This is day 2 of our gluten free – or maybe grain free, trip down the weight loss road to good health!
We’re not sure if we’re gluten free, grain free or even if we’re doing this half way right. But we’re 24 hours into our new lifestyle plan and while I’m wanting some homemade yeast rolls and good thick freshly churned butter, I’m loving this new feeling.
Now we may not even make it to 36 hours, we’re not saying we’re perfect for goodness sakes alive. We were raised and have continued to live on homemade biscuits and redeye gravy and fried chicken and homemade ice cream. OH my GOODNESS – Just LOOK at how I’m torturing myself already at 6am on day 2!
All I’m saying is that we have made it 24 hours and that’s almost a record for us :8) and I can actually ‘feel’ the difference in this short time.
Now not in weight loss yet. I haven’t even got on the scale and don’t plan to unless we make it all the way to Monday. But I can already feel some kind of weird lifting in my body. I don’t feel so weighed down, my ears don’t feel plugged from all the milk I normally drink in one day, although just typing that word makes me want to go drink a quart or two. I would have made a delightful baby calf!
This is about the most complicated diet plan we have ever tried. And I think it’s because there are so many different grain free plans out there. AND I have no clue exactly what I’m trying to do for us…so that doesn’t help any.
So I couldn’t decide whether to do the gluten free diet, or the wheat belly diet, or the grain free diet…so I finally decided…”THE BEST AND SIMPLEST PLAN is just to go totally grain free and take it one day at a time.
I’ve studied for years, the writings of Joel Furhman and he has a wonderful diet that should restore most folks to good health in record time. AND he’s the doctor on the video “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead
” He followed Joe Cross
as he did his 60 days of juicing that took the United States by such surprise and turned the health around for so many people weighing in at 300 and 400 plus pounds and helped them restore their bodies to good health.
Dr Furhman says stick mainly to salads and make that your main meal and that we should have a pound of veggies and a pound of fruit a day. WHAT????? I haven’t had a pound of ANY kind of food in one day in my LIFE I don’t THINK!!!! I’m a picky eater…I’ll take a nibble of this and a nibble of that and then wash it down with a quart and a half of milk… 🙂
On this goofy mixed up plan we’re trying that we can’t quite name just yet, we can have carrots and spinach – so we’ll be doing our daily juicing. And we can have tons of salad and raw veggies, I THINK. And we have our own well water and the most delicious ice cold well water you will find in this part of the country…so we’re having that with our meals with crushed ice and freshly squeezed lemon.
And speaking of drinking with our meals. DID YOU KNOW…that if we drink anything at all with our meals…it interferes with our digestion? YUP!!! Sure nuff does! I had a friend when I was very small and her name was Sharon Monzuella (sp?) and we’d have meals at each other’s homes all the time. I’ve thought so many times over the years how cruel her dad was because he wouldn’t let them drink anything at meal time. He said it wasn’t healthy. And I’d think “Well YOU OLD MEAN MAN!!!”
But turns out the old mean man was RIGHT! We really shouldn’t drink anything for 15 to 30 minutes before or after a meal, so go figure. There are just almost too many rules for livin’ … you know it?
Yesterday morning, I fixed the geezer a huge omelet for breakfast…without toast or milk and I just skipped breakfast myself…and we had a really busy day and that held him and me right on through the morning and up to about 3pm when I made the meal that Kim and I were served at the blogger’s conference in Nashville and that was a gluten free meal.
I smoked sirloin strips and chicken breast strips on the grill (after cooking them to done on the stove) and I had put black beans in the crock pot earlier and brown rice…now I know rice is a grain…but it’s on many gluten/grain free meals and right now I have no clue why because I’ve always considered rice as a grain. And we’ll check that out but for now I was just following what we were told in Nashville was a strict gluten free diet menu. And I chopped tomatoes and diced onions and we had a big salad with that and it was absolutely delicious and very filling. In fact, Geezer said “I can’t believe how good this meal is”
AND it was very filling.
Evening came and it was tv snack time and Geezer’s favorite part of the day and I didn’t know what we could have so we had more SUPPER…
Wheat Belly Diet Books
Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health
Wheat Belly: 10-Day Grain Detox: Reprogram Your Body for Rapid Weight Loss and Amazing Health
AND on one of the grain free diets…it said you could have popcorn…and I thought any kind of corn was a grain too…but that one diet said it was ok…so about 9pm…we each had a bowl of popcorn.
Now I have absolutely NO CLUE if we did anything right yesterday. But we had no sugar and no flour…only a couple of grains that some diets said were ‘ok’…and I just feel amazing this morning…brain fog is already lifting a bit…I was dressed by 6am and back to blog work…I’ve already done 2 loads of laundry…and I’m back to talking to YOU 🙂
But now Geezer is up and it’s about time to get busy for day 2. I have absolutely no clue what we’re going to have today. But I’ll get on pinterest and come up with a meal plan for today. Tomorrow we had planned to go to the Mexican Buffet in Paducah right after church… that Evan and Kim go to…but I think instead of that we’re going to just fix something here…and try to stay gluten/grain free for a few more days and see where this takes us.
I’ll keep you posted.
IF YOU are following one of these grain/gluten free diets and having success I’d sure love to hear from you.
Peace and love from the canyon…and I love you all gobs…and thanks so much…for stopping by!
Weight Loss