Natural Cures and Home Remedies For Migraines
If you have a lot of headaches it could simply be that you’re dehydrated or just need to drink more water. Migraines are usually not as complicated as doctors try to make them out to BE. There’s a REASON your body is reacting so violently and it’s usually your diet or something your diet is lacking.

Flax Seeds
Flax Oil is SO GOOD – to stop migraines. Kim was able to cure herself of migraines over 15 years ago – with Flax Oil. It comes in a liquid and capsule form – but those capsules are HORSE pills … so we usually take the liquid and just put a tsp of it in 1/2 cup of low fat cottage cheese daily.
We highly recommend the Barlean’s brand of Flax Oil – it just can’t be beat. But you need to keep it in your fridge. Flax Oil is loaded with Omega 3’s AND 6’s and is just a very complete and healing ‘food.’
Magnesium, Calcium and Zinc Supplements are also good for migraines – to knock them out and then if you take it regularly and add the flax oil- you should be pretty much headache free from here on out 🙂 And again – we like the Finest brand of Mag/Cal/Zinc. It’s good to take those 3 in one supplement because they all work together for better absorption.
Lemon Water To the Rescue – It’s Just CRAZY Good For You!

Lemon Water To the Rescue
At the top of her list – one of grandma’s old time home remedies would be lemon water. EVERYONE should start the day or at least before noon – with a glass of water with the juice of a fresh lemon in it and 2 pinches of Celtic Sea Salt. We are all rushed and stressed and our adrenals are EXHAUSTED – oh UGH!!! 🙂
This simple little drink will jump start your adrenals in 3 days. You will feel a lift in energy. Brain fog will diminish greatly and you will just be able to stay focused better.
I feel terrific on the days I take the time for my lemon water with Celtic Sea Salt and I’m 70 yrs old and could work circles around most folks half my age – and do.
Do you have another ailment that needs a cure? Check out the rest of Grandma’s cliff notes for every day ills.
Grandma’s Old Home Remedies That Work!
Turmeric – Curcumin: Is It A Natural Cure?See What Lemon Water Can Do For YouKnowing Your Blood Clotting Factor