WHAT IS Fibromyalgia?
What IS Fibromyalgia and how in the world are we supposed to deal with it? Especially if we want to go on to lead happy and productive lives? What are the triggers of Fibromyalgia? What can I do if I have Fibromyalgia – to give myself some relief?
DOCTORS treat “symptoms”! Naturopathic doctors (and I don’t have my degree – wish I did) but “they study” those symptoms and find out WHY a person is having them.
THERE IS A REASON people have migraines – diabetes – arthritis, fibromyalgia and so much more.
AND those people don’t need a pain reliever for their migraine or insulin for their type 2 diabetes – or Prozac, Celexa, or other anti depressants for Fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia is so common these days and that’s sad. Because Fibro can really be very debilitating for many or most that have it. HOWEVER, I have some good news BECAUSE I ABSOLUTELY BELIEVE – most can get their fibro under control to where they can lead a very normal and pretty carefree life – with few problems from what is known as ‘incurable fibromyalgia’
Arthritis in it’s many forms is mainly caused by inflammation in the body and many folks that have been given virtually no hope and strong drugs for their different forms of Arthritis would feel tons better if they’d toss those prescription drugs and work at healing their body naturally – at that cellular level.
You would start that healing journey of treating arthritis – even those who suffer from RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) – by cleaning up your diet – getting on a GOOD anti inflammatory diet and taking a good Fish Oil. And for those who don’t like the huge fish oil caplets – you can get the mini gels on amazon and at Walgreens and that’s the one “I” take just for general health purposes –
Fibromyalgia is thought by those in the naturopathic field – to be caused by the way our pain messages are processed in the brain. And by an abnormality in the central nervous system that increases our sensitivity to pain. It’s also common in people with really stressful lives. And then again – there are people with very stressful lives that don’t have a clue what Fibromyalgia is.
SO it just makes sense to me – that if you want to get your fibro symptoms under control – you treat the central nervous system which has for one reason or the other – gone awry –I don’t know what my friend takes for Fibro – but most people are given anti depressants and do you know WHY? Because doctors DO KNOW fibro is connected to the central nervous system – so the easy fix is to sedate to calm the patient down and hopefully he/she won’t notice their symptoms so much.

IF I was diagnosed with Fibro today – I’d immediately get on a good B Complex – and I’d start with Twin Labs brand – about $20 at Golden Carrot – and also available on amazon –
I’d also get on a good Fish Oil – and I take the brand called FINEST from Walgreens – also available on amazon – but it’s small softgels –
I’d also take a good Vitamin D3 – – and NEURO MAG by Life Extension (amazon) – –
I’d also work on the adrenal glands – because when we’re stressed and not feeling well – that alone can work against the adrenal glands – – so that can quickly be remedied by squeezing the juice of one half lemon – in a glass of water – adding a good pinch of CELTIC SEA SALT (amazon) and grocery sea salt won’t work – you need Celtic – but drink that twice a day –
DO all of the above – and on top of that just get on a very simple diet for one week – – very low cards – lots of greens – (salad, etc) back WAY WAY off on sugar – or leave it off altogether – as gluten free as possible (ideas online for gluten free diet – pinterest is a good place to ck on that) and drink lots of water –
If you want to invest in your health – get a Nutra Bullet – 50.00 at Walmart and also amazon – – and make a simple smoothie each morning – – handful of spinach – 1 banana – some berries – blueberries – strawberries – etc (and you can get them in frozen section of any grocery) add to that smoothie – a little skim milk or almond milk – a tsp honey (Rural King has local honey)
You don’t need complicated smoothies that taste like yuck – – this one is delicious and full of nutrients –
These things above ALL work together to make your nervous system healthy again – and to get control of fibro – you must work on the whole body – mind and emotions – –
And you don’t need the anti depressants for fibro – – you need these things above to make your emotional system healthy again ..
Love and Hugs from the Cozy Cabin in the Canyon –