I’m doing a 42 day weight loss – get healthy challenge starting later this week and I’m inviting you to join me.
The program I’m going to be trying to follow to the letter for 42 days (6 weeks) IS “Eat To Live” by Joel Fuhrman
. The book is on amazon for $9.25 if you’d like to read the whole book. There is also a Facebook page and website for Eat To Live and also one for Joel Fuhrman so you can find extra tips there off and on.
Why I Chose “Eat To Live”
I went looking for a plan that would bring down my cholesterol, triglycerides, sugar and stop my blood pressure from spiking and this seemed like the simplest and more effective I’ve found by far. I don’t have a lot of time to put into thinking about a diet and the more I have to think about what I’m ‘supposed to eat’ – the more that makes me think about FOOD. SO this will be simple for me and I hope if you’re really needing to get healthy and lose a few pounds – it will sound like a good program for YOU.
While I was studying this book over the weekend – I just felt like the Lord was leading me to invite others to join me and without giving it much thought at all – I just went to my computer and typed the post many of you all found Sunday on my personal facebook page. I mean WHO questions the voice of LORD – right?
I’ve studied Joel Fuhrman for years and absolutely trust his teachings. If you haven’t already – I highly recommend you watch the video “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” – it’s on youtube, Netflix and others or you can order the DVD from amazon – that’s what “I” did. Joel Fuhrman is the doctor on that documentary who follows Joe Cross and others on THEIR get healthy program … which is not even the same as this one. But this one will be much easier to stick to “I” think.
This particular program was designed to fill your body with much needed nutrients – and make you feel better than you’ve felt in years, maybe decades. NO junk food is allowed at all. No dairy, white bread/flour products – no processed foods at all. Simply put – you shop only in the fresh fruit and veggie section of your grocery store. It’s also called the “Beans and Greens Program.”
There are several testimonies in the book that are beyond amazing and inspiring and one said he KNEW he couldn’t stick to this unless he allowed himself one free day a week – so he took a free day a week to have a little meat – cheese – eggs. but still tried to keep even that day very healthy. ANOTHER person in a testimonial said they just had to have a little meat now and then to stick to it – so they had fish a couple times a week but it was baked.
I’ll be doing other blogs this week with more information about the Eat To Live program – so be watching for them – but this is it in quick draft. Those blogs will also share some of the tremendously inspiring testimonies:
It’s all raw or steamed fruits and veggies so don’t expect a turkey sandwich on this list … lol HOWEVER – it is a plant based high protein diet … you’d be amazed at how much protein is in beans, for instance. And it’s a diet targeted to supply plenty of energy to get us through our crazy days.
Breakfast: Fresh fruit – eat 3 if you can but don’t over stuff yourself on any meal.
Lunch: Salad, beans on top or on the side, 1 more fresh fruit.
Supper: Salad and 2 steamed veggies – Make this a big meal. 1 fresh fruit for dessert.
A small handful of nuts or seeds at some point during the day.
Eat 1 cup of cooked beans daily.
It is suggested that you eat one cup of cooked beans a day and that can be all at one meal or spread out over each meal. Beans will keep your sugar level and your cravings away and are considered the healthiest of all foods according to Dr Fuhrman. They must be dry or frozen beans – cooked at home – no canned beans. I made a pot of beans yesterday just to see how they would be without all the bacon grease and they were DELICIOUS! I washed my beans – added 1/2 of a chopped onion, about 3 tbsps of vinegar from our home canned peppers and about 3 tbsps of our jalapeno peppers. I added sea salt and black pepper and a little cayenne (we put cayenne in everything for it’s health benefit). When the beans were almost done, I mashed up about 3/4 cup of the beans and added that back into the pot and stirred it up good and let it cook a little longer. We didn’t even miss the bacon grease … they were YUMMY!!!
Shopping List
Suggested fruits:
Fresh or frozen – no canned
strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, kiwi, apples, oranges, grapefruit, pineapple, melons, lemons, limes, grapes, pears, bananas, mangoes, plums, peaches, and cherries.
Suggested veggies:
Fresh or frozen – no canned
Carrots, celery, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, lettuce and other salad greens, snow peas, sugar snap peas, tomatoes … it’s suggested that you try to eat some of these raw daily in a salad or alone.
Veggies to steam or bake: broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, tomatoes, cabbage, string beans, kale, swiss chard, mustard greens, spinach, brussel sprouts, turnips, zucchini, asparagus, onions and garlic. And about ‘baking’ veggies – let me just tell you – one of our favorite meals is to cut up a lot of different veggies and put them in a long deep baking pan and bake them for about 45 minutes on 400 degrees. Check the veggies after about 25 minutes to see if you need to adjust your time or temp – you want them a little brown – but now over cooked. About 15 minutes before they’re done, I dribble melted butter over them and sprinkle with a little sea salt, black pepper and cayenne. NOW the “Eat to Live” program doesn’t suggest ‘butter’ … but give them a try without it and see just how delicious this simple baked meal can be. We love zucchini, bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, quartered tomatoes, and celery in our baked combo’s. But cut up a LOT because it cooks down so LOW.
Suggested raw nuts and seeds:
It’s suggested that you have a small handful of one of these daily – and you’d be surprised how filling just 4-5 walnut halves will be. They not only satisfy your hunger – they stabelize your sugar for another couple hours.
Walnuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, unhulled sesame seeds, flaxseeds and chia seeds.
These should all be in their natural state. Fisher’s nuts at Walmart has a natural brand and we always buy the Fisher’s Natural Walnut halves … they’re delicious and healthy. We get our almonds at Golden Carrot Health Food Store and you scoop them out of a bucket in the fridge section … about 2 small scoops will cost about $3. Flaxseeds are also at Golden Carrot and they’re tons healthier if you grind them and add them to any food. I grind ours in our coffee bean grinder which I bought years ago for about $12. at Walmart and grinding them takes about 15 seconds.
Condiments: balsamic or apple cider vinegar, lemon juice from a fresh lemon, tomato sauce with no salt added, salsa, homemade with natural ingredients or store bought with no salt added, avocados, old fashioned rolled oats, basil, oregano, dill, parsley, cilantro, chives, rosemary, thyme, ginger, garlic cloves – power, cumin, cajun seasonings, pepper, curry powder, cinnamon, Mrs Dash or REAL Sea Salt.
The Easiest Weight Loss – Get Healthy Plan Out There
This challenge is just as easy as falling off a log. If you’re looking for a way to lose some weight and get healthier – you just won’t find an easier plan.
The thing about diets IS – most of them will work IF we will just do them. But you also want one that will make you stronger on the inside while making your smaller on the outside. THIS one is said to do that.
Lose 1 Pound A Day If You Stick To It
Leaving off the sugar, dairy and white flour products will give you a quick weight loss in itself because all those things cause fluid retention. Dr Fuhrman says that his patients that stick to this plan to the letter – average about a 1 pound weight loss a day.
If you can’t go long without a little meat – add just a bit of baked chicken or fish every couple days – but just a little. Now Dr Fuhrman didn’t say this – “I” did … lol But what use is a program if you can’t stick TO it. HOWEVER – THERE IS NO REASON WHATSOEVER that you should need a TWINKIE!!!
But I don’t see where a little fresh baked chicken or fish would hurt every couple days IF you HAVE to have it.
Be A Healthy Drinker
NOW – what to drink? We’ve become almost addicted to the homemade vitamin water or fruit water. SOME call it infused water or sassy water or spa water. I did a blog on infused water last week. But it’s just pure spring water with sliced oranges, lemons and lime in it and you shake the dickens out of it to add the flavor from the fruits. We drank 2 gallon of this over the weekend – it’s delicious. You can use other fruits as well. I made one with strawberries and blueberries out of our freezer and it was delicious. But we prefer the citrus drink … it’s SO thirst quinching.
This is a 6 week program and I am going to do my best to follow it for 6 weeks and have my blood work checked again.
Most of you know NOW – what your blood profile numbers were at your last physical. What was your cholesterol? Your triglycerides? Your sugar and blood pressure? How much did you weigh? Write all that down … and if you’re going to follow the program – you really need a ‘before’ photo also. If you’re local and need me to take that for you – I’ll be glad to. It won’t be a lengthy photo session – it will be a 5 minute quick shoot … lol For your photo session – you should wear clothing that is fairly ‘fitted’ so you’ll be able to see a big difference at the end of 6 weeks in your photo’s.
Whether We Lose or Not Is up To US!
WE HAVE A CHOICE!!! We can be like most average american’s – overweight and unhealthy? OR we can be our target weight, healthy and full of energy! It’s all up to YOU and ME! No one can do this for us … we have to help ourselves if we’re going to lose weight and get healthy. WE CAN DO THIS!!! I need YOUR support and I want to give you MINE!
Clean Out The Kitchen and Let’s DO THIS!!!
Let me know if you’re still in … and if you are – clean out your frig and cabinets ASAP of the junk food and fill it with the things you’re going to need and let’s get going. I’m starting tomorrow – Wednesday, September 9th – because I have to go get my supplies today. We will be spending SO MUCH LESS on these foods than the way we all normally buy groceries.
My cholesterol runs about 318
My triglycerides about 400
My sugar about 119
My weight is only 123 lbs … but I really want to lose at least 15 pounds.
My blood pressure spikes for no reason – all the way up to 185/130 and sometimes higher … not good at all.
As of this writing – we have had 11 interested so far in this program. I hope and pray no one has backed out after reading the diet plan. Do you think you’re going to find a better plan? Are you looking for one that fits your taste buds a little closer? Your TASTE BUDS are what got you to where you are NOW. Do you think you can lose weight eating a Big Mac or KFC twice a week? We’ve all TRIED cutting back and just eating regular menu’s … that doesn’t WORK for us. People like you and I just need a ‘SIMPLE’ plan.
You are reading this right now because you’ve tried them all. And none of them have worked for you so far. Give THIS ONE a try and let’s help each other stay on track.
Want to Meet or Walk? We can but we don’t have to – it’s up to you! I’ll do any of this with even one or two of you to help YOU be successful.
We can have a kick off meeting and or bi-weekly meetings for this 6 weeks if you want to. OR we can keep in touch right here with private messaging. Keeping in touch will give us all some encouragement and motivation and a chance to ask each other what’s working best and what isn’t for each of us. But we sure don’t have to do that. The locals can form a walking club 3-4 times a week if you want and I’ll walk with you. Just like many ladies go to Zumba – WE could meet at Fort Massac and take a brisk walk a few evenings a week while we look for Bigfoot along the woods as we go. lol I’m open to suggestions if there’s something you think will make you more successful.
If you’re going to do this – I encourage you to invite your friends to join us also if they want to get healthier and lose even a few pounds.
“I” am going to DO this and I hope YOU will join me. I’ll be here for you every single day. You can message me or call me on our home phone … whatever you need. Many of you have our home phone number – but if you don’t have it and want to call me – just message me on fb and I’ll send it to you. Let’s DO IT!!! And HEY – getting YOU all involved was the Lord’s idea – maybe he has a surprise and a plan for all of us that are going to try it…
If you want to private message me and are not already on my fb friends list – you may need to send me a friends request so your message won’t go in my ‘other folder.’ But I’m here for you and will help you how ever I can.
Waiting to hear from all of you … let me know – Let’s do this together …
If you’re new to Love, Home and Health – visit our “New? Start Here!” page! It’s filled with ways to “improve your life today!”
More to See!

Wow you are detailed and focused! I need to do something like that too. I’ve tried low carb and it works but I hate being on a low-carb diet. I think I’ll get inspired to follow your lead. I’ll be looking forward to your updates!
Carolann recently posted…How To Solve The Problem Of Weak Brittle Nails
Remember your goals and take a moment now and then to visualize success. Dig out your list of reasons for losing weight and see yourself achieving them. This helps you both stay motivated, and keep your brain supportive of your weight loss decision.
John recently posted…Crash Diet
Very good points. VERY good! Thanks for reading and I hope you’ll stop back by again soon. kay
you are doing such a great work please this is much needed in Uganda
Thank you William. YOU can help us spread the word by telling YOUR friends that have computers. Write down the website addy and give it away to your friends with computers. It’s http://www.lovehomeandhealth.com That’s love home and health . com Thanks for reading and I hope you read often. Kay