The “Psychology of Happiness” – that’s a big deep subject, isn’t it? What is the ‘psychology of happiness‘?
To break all that down – Psychology is said to be the study of mind or mental states and processes in a scientific way.
What is happiness? My dictionary says happiness is ‘a condition of supreme wellbeing. A feeling of blessedness almost beyond measure. A feeling of gladness and joy.
So I’m thinking the “Psychology of Happiness” would be the scientific study of our thinking process in regards to how we feel about our lives in general. We can’t do much about yesterday and before that – but what about today and beyond today?
How happy do we feel we are today on a scale of 1 to 10? That can be determined in different ways and for many reasons.
I’m basically a very happy, giggly person. But if you need me and need me to be serious and act my age, I can be there in zero minus 60 seconds. Right now there are issues in our lives personally, that have us a little burdened down. Now this is not issues between the Geezer and I – but just a few things we’re worrying about together as a strong team of 2. But in spite of that fact, I STILL plan to do all I can do to make this a great day today … because while we can worry and pray about these issues – they are not ours to control or change.
Many say happiness is not a destination, it’s a way of life – and I believe that. How about you? We just have to learn to live with an attitude of gratitude and realize that ‘if we’re not happy with and grateful for – what we have now, we’re probably not going to be happy with or grateful for ‘more’.
We all carry our own burdens. We all have our own needs! But really – at the end of each day – all any of us really need is to know that we’re truly loved and needed. Don’t you agree?
Nothing we can ever teach our children is more important than the love we can give them. Nothing we can ever give our spouses or significant others, is more important than knowing they feel our love and devotion.
It really is true that so many of us are so busy making a living that we forget to take the time to make a life. Now how does that make any sense? What or who are we making that living FOR? We do what we do to make a living, so we can do more for those we love the most, right? When in all reality, the most important thing we can give those we love the most, is our love and our time.
Geezer and I will be hauling several truck loads of dirt today and I’m just almost as excited about that as I would be about a day trip to where ever BECAUSE we are going to have some quality time together. We will be working towards and dreaming and talking about our coming flower and vegetable gardens. And I won’t be ‘watching’ him shovel dirt out of that truck. For every shovel full HE throws out … I will also throw one out.
He already has so much ground tilled, you’d think we’re putting in gardens for all of Massac County. But he loves to work! I could almost say he LIVES to work! He loves to accomplish something each and every day and he says “If my name’s going on a project – I want to know it’s done right.” I feel the same way – that’s why I don’t make a good follower. If I’m going to be in on something I want to know it’s going to be done right. We ‘half do nothing’ on purpose in Round Knob Canyon. We give all of our projects – all we’ve got!
We should all do that really. How many of us are promised a ‘tomorrow’? What if today is our last day? Do we already have plans to make today one of the best days we’ve ever had? I don’t know about you – but I don’t need anything extra to have a ‘best day’. I just need to know our family is all safe and healthy and I LOVE spending time with this old geezer. I don’t care if we’re changing the oil on the car together or hauling truck loads of dirt or if we’re spending the day at Disney World. The important thing to me is that we are doing something together.
How about YOU today? What’s on for you besides work on this priceless day? Is there any way you can make that work enjoyable? Could you possibly come up with a plan to make tonight special for that special someone in your life or for your kids – if you still have kids at home? It could be as simple as a pallet picnic in front of the television or a walk around the block or through the woods.
Line your kids up on the couch and have a “Family Council Meeting” and ask questions. Ask them “What was your favorite thing about last week?” “On a scale of 1 to 10 – how would each of you rate our family closeness?” “Would each of you like to plan a supper menu for this week?” “What is one thing you’d like us to do as a family during April?”
You can do those same things with just your spouse or significant other. We used to have weekly Family Counsel Meetings with our kids and those meetings were amazing times of sharing and laughing.
BE THE CHANGE you want to see in your relationships today!
If you’d like to immerse yourself in more happiness, motivation and encouragement, you’ll enjoy the Encouragers Club! If you’re new to Love, Home and Health, the “New? Start Here!” page is a great place to start!
Some great ideas there. I know working together on something keeps me and my “Geezer” going. We are the unusual couple in our area, having been married for 45 years, which rarely seems to happen anymore. But doing things together works. Now, I am NOT riding a motorcycle. I have to draw the line somewhere!
Kim Smith recently posted…Revisit: The Draped Hypertufa Planter
This really made me think as I was reading this! Thanks for sharing on Monday Madness link party 🙂
Sharon Rowe recently posted…The Connection Between Depression And Soil
This is my favorite type articles to write. I LOVE writing in a way that makes people sit up and take notice. Some things that we make SO SO complicated…are really SO SO simple … 🙂