I went to work at the Golden Carrot in 1999 just to study for one year under Delores and Jesse Marler because I had been studying natural healing just on my own since 1977 and had a passion for it and they are licensed Naturopathic Doctors. They don’t advertise’ that they are naturopathic doctors because the medical field looks down on that type of thing and they have lived in fear for decades that they would be shut down.
The medical field looks down on healing the body naturally beCAUSE if a person finds they can heal their bodies by doing a simple diet change for pennies and possibly juicing and adding some exercise and deep breathing, why would they go to a doctor and spend thousands. And then how would the doctors pay for their big homes and fancy cars and pools and such?
People can say all they want to say about healing the body naturally – but when you’ve seen it happen in miraculous case after miraculous case, and especially if you’re as strong willed as “I” am about needing ‘proof’ – you believe what you ‘see’ and NOT what you ‘hear’.
My first day at Golden Carrot, I had 3 customers right after the store opened. And they were all in the store to buy books, videos, and just different things pertaining to the Hallelujah Acres program. I liked the name right off the bat, HALLELUJAH ACRES. Being the daughter of an old time fire and brimstone preacher – it sounded like it would be right down my alley, but I had never heard of it. They all 3 explained to me how the program works and the miracles it had brought about it their own lives and the lives of family members.
So that day, on my first day of work I SPENT $80 and Delores had given me a huge discount for buying so much and I took home all the books and videos pertaining to the Hallelujah Acres program.
I spent late nights devouring the books and Billy watched the videos with me. It sounded too good to be true – people healing their bodies of terminal cancer, of heart disease and arthritis, fibromyalgia, and more – with simple things like carrot/spinach juice. WHAT?????
WE have been taught if we have cancer – we have to have Chemo and or radiation! And in spite of dealing with the cancer, we then are supposed to deal with the effects of toxins the doctors are voluntarily putting into our bodies. Why didn’t someone tell us about carrots and spinach. They’re much healthier – much more healing if taken into the body in the right way and SO CHEAP!!! AHHH – could THAT BE IT? No one is making much money off of carrots and spinach and other simple foods?
Billy and I watched the videos and I read and studied the books, highlighting and making notes in the margins as I went along and I told Billy I’d like us to go on the program for a month and see what happened. He agreed we could do it – he wasn’t elated – but he knew how much this meant to me – and he was willing to help in this small way. So we were off on our miraculous healing journey.
I took out all the sugar, salt, white flour from our diet. The meat (that was the hardest part) and we lived on raw foods. We juiced the veggies like the book said (we already had a juicer and had had it for years. We snacked on seeds, nuts, and a little fruit. It was fun at first – kind of like living in a nice cave. 🙂 Aaaaahhh life in Round Knob Canyon – caveman style!!!
Within days we noticed more energy, much clearer thinking, and then I realized I was leaving the house without my glasses all the time – which I wear when I’m driving. I’d be almost to town and realize I could see so clearly and I had forgotten my glasses. Even ‘I’ was amazed. I had worn those glasses for distance since I was a teenager.
But then after about 3 weeks, Billy said – “You know – we can both clearly see this is a good thing – but we’re not battling any diseases or health issues and I’d really like to have my steak and ice cream back.” So after 3 weeks we went back to our regular diet – the SAD diet, which stands for Standard American Diet.
THIS is my all time – favorite book on healing our own bodies naturally. It’s such a simple book to read and understand and worth it’s weight in gold. I can’t even tell you how many of these books I’ve bought – just to give away …

Absolutely – my favorite and most informative book on health and healing the body naturally. It’s a MUST HAVE for every home!
We immediately and I mean the first day – noticed a slump in our energy. My eyes got blurry within a couple of days again. We just went back to feeling the way most people feel every day – hyper but tired – foggy thinking – back to needing our glasses for distance, etc. So I was sold on the program 100% and began teaching others about it at Golden Carrot. I was a missionary on a healing mission. And even with Delores and Jesse both there – folks could call the store – and ask for ME – because of my enthusiasm about this miraculous healing program.
Jesse didn’t mind it – but Delores wasn’t really thrilled with my new found fame in their store. She chewed me out good one morning because she said “WE ARE HERE TO SELL SUPPLEMENTS!!! We can’t keep this storm OPEN – selling CARROTS” LoL – But I felt I was following a calling and I was doing what I believed in and knew would work and I wasn’t there to get rich!
When I first started at G. Carrot – Delores would have me guess the ages of some of her oldest customers. And they all looked so good, I’d guess 65 or 70 or even younger and they always turned out to be 80 or 85 and some beyond that. I called them my ‘cartoon people’ because they all had the rosiest cheeks and were so alert – but they were all on this carrot juicing program.
One lady, when I guessed her at about 68-70 – turned out to be 86 and proceeded to lay down in the floor right in front of the register and do the ‘bicycle’. She was an aerobics instructor at a senior citizens assisted living – and she was EIGHTY SIX!!! But these people juiced carrots like their life depended on it. And they didn’t come in and buy a little bag of carrots they always bought the 25 pound bag. I’d offer to help them get their big bag of carrots to the car – and they’d say “Oh no … I’ve got this!” And they’d be on their perky way.
Because I had studied for years before even going there – Delores immediately put me on the floor to advise and help customers. We would even often take them into the office for private consultations if they had serious health issues and even work with them and follow up, etc.
One day I answered the phone and it was a baptist preacher from Wingo, Ky. He said he had suffered from acid reflux for 2 years and couldn’t sleep laying down and he had been to several doctors and got no help and he was just hoping we might have something to help him. I told him about the Hallelujah Acres program and what causes reflux, etc and spent about 40 minutes on the phone with him that day. I was so enthusiastic in assuring him he could heal himself within days – he said he’d try whatever I suggested – which was immediate diet change starting right that minute. I told him exactly what to eat and do for the next week and told him I hoped for a favorable report back from him. He said “Well little lady – you’ve sold me and I’m going to the grocery right now – and I’m on your program as of right now.
When I got off the phone, Delores chewed me out royally – and again said she couldn’t keep the store open selling ‘carrots’ and we had supplements that would help that man. But I knew supplements would be a band aid – not a cure – and me and the Lord were in the ‘healing business.” 🙂
But I knew what I told the man was right and I wasn’t budging and wasn’t worried about my job or anything else. I was there to help people and if I didn’t ‘click’ with the ‘boss’ I could go home.
That preacher had called on Friday morning – so on Tuesday – I was working in the back of the store and heard this big booming voice say, “I’m looking for Kay Comer” – I gasped and ran to the front of the store because I thought it was a police officer and something had happened to someone in the family. When I got to the front and said I was Kay – he started for me and said, “Little lady, I drove all the way from Wingo just to give you a hug. I’ve just slept laying down the last 4 nights and that hasn’t happened in 2 years. We talked a bit and he said he’d be sending others in to talk to me.
Our kids have all been raised with this stuff. One day Kim had a girlfriend over and we were having Brussel Sprouts and Heather didn’t ‘like’ brussel sprouts so Kim said, “They prevent breast cancer!” So Heather said, “Ok, I’ll take one!” She took one and ate it – made a face and then said, “Wait – I have 2 breasts – maybe I’d better eat TWO!” 🙂 Kim used to say “Mom – so and so is suffering from ‘so and so’ and I told them to call you.” BUT NOW – Kim has been into this so long – I’ll run into someone in town and they’ll say “I was having a problem with ‘so and so ‘and Kim told me to try “bladdy blah” and it WORKED!” Kim has turned into a walking – talking healing machine – herself and I am so proud of her.
Raw foods are what we need in quantity. Our diets need to be 80% raw and ‘we’ don’t do it that way either. But that’s best for good health.
Raw foods are live foods – cooked foods are dead foods. To prove that – take a carrot out of the frig and plant it in potting soil. After a bit that carrot will sprout if watered lightly. Now take a carrot out of a can – that’s been cooked and plant ‘it’ in potting soil andthat carrot’s going to lay in there and rot and that’s what happens in our tummies. Raw foods have enzymes and help us digest ‘all’ other foods.
Now SEE??? There is no stopping place with this subject. I could talk or write for DAYS!!!
But if you want to be healthy – back off on sugar, salt, white flour, meats. Eat more salads – invest in a juicer and we have a Champion Juicer (about $220 at G. Carrot) and a Breville Juice Fountain (amazon) Take time to be outdoors at least 15 minutes a day – breathe deeply and into the tummy. Most people breathe wrong – they lift their shoulders when they breathe and we need to be breathing deep into our tummies and then breathing out.
You can go to this website and type in almost any ailment and read the testimonials of people that have turned that particular things around – using the Hallelujah Acres program. AND I know for a fact it works – www.hacres.com