I love the story of John Of God: The World’s Most Famous Faith Healer
John of God is said to be the most famous faith healer in all of the world. Born in 1942, the youngest child of 6 siblings. His father was a tailor. They were very poor and the family often had to scrounge to have enough food. John of God was very rebellious as a small child and was kicked out of school in the 2nd grade, never to return. So he never learned to read or write.
Did John Of God Have Psychic Powers?
The very first sign he or anyone else had, that he had psychic powers, came when he was a young boy and he kept telling everyone a horrific storm was coming and there would be great destruction.
No one would listen because no one else knew of any such storm. But that storm came out of nowhere and there was great destruction.
So folks began asking him ‘HOW did you know this storm was coming?”
But he couldn’t tell them, he said he just felt it and saw visions …
At age 16, he felt his body was taken over by the entity of King Solomon and he felt he could heal and began doing just that.
As word of his miraculous healings spread – people began coming out of the woodwork, first from surrounding villages and then from surrounding countries. They now come from all over the world in droves to see him.
His little compound is called Casa and it’s in the small village of Abadiania, Brazil.
It’s a very tiny little village with not even many residents or shops.
But his little compound contains a few buildings where he works his miracles in stages.
He also has a ‘pharmacy’ where he sells his herbs and there is one in particular that he uses the most and I’ll be switched I couldn’t understand what they said on the TV special.
So you or I will have to google and find that later, because I forgot to DO that.
He also has a gift shop where he sells crystals and water that has been blessed by John of God and other things.
Healing: Miracles, Mysteries and John of GodJohn of God: The Brazilian Healer Who’s Touched the Lives of Millions
Miracle Man: John of God
To See John Of God You Must Wear White
Everyone that comes to John Of God – must wear white – even family members that accompany the sick.
John of God says that colors block the spiritual healings. He says that we ALL – whether healthy or ill – have auras around us and those auras are in different colors and color combinations depending on what our illness or problem is.
So when a person steps up – he is able to see the colors around all the white and know what their problem is.
Those accepted for a healing start out by sitting in what he calls one of his 2 ‘current rooms’ and in that room they pray and meditate for hours.
Many have said that just that day of prayer and meditation works wonders.
John of God is very controversial because he has had NO medical training whatsoever. And he ‘heals’ 3 days a week, year round.
Now I’m a HUGE believer myself and I absolutely believe in miracles. But John of God performs surgeries with no sedation and stitches the patients up right there in front of everybody.
Most of the time, those waiting for their own healing are right there to witness the ‘healing’ of others.
John of God says the healings do not come from him but from spiritual entities that take over his body.
His associates say he goes into a trance with each ‘patient’ and treats each patient according to their disability.
On the documentary … where I got all my information, it was said that a session with John of God will cost you about $1,750.
That’s a lot of money for a ‘doctor’ visit and I wonder if that includes the plane fare But do you know what? If and I say IF … he can heal or if God heals through him and you have a terminal or really disabled loved one … that’s chicken feed.
I’d take MANY envelopes with that amount in it and throw them out the window for a miraculous healing on a loved one that worked. Wouldn’t YOU?
John of God speaks only Portuguese, so there’s an interpreter with him at all times.
John of God has been jailed a few times and fined many times because they say he is practicing medicine without a license.
That same thing has happened to Solomon Wickey in Northern Indiana and Teresa Biggins just 15 miles from our canyon.
Healing: Miracles, Mysteries and John of GodJohn of God: The Brazilian Healer Who’s Touched the Lives of Millions
Miracle Man: John of God
There Are Rules If You Want To See John Of God
He has a lot of rules for people that come to see him aside from that all attendees wear white.
You can’t have had any alcohol and a few other things for so many days before you come to him.
You must come prayerfully and full of faith for you healing.
Once there everyone must always walk FORWARD and if you need to go another direction you have to make a big circle or walk backwards, you can’t just turn around and go the other way because he said that blocks good energy. OH my goodness – I am blocking good energy ALL DAY EVERY DAY, because I am ALWAYS turning around and going back because I forgot to do something in a room.
So what do you think? Can John of God perform miracles?
Was Anyone Actually Healed?
The documentary found 5 people from the United States to follow up on their visit. And while they all said they felt totally different when they left there and felt better and more uplifted, none of them actually sounded ‘healed’ to me.
The lady from Washington, DC still had Multiple Sclerosis when she got home and was still in her wheelchair/walker.
The little girl with Aspergers was still throwing tantrums.
The couple from Maine was there because the husband had battled cancer twice and was just trying to get healthier and stronger and he said he felt more ‘uplifted’ – but who wouldn’t after a week of medication in a little village where everyone wore WHITE?
Now I don’t mean that to sound negative or that I don’t have FAITH. What “I” am wondering IS – What would happen if we took 5 days at home and asked everybody to be quiet and sit and meditate and pray with us for hours.
What if we were away from the bad news on the TV for 5 days and what if we ate only healthy meals prepared and drank healthy juices and someone cleaned up FOR us.
What if we were in serene surroundings for 5 days AT HOME just praying and having faith and asking God for a healing?
“I” believe miracles happen for those who believe and it doesn’t matter if you’re in Abadiania, Brazil or Cabbage Patch, Kentucky …
Now you have to know ME! I’m actually a big BIG believer in miracles and the power of prayer.
I have had what I feel were a few miracles in MY life and I’ve written about them and called them my Mustard Seed Miracles. But as much as I’d like to believe there is someone out there that can just ‘see you’ and miraculously heal you – I’m just not so sure. If the 5 people from the United States – while they all came back saying it was worth every penny – they were not healed – not one of the 5!
Can GOD heal? Absolutely … if it is His will that we BE healed.
Does a miraculous healing come thru John of God? I just can’t say. Many who have been there say YES! So who am I to judge?Peace and love from the canyon and thanks so SO much for stopping by. This has been a bird’s eye view of the katydid and until next time – you are loved.
Healing: Miracles, Mysteries and John of GodJohn of God: The Brazilian Healer Who’s Touched the Lives of Millions
Miracle Man: John of God