I love good love quotes, don’t you? Sometimes it’s a few simple words put together in a quote or poem that really make us stop and think. We all need to be surrounded by more love and simple affection. I don’t know about your home, but in Round Knob Canyon, love is always in the air.
Now not at all because the old Geezer is an old hopeless romantic still-.at age 69. But absolutely because old Granny GOOSE is just that very thing – at age 68.
It may take two to tango, but it only takes one to spread lots of love.
And if you’re as blessed as I am, and I sure hope to goodness you are – then that love is not only openly accepted, but wanted and even craved.
Now I’m not talking about intimate love encounters here. I’m talking about that feeling you have if you’re the type of person that just loves LOVE!
LOVE Produces MORE Love
You love people, you love helping them, you love animals, you love working, you love resting, you love walking, you love trees and sticks and rocks with pretty designs. You love listening to crickets and frogs croak and watching lightning bugs go twinkle in the night air. You just love EVERYTHING and pretty much – everyBODY. You look at trees and bees and butterflies with an intense wonder. And you think to yourself – “Well GOODNESS GRACIOUS!!! the BEAUTY of a simple TREE!
Love is also that feeling that you have towards that special someone that just absolutely cannot be described. It goes so far beyond anything that we could explain – there’s just no need in even trying. They may aggravate the daylights out of you on occasion, but you’d still take a bullet for them in a heartbeat.
Is It The Spring Fever ?
Maybe it’s the Spring Fever settin’ in – but we’re getting lots of requests to talk more about love and relationships. I’m told by some of you that just reading about the importance of love and my feelings towards love – has made some of you even have better relationships. BECAUSE – you say – you just don’t take the time to stop and think about your own relationship and reading my ideas and the things “I” do – really helps YOU.
Well that’s just FANTABULOUS!!! You make my day when you send messages like that.
But GOODNESS!!! TAKE TIME TO STOP AND THINK about your own relationship. Don’t wait on ME to tell you something!!! I get too busy to look up TOO.
After just reading almost that very thing in 2 emails yesterday, I got to thinking. “You know – we should ALL set aside even just 5 minutes a day, even if we have to set a timer – and just THINK ABOUT our own personal relationship with the love of our lives.”
Do you ever let yourself stop and think about what your life would be like if you lost that person you love so much?
Well if not – you need to take time to DO that. AND THEN – you need to go find your special love in the garage or their recliner or the kitchen or where ever YOUR special someone is and just say “Come on! We’re going to go sit on the porch for a bit and just take a little break together”
STOP – In The Name of LOVE
Ok…let’s get to today’s ‘favorite love quotes’
Kim tells me if I ever write a book on love and relationships, I’ll have to sell a little red wagon WITH it to pull the book in because it would be so thick and heavy.
AND I LOVE HELPING OTHERS build better relationships!
Quotes about Love
Absence diminishes a little passion but increases a great one. Just like a wind will extinguish a candle but fan a big fire! Henry David Thoreau
This is so true! I already knew I loved Geezer and I knew he loved me – when he was drafted in 1965. But the day he left – I realized just how DEEPLY I loved him. Because I couldn’t even IMAGINE going the next few days without seeing him -much LESS 8 weeks through boot camp and then longer at times after that. WHAT a HORRIFIC 2 years that was. But goodness it made our love grow so deep it has weathered the ages of time and is still going strong. How absolutely priceless!
I cried so loud and so hard the day Geezer left for the army, that the man that owned the gas station across the street from our home heard me and came running over to our house because he thought someone had died. TRUE STORY!!!
There is no remedy for love but to just love more! Henry David Thoreau
That old Henry was a pretty gooshie old geezer, wasn’t he?
If you want to be loved then love and be loveable!
Ben Franklin
And that’s so true. So many people want it all coming their way. But they don’t want to give OR even give back.
BE THE FIRST TO LOVE or say I Love You!
Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired!
Robert Frost
To all the old geezers out there and geezerettes and baby boomers. Do you remember when your special someone would walk into sight and how your knees would get weak and your little heart would go pitter pat and you’d get butterflies in your tummy?
It does take ‘work’ after decades BECAUSE you start to take the other person for granted. You feel they will always BE there so there will be time for a special date -LATER. But one of these days there will be no more later. TAKE TIME NOW!!! You can keep that connection with the love of your life forever after if you want it and who wouldn’t want that?
No amount of time with you could ever be enough but let’s start with forever! (Edward Cullen)
Well there you have it. We’ve started this weekend off talking about love. Let’s all put a little love in the air right where we are today! Spread a little sunshine!
We are here to spread peace and love and laughter and even hope – all the way around the world – one person – one day at a time.
Peace and love from the canyon. I love you all gobs and thanks so much, for stopping by
Visit our Love, Home and Health Amazon Store for our Favorite Love and Relationship Books!