The Recipe For Help For Reviving Winter Skin
Let’s start with my recipe for Magic Dry Skin Renewal – and you can make that right in your own kitchen for about $3 with items from your local Dollar General store. This stuff is a miracle when it comes to reviving winter skin –
Magic Dry Skin Renewal
(and it all comes from the Dollar General Store)
1 jar Vaseline
1 jar Vitamin E CREAM
1 bottle baby lotion (that flat pink bottle)
Now I mix mine in a paper plate and I use a plastic fork…because it’s going to be messy and that way you can throw your messy utensils away when you’re done.
For a small portion – you just mix 1 tbsp. Vaseline, 3 tbsps Vit E cream, and about 3 tbsps. baby lotion into a paper plate and mash together until mixed thoroughly. Put your lotion in a container and just a small/clean mustard jar or small Glad container will do.
It’s best to use this after a bath or shower because your skin needs to be moist and soft. If you’re just doing it mid day to try it … soak your feet first in a dishpan of very warm to almost hot water for about 5 minutes. Dry your feet and lather on the mixture and cover your feet with heavy socks. Leave on overnight!
YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE your feet the next morning … dry heels and around the toenails and all.
Just this simple trick will miraculously soften your feet – your elbows – around your toenails and fingernails. But you do need to soak those areas thoroughly before using the magic cream. If you soak first – it does work like magic!
Some other things you can do to help soften feet/heels even more … is add any one of the following to a pan of very warm to hot water and soak for about 10 minutes. One cup of apple cider vinegar – OR 1 cup of whole milk – OR 1/2 cup baking soda. Any ONE of these in a pan of hot water – soaking for 10 minutes – will make your feet SO soft.
I’m sitting here now wondering what would happen if we added all THREE of those to a dishpan of very warm to hot water and soaked our feet. WE probably couldn’t even stand UP! 🙂
We’ve probably all heard of milk baths – and we think – WHAT? A MILK BATH? But yup – you will not believe what it will do for your skin to add just a cup or so of milk to bath water or to a dishpan of hot water to soak your feet. You could even do it in the kitchen sink to soak your hands and cuticles. SOFT AS A BABY’S BOTTOM IN 2 MINUTES! 🙂
Apple Cider Vinegar will do the same thing and so will baking soda.
You can also use the magic cream you make above – all over your body. Many of us use it on our faces and you get an instant glow.
One friend said the first time she used it – her husband asked her what she was doing different with her skin.
WHAT??? I’d have to have a bowl of ice cream on top of MY head before GEEZER would notice something like ‘complexion’ and then I think he’d be so zoned in on the ice cream he wouldn’t notice – especially right now on this sugar free diet.
Now I’m not much on makeup – give me a little eyeliner and I think I’m ok to meet the President. But boy I love good skin care and I prefer mine to come from the kitchen and homemade by me. That way I know exactly what’s in it.
If you’d do this cream on your face and then do the egg white mask and let that sit for 10 minutes and wash off with warm water – you’d look 5-10 years younger in that 10 minutes. Don’t believe me? Go try it right now!
Biotin and Vitamin B Complex For Thinning Hair
If your hair is beginning to thin, you can take Biotin and within a month see a big difference in the feel and thickness of your hair! Yup – sure can. I’ve done this before and I’m about to start again this week because GADS my hair is getting thin as I’m aging. AND ALSO I’m so bad about cutting it myself because I’m always so rushed and don’t like to take time to fool with it. I prefer getting my Biotin in the Vitamin B Complex and then adding a biotin supplement.
If you take Biotin to thicken your hair, you’re going to need about 5,000 mcg a day, or even 10,000 mcg a day. You will see a noticeable difference right away, within 2 to 4 weeks. I’ve done this with Vitamin B Complex but that isn’t nearly strong enough if you’re hair is thinning from age or stress. But when you take the Vit B Complex WITH added biotin – WOW!
Do You Have Weak Nails? THIS Will Help TONS

Have You Read:
How to Look 10 Years Younger in a Flash!?
The Biotin and Vitamin B Complex will also harden your nails and make them grow a lot faster. I REALLY need that right now – winter has really wreaked havoc on my old hands.
You can always trust anything you read on Love, Home and Health – but ALWAYS, ALWAYS research anything new you take – ESPECIALLY if you are on prescription meds. I’ve been at this long enough that I ‘know’ what we can take and what we shouldn’t try. We don’t try anything at all that is questionable in any way …
Peace and love from the canyon…I love you all gobs and thanks so much…for stopping by!
Hey kay, Thank you for such an amazing article
I’ve heard that multi vitamin tablets don’t dissolve and accumulate in our digestive tracks. Is that true?
Some really do not dissolve or get absorbed by our systems. That’s why when I talk about supplements and give the pro’s and con’s – I always say which brand we use ourselves.