Types of Strokes
About 87 % of all strokes are the Thrombotic stroke.
SO the most common stroke happens when your blood supply to your brain is cut off and the brain can’t get the oxygen and nutrients it needs. When this happens brain cells begin dying within minutes.
Stroke Prevention
fish oil
Welch’s Grape Juice
You know we see ads all the time telling us we’ll be healthier if we have ‘just a little wine a day’?
Well wine is made from GRAPES and the active ingredient in GRAPES is Resveratrol and THAT is what makes the wine good for the heart!
Just 12oz of grape juice a day has huge benefits!
And you can drink that in 3 glasses spread over the course of the day of about 4 ounces each.
Resveratrol has been shown through many studies to prevent heart disease and certain cancers and it reduces the risk of blood clots, helps maintain a healthy blood pressure, reduces bad cholesterol and relaxes the blood vessels.
A group of 15 patients who already showed signs of cardiovascular disease, including plaque constricted arteries, were asked to drink a tall glass of grape juice daily for 14 days.
After just 14 days – blood tests revealed that LDL oxidation in these patients was significantly reduced.
An ultrasound on each one showed changes in their artery walls indicating their blood was flowing more freely.