I have never EVER been so interested in juicing and raw foods….as I am right now….I hope this feeling stays with me from now on……..
But this is still going to be a fairly short and sweet blog on the subject this morning…because nothing I can say to you will make the impact the videos I’m going to tell you about will….And if you can at all…PLEASE watch at least one trailer….each one is only about 2 to 5 minutes long…and then if you want to see the whole documentary…..that’s on youtube too…..
There is no quicker way in the world….to heal your body….than with juicing. Believe it….or not! Montel Williams was on Pierce Morgan last night…and he was talking about how he was doing ok with his Multiple Sclerosis….because he’s been juicing for most of the years he’s had it….but he said it dawned on him about 9 months ago….that MS is a inflammatory disease….so it made sense to him…that to fight an inflammatory disease…he needed to be juicing fruits and veggies that have anti inflammatory qualities….And he said when he started doing that….it was like turning on a light bulb….he immediately started feeling better…his limp immediatedly went away and he ‘became’ the picture of health…even though he knew to keep the picture on the table…he would have to keep up the juicing…FOR MS……..So if YOU or someone you love…is battling multiple sclerosis or any other anti inflammatory disease….please tell them about these videos and to check out Montel Williams juicing recipes…and if you run into a brick wall…just message me and I’ll help you…
The 2 videos/documentaries I’m talking about are….”Fork Over Knives” and “Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead“….Now so far….I’ve only seen the trailers on youtube….but I’m told these videos are on Netflix …but I don’t know ‘anything’ about netflix…I don’t know if that’s an online thing….or if it still comes in the mail or what….but these videos ARE on YouTube for FREE…if you want to set in front of your computer for an hour and half and watch each one……I wanted the DVD’s so I could share them with others if I wanted to …and especially…so Billy and I could set and watch them together….I don’t like spending any more time in front of this old computer than I have to…..
Forks Over Knives tells all about the health benefits or eating mostly raw foods….and about the health hazards of eating too much meat and dairy and other things like white bread and others…..
Fat, Sick And Nearly Dead…follows the journey of a man from Australia when he came to the U.S. to try to find a cure for his auto immune disease…and he found that his healing wasn’t going to come from conventional medicine…but from juicing….
Now if these videos don’t convince some of you who have made fun of carrots and other food remedies…I give up….I was told by one of my own sisters….that if carrots were as healing as I say….no one would be able to find a carrot anywhere in the world….they’d all be bought up……but that isn’t true at all…carrots ARE extremely healing….but the majority of folks just don’t KNOW that and wouldn’t know what to DO with one…if they had a terminal illness and you brought them a bushel basket of carrots………..Just look how long I’ve been studying this stuff…and I only learned in the last couple of days about these 2 absolutely mind boggling….documentaries….
I’m not going to fight the natural healing battle this morning….but if YOU have a serious illness…I sure wouldn’t let any grass grow under my feet before I got to the bottom of whether juicing could help me or not…..One things for doggone sure….it isn’t going to HURT you…..
But most people just don’t want to admit it…because they want to do what ‘they call’ eat healthy….a small steak…a small bowl of ice cream……And that would probably be ok to indulge a little a few times a week….if you did the juicing first…and got your body in fighting shape…..
Kim had a crazy day yesterday….so I don’t have the video links here….but just go to youtube…and look for “Forks Over Knives” and “Fat, Sick And Nearly Dead” and see what YOU think…or order them from amazon for pennies like I did…We’ll be watching “Fat, Sick And Nearly Dead” today…and I absolutely can’t wait…..
Still haven’t heard from Rochester…..And I’m worried….Now you have to understand….I’m not your run of the mill blogger…..I think of ALL of you guys as friends…even though I’ve never met even a fraction of you…and Rochester was the first to read every single morning…I mean they were set on dead ready when I’d hit post…and they were so ‘on the money’ every single day…that I began to feel a connection to Rochester…….and that reader has been missing now for over 2 weeks….and I’m worried that something has happened to them…..I AM A WORRY WART TO THE BONE….So Rochester…if you’re out there…or others in Rochester…if you know about the reader who was reading first thing each morning no matter what time I posted…please let me know…WHO sent you ‘other’ Rochester readers to this blog…let’s backtrack here…like on crime tv…and see if we can’t find…Rochester reader #1…and make sure they’re ok…..OK?………Kim has always said I can take one little sentence with just 4 or 5 words and make a whole big story around it….and my real fear is that something has happened to this reader….I know readers come and go….I’m not crazy….But you don’t understand … like “I” do…just how faithful Rochester reader #1 was…….So let’s all be in sincere prayer for that particular reader….because Rochester reader #1 is missing…and I’m worried….
Be sure and watch those videos today if you can….You won’t be sorry…In fact…I think you’ll be SO glad you found them and watched them….You may not turn into an instant ‘convert’…but it may help you some….
Day lillies and Sweet Annie and Clems herb…everything else is coming up…I need to get my seed ordered….and I order from American Meadows…by the pound…..www.americanmeadows.com I think it is…..
Change your clocks back tonight…and Lord willing…we’ll meet right back here…first thing in the morning…
Let’s practice some random acts of goofiness today….how bout it?
This has been a birdseye view from Round Knob Canyon and the world of the katydid…until next time…you are loved…..
Clocks back… I think it is spring forward. People may need to know. Lol
I meant….back to the other time……geeeeeeeeezzzzzzzz I KNOW….Spring FORWARD….hahaha Mine are half done….FORWARD…. 🙂