Fat Sick and Nearly Dead Documentary
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead – it’s the documentary that will be life changing IF you really want to change your life. You will find this documentary both very informative and extremely interesting and entertaining. AND it can take you from overweight and very sickly – to the picture of health in almost all instances – IF you will let it.
SO – What IS Fat Sick and Nearly Dead
Joe Cross – a business man from Australia – had some kind of auto immune/inflammatory disease and I can’t remember just now – what it was called but he would break out in hives and then blisters. He said he may have none today – 4 tomorrow and 47 in 2 days and they would be painful and ooze and he had to take Prednizone – supposedly for the rest of his life because OF this disease. SO he decided to come to America and find a way to heal his own body.
Get more of Joe Cross
Here on Amazon!
Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead DVDFat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2
Reboot with Joe: Fully Charged: 7 Keys to Losing Weight, Staying Healthy and Thriving
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead: How Fruits and Vegetables Changed My Life
Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead Amazon Video
The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet Cookbook: Juice, Smoothie, and Plant-based Recipes Inspired by the Hit Documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead
101 Juice Recipes
Juice It to Lose It: Lose Weight and Feel Great in Just 5 Days
101 Smoothie Recipes
Breville BJE200XL Compact Juice Fountain 700-Watt Juice Extractor
Champion 2000 Household Juicer G5-NG853S
If he told how he got ON juicing or heard about it – I don’t remember – but he decided he was going to do nothing but juice for 60 days and be followed by Dr Joel Fuhtman while he did this juicing. He got periodic blood work and other tests to make sure he was doing ok – because Prednizone is dangerous to TAKE – but also dangerous to try to get off of after taking it for a prolonged time. Sounds like a lovely drug, doesn’t it?
Joe and Joel say that 70% of the diseases we have in this country are because of our diet and life choices. And a couple of those bad life choices include smoking, drinking and eating way too much of the wrong foods. I believe that! And I also believe most all of us can turn our health around … if we’ll just follow the lead of Joe Cross and others before him.
It says right in our bibles that God gave us everything we need for our food and our medicine … now who’s going to dispute GOD?
Dr Joel said that 61% of the American diet is processed foods and processed foods don’t have 1/10th of the nutrients of the original foods they’re made of. So we’re eating mega calories and taking in poisons upon poisons each time we EAT those foods – but we’re getting virtually NO health benefit from them. And I believe the ratio was like this – we consume on a daily basis about 60% unhealthy and sugary/floury foods – 30% animal fat – 5% fruits and veggies and 5% grains and nuts.
They say that on the first 3 to 5 days on this program that they call “Rebooting” – that you’re detoxing and you may feel sluggish and not so good. But after that you begin to get clarity and energy and feel better than you have ever felt.
They have started a get healthy movement and we’re invited to join that movement at their website – fat sick and healthy dot com.
Along his journey in traveling and juicing and checking back in with Dr Joel – Joe ran across a truck driver that he took to immediately because the truck driver was 429 pounds and had the same disease Joe had and he had never met anyone with the same disease. He offered to help “Phil” the truck driver and Phil decided to take him up on the offer.
Joe was kind of on the wealthy side – so he put Phil up in a resort where all he had to do was juice and rest and exercise and Phil went from 429 pounds to 368 pounds in 30 days and decided to keep going. By the end of this documentary, Phil didn’t even LOOK like Phil. He had lost over 200 pounds in 60 days and looked absolutely fantastic.
Get more of Joe Cross
Here on Amazon!
Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead DVDFat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2
Reboot with Joe: Fully Charged: 7 Keys to Losing Weight, Staying Healthy and Thriving
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead: How Fruits and Vegetables Changed My Life
Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead Amazon Video
The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet Cookbook: Juice, Smoothie, and Plant-based Recipes Inspired by the Hit Documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead
101 Juice Recipes
Juice It to Lose It: Lose Weight and Feel Great in Just 5 Days
101 Smoothie Recipes
Breville BJE200XL Compact Juice Fountain 700-Watt Juice Extractor
Champion 2000 Household Juicer G5-NG853S
Every time we saw Joe in the documentary whether he was window shopping or driving or whatever – he had a juice in his hand. And you may think of that as a pain in itself – but look how many people walk around 24/7 with a big coca cola or bottle of water.
What shocked ME the most on the documentary was all the huge people that Joe interviewed on sidewalks and in grocery stores and the like – and he’d ask them if they’d like to try the juicing – get healthy program and they’d say it wasn’t for them. Even after he’d let them taste a fresh juice and they said it was delicious.
So then he’d ask – “Well how long do you think you will live – the size you are?” And they would all say things like – “to age 45” or “to about age 50 if I’m lucky.” Nobody said 80 or beyond. AND they said they didn’t care – BECAUSE – their life was all about enjoying one meal after the other. Well for goodness SAKES!!!
I love eating TOO – but if I had to make a list of the 10 most important things in my life – FOOD or EATING wouldn’t even be on the LIST. Probably first on the list would be the health and happiness of us and our kids. My goodness – I can’t imagine a sick or even unhealthy or overweight person – not being willing to do this. There is so much more to life – than a cheese burger! How many cheese burgers have given you a pounding heart and weak knees just because you saw the waitress bringing it to your table. But seeing the love of your life walking towards you will. There are SO many priceless moments to be lived and enjoyed – whether I ever have another cheese burger or not.
Now Joe is done with his program. He lost 92 pounds I think he said and he is off of his Prednisone totally. His disease is gone as long as he keeps juicing. He eats healthy now – but still does lots of juicing. So what has he lost? NOTHING!!! He’s gained YEARS of healthy living, loving and laughing and you just can’t put a price tag on that.
Let’s do this program together!!! We are now the proud owners of a Breville Juice Fountain and that rascal is worth it’s weight in GOLD!!! SO FAST!!! And clean up is just as fast!
You just can’t go wrong by watching this video and taking steps to make your life healthier and better. Let me know how it works for you.
Get more of Joe Cross
Here on Amazon!
Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead DVDFat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2
Reboot with Joe: Fully Charged: 7 Keys to Losing Weight, Staying Healthy and Thriving
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead: How Fruits and Vegetables Changed My Life
Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead Amazon Video
The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet Cookbook: Juice, Smoothie, and Plant-based Recipes Inspired by the Hit Documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead
101 Juice Recipes
Juice It to Lose It: Lose Weight and Feel Great in Just 5 Days
101 Smoothie Recipes
Breville BJE200XL Compact Juice Fountain 700-Watt Juice Extractor
Champion 2000 Household Juicer G5-NG853S
More on Juicing!
what help is available in selecting a good juicer,is there any info.on combinations of fruits and/or vegies to use for juicing……recipes……respond to ED9ball@yahoo.com thanks
I'll send you an email a little later today…but for all others reading….we have a Champion Juicer…which we bought new about 24 years ago..give or take….and gave about $220 for it….it still sells in our area for about that same amount…<br />Billy and I have been doing a juicing experiment for the last 7 days and we are seeing remarkable results already…my psoriasis is already