but they can sure work circles around a dozen other hands.

I may not primp as much as most ladies do – but I LOVE the look of satin hands.

I love beautiful hands that look satiny soft and nails just neat and natural.

Now that may be easy for women who don’t do much, but for those of us who are real homemakers and housekeepers and gardeners – it can be a chore to have soft hands.  But fear not!!!

I have the formula for satin soft hands that you can get in just 2 minutes from your kitchen and it works every time.

Satin Hand Remedy From Your Kitchen

I found a remedy while scrolling on pinterest the other day for satin/silky hands in 2 minutes from your kitchen.

Geezer was in the middle of a very important car race on TV so I went to the kitchen and poured a tsp of sugar in the palm of my hands and took out about 1 tsp of my Garden of Life Coconut Oil … but you can use any kind of oil – even Crisco.

I rubbed and rubbed my hands together over the kitchen sink just like the directions said to do and I couldn’t believe it  when my 2 minutes of hand and cuticle massage was over.

I really did have satin hands when I was done and my old rough and dry cuticles had dissolved right smack dab before my eyes.

Now that’s really all there is to it.  It even dissolved the rough cuticle around my nails the first time and I could easily push them back.

So give this a try and see what happens…you just won’t believe it.

Peace and love

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