Natural Cures Home Remedies For Tummy and Liver Problems
It’s very common for someone to call or message me on facebook and they’ve just come from the doctor where they were told they have either a sluggish, congested or fatty liver and they’re in a panic.
LISTEN folks – MOST of us have a liver that isn’t what it really needs to be – if we want to stay healthy and very active. Those liver and digestion problems come about – because of our diet and lifestyle. YES they DO!!!
If you have tummy and/or liver problems – whether that liver is sluggish or fatty or congested – you really can turn that around pretty fast. The liver is the easiest organ you have – to rejuvenate and make it healthy again. I’ve even helped people turn around Cirrhosis of the liver with Liver Smart Milk Thistle. Two of those men had only been given a couple months to live. But they stuck to the program I gave them and they stuck to it – to the letter. SO DO NOT PANIC – you simply need a good probiotic and a good Milk Thistle daily.
Every single food or drink that you take into your body – is filtered through the liver. That’s just one of the reason’s it’s so important to eat at lead – kind of healthy. You can’t have a healthy body without a healthy liver.
SO just eat a little healthier – and get on a good probiotic and a good Milk Thistle. If you’ll just do that little bit – your numbers will be on the mark at your next physical.

Milk Thistle
A good probiotic that we like is Nature’s Sunshine Probiotic 11 and we love the Liver Smart Milk Thistle
– both are just out of this world and will give you quick and dramatic results. Just get in the habit of taking those daily.
Would you like to check out more of Grandma’s cures? Check out the rest of Grandma’s cliff notes for every day ills.
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