Most of us are just literally killing ourselves with our forks.
We’re eating all the wrong things in all the wrong amounts at all the wrong times. But HEY – we know that and tomorrow for sure, we are going to make some huge changes in our health and cut out the majority of the junk food and start eating a lot of raw fruits and veggies and maybe start juicing and for sure we’re going to cut out all processed foods in our diets.
And yes, we know that means soft drinks and homemade bread. But HEY, it’s our health we’re talking about here and “we can do this!”
But we get up tomorrow and we hadn’t slept well and we’re really tired and feeling kind of grumpy from the get go, so we tell ourselves, “You know “Self” – I had a bad night last night and I don’t feel up to par today and this just isn’t a good time to start a new ‘get healthy’ program, so let’s put that off to tomorrow!
Oh yes – Tomorrow will be MUCH better! We’ll do it for sure, tomorrow.
But we get up tomorrow and we don’t feel that great and we go through the same old vicious cycle we went through the morning before and by doing that ‘our tomorrow with that fresh new start never comes’ and one of these days we find ourselves running out of tomorrow’s and why is that???
Because we are lazy when it comes to diet and getting healthier and now we’re rolling downhill at a rapid speed and we just don’t have it in us to turn it around right now. And do you know what? I’m just as doggone guilty of all of this as the rest of you.
We usually start our day pretty good with fruit and nuts or juicing and we normally skip lunch because we’re so swamped, so we may have another juice or nuts and a piece of cheese about 1pm and that’s all pretty good, actually – compared to the eggs and bacon and donuts and this and that most other folks are having.
But then we end our day with a good old fashioned home cooked meal and that’s often something fried and topped with homemade bread and gravy and ladened with ACID. Which brings me to PH Balance and that’s the rascal that really takes us down when all is said and done and the votes are in.
So let’s talk about a fresh new start and getting healthy. To be healthy, we have to have a good PH balance in our body. And a PH balance is the most crucial balance system in the whole body. P stands for potential and H for hydrogen. And PH is the amount of hydrogen in a particular solution. The more ions – the more acidic you are and the fewer ions the more alkaline. PH is measured on a scale of 0-14 and zero is more acidic and 14 is way too alkaline. Neither end is good, we want to be in the middle.
A PH that is too acidic or too alkaline is very corrosive to the system. So that tells you right there how crucial it is to have a good PH balance. And the best PH balance is 7.4. But even much change one way or the other can be very bad. It’s a constant battle to keep our PH balance in good standing. But it is so very crucial. And after all – we’re not supposed to be living to eat – we’re supposed to be eating to LIVE…
Acid is produced by the foods we eat and can also be produced by stress – oh dear meeee :-/ Our diet needs to be 75% alkaline producing foods but the standard American diet is actually more like 80% acid forming foods. ALL processed foods are extremely acidic. Even soft drinks and coffee, KIM 🙁
Some acidic foods are:
soft drinks
It’s pretty much just like this as far as your diet goes … if it’s good … spit it out because if it’s really good … it’s acidic
Some alkaline foods are:
raw veggies
bean sprouts
bean sprouts
Now the list for both of these categories – acidic and alkaline – are very long. I’m just giving you a few examples here.
The crazy things IS – or one of them – is that most nuts are acidic – but munching on almonds during the day will make your body more alkaline and help to balance out the acid. AND those walnuts we’re supposed to munch on for our arteries – they’re ACIDIC. FOR THE LOVE OF PETE – it’s a never ending battle to know what’s good and bad, isn’t it?
When I first started studying PH balance … and that was about 12 or more years ago … I got the little package of PH strips at the Golden Carrot … and most places those little strips cost about $7 to $10 and I went around checking the PH balance of everybody that would open their mouth in front of me.
You just tear off a little strip from the roll about 1-2 inches long … draw some saliva up in your mouth and touch the tip of that strip to the saliva.
It will start out bright yellow .. the whole PH strip roll will and within seconds of touching that saliva … it will start to change colors if you’re lucky.
And the darker it gets, the better off you are, but you only want that color changing to about a 7 on the chart that comes with it.
I highly recommend that everybody get those strips and test their saliva.
Don’t eat or drink anything for one hour before you do your test – and then SEE where you are and go from there.

Building Your Health Library – My Favorite Health Books and Videos – A growing list of the Katydid’s favorite health books and DVDs!
It really is true – we are what we surround ourselves with – and we ARE what we eat. And most of us are committing slow suicide with our forks … absolutely.
Peace and Love – I love you all GOBS and thanks so much for reading!
More Grandma’s Home Remedies!