Step Counter Walking with my Favorite Digital Step Counter
I’ve been a big fan of step counter walking since the “10,000 steps craze” hit years ago… I’ve tried a lot of pedometers and step counters – You could almost say I collect ‘step counters’ or pedometers! I have recently discovered the 3D FitBud Step Counter and I will never ever look back. OH how I LOVE my new 3D FitBud Step Counter. I love it so much because it is such a simple digital step counter. There is almost no set up!!! You just push reset, drop it in your pocket and start walking!!!
If you are looking to buy a pedometer for a reasonable price that is simple, counts your steps and doesn’t “accidently reset” in your pocket – I want to highly recommend this one!
and Have it Come Right to Your Door!
3DFitBud Simple Step Counter Walking 3D Pedometer with Lanyard, A420S (Black)
I guess I’ve tried all of the inexpensive pedometers. As you know – I’m a penny pincher and I’m not about to spend $125 on the FitBit or others similar.
I don’t need a step counter to call 911 for me if I’ve walked too far and can’t get back home and need a ride.
I don’t need one that will call Aunt Phyllis and tell her I’m going to be late bringing her supper – because I’m out walking.
I don’t need a step counter that’s going to put the laundry in for me or take it out and put it in the dryer.
I just need a simple digital step counter that will count my steps and be accurate and not give my old Geezer a stroke trying to set the thing UP for me. THERE IS NO SET UP TO THE 3D FitBud Step Counter. You just hold the reset button on the back for 15 seconds – drop it in your pocket – and start walking!!!
Life With The 3D FitBud Digital Step Counter
With the FitBud – life just couldn’t be more simple. You order it from amazon here – after reading the reviews 🙂 and then the UPS man pulls up in front of your house and gives you your FitBud.
You smile – he smiles – you say “Thank You” –
you bring it inside – cut the package open with some good sharp scissors –
hit the reset button and hold for 15 seconds and drop it in your pocket and just start walking.
It’s THAT simple!!!
It is without a doubt – the most accurate step counter I have ever owned. You can hold it in your hand and stomp your foot and it counts that step.
I’ll take care of watching my diet on my own – I don’t need a step counter that will count calories for me. I’ve been counting calories for 70 years and I could write a book on it.
And I try to stay awake and alert when I’m walking – so I’m going to KNOW if my heart rate gets too high. I don’t need to know how many miles I’m walking in a day – because I’m walking around HOME – so no map or miles logged – needed for this old girl. I’m just wanting to walk off the blubber.
The 3D FitBud Is the Best Pocket Step Counter, Pedometer or Digital Step Counter I’ve
The 3D FitBud Step Counter is just about as easy as easy gets and is without a doubt – the best digital step counter I’ve used! You just – OPEN – HOLD RESET 15 SECONDS – DROP IN POCKET and START WALKING!!!
I’ve had mine a week now and I’ve found that some days I only walk 3k steps and some days I walk 7k. My goal is to top 10k every single day and then go up from there.
Depending on a person’s stride – there are ‘about’ 2000 steps in a mile.
It’s said that the average adult walks about 5900 steps a day.
I walk at a pretty fast clip and always have – so in walking 5 minutes on our treadmill – and keeping a pace of between 2 1/2 and 3mph – I get in about 700 steps.
and have it delivered right to your doorstep –
You can get free shipping with Amazon Prime!
3DFitBud Simple Step Counter Walking 3D Pedometer with Lanyard, A420S (Black)2032 Battery (CR2032/ DL2032/ E-CR2032/ SB-T51/ LF1/ 2V) Lithium 3v (1 Pack of 5)
Sport2People Reflective Running Gear – Waist Fanny Pack with USB Rechargeable LED Light for Best Visibility and Safety – iPhone 6 Plus Workout Belt
Leslie Sansone: Walk Away the Pounds Ultimate CollectionBSeen (TM), LED Slap Band, Glow bracelet, armband Glow in the dark (yellow/green)
Leslie Sansone: Walk Away the Pounds – For Your Week
I’m a person that’s very easily bored because I’m so hyper – so we have a small television installed right in front of our treadmill.
But even with that – sometimes I’m so rushed I just don’t feel I have the time to walk 30 minutes straight – SO I’ll often walk for 5 minutes at 3mph and stop and do another 5 minutes when I feel I have it to spare on into the day.
Doing that – it’s easy to get in your 30 minutes and not even miss the time you’ve just spent. It doesn’t HAVE to BE 30 minutes in a row.
But you do need to be walking at a good clip to get your heart rate up.
Moseying along at a window shopping crawl isn’t going to help you one bit.
You really should go right on over to amazon and get you a FitBud on the way right now.
KNOW how many steps you are walking and how much you need to increase to ‘walk away those pounds.’
Come spring – you’ll be so glad you did!!!
Spring is right around the corner – it’s time to walk off those few pounds we put on during the winter holidays. LET’S WALK!!!
I LOVE – LOVE – LOVE the 3D FitBud – you will too. BUY IT NOW!!! You won’t be sorry – I promise!!!
and have it delivered right to your doorstep –
You can get free shipping with Amazon Prime!
3DFitBud Simple Step Counter Walking 3D Pedometer with Lanyard, A420S (Black)2032 Battery (CR2032/ DL2032/ E-CR2032/ SB-T51/ LF1/ 2V) Lithium 3v (1 Pack of 5)
Sport2People Reflective Running Gear – Waist Fanny Pack with USB Rechargeable LED Light for Best Visibility and Safety – iPhone 6 Plus Workout Belt
Leslie Sansone: Walk Away the Pounds Ultimate CollectionBSeen (TM), LED Slap Band, Glow bracelet, armband Glow in the dark (yellow/green)
Leslie Sansone: Walk Away the Pounds – For Your Week
Be sure to scroll on down for a great “walking speed cheat sheet” to “Pin”!
Thank you so much for stopping by! Until next time … you are loved!
If you enjoyed this article, you might also enjoy Do It Yourself Cardiac Bypass, which details how walking can work to literally create bypasses in your arteries!
Great article. I like the visuals you have and how you break down the distance in steps. I’ve wondered that. Walking is one of the undervalued means of losing weight. Nice read!
Walking is so good for us health wise. My own cardiologist told me once that it actually builds new arteries. I should have added that – lol I DO have that in other blogs about the heart. And I love walking – but stay so swamped – I always feel so rushed. But doing it the way I’m doing now with this FitBud has made it fun AND I’m finally making headway. I’m only about 20 pounds overweight … so this is very doable for me now … Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words. 🙂