Healing My Own Contact Dermatitis
About 18 years ago I had just a horrific problem with contact dermatitis – although at the time I didn’t know exactly what the problem was.
My hands were just raw and oozie and itched and would crack and bleed and it would come and go – but be with me way too often. It was SO painful!
I went to 5 dermatologists – each of them giving me a ‘miracle cream’ that would straighten it all up pronto.
None of them did.
After we had spent about $1,000 on doctors that couldn’t heal – it dawned on me that I may be able to go to my books and find a way to heal myself. And I said ‘books’ because I didn’t even KNOW about computers 18 years ago, if they were even around then.
Dr Andrew Weil Had The Contact Dermatitis Answer in His Book
SOOO after a day of deep searching in my books, I found what I thought was my answer in one of my Andrew Weil books, and after the 5 dermatologists and the $1,000 it was looking like I could possibly heal my own hands for about $8. Now the $8 was because I already had the Twin Labs Vitamin B Complex. So all I had to buy was the Brewers yeast tablet and Vit C.
But I have gone on to give that same formula to many people that have had the same results and healed their own hands within a week.
ONE was a man that geezer worked with at the plant. And geezer came home one day and said “So and so at the plant has such bad hands … just like yours were … and I was telling him about you and your formula and he said to write it down for him and he’ll try it ”
I sent the formula back to him the very next day with the geezer and in a week he came to the geezer and said “You’re wife should hang out a shingle” (open an office) “because my hands are healed!”
Another of my ‘patients’ was an elderly lady – probably in her late 70’s – that came through my check out line in Hobby Lobby one day and I noticed she had her hands wrapped in white gauze.
She was with her daughter – who was probably about 55 or so – and I said to them “I don’t mean to be nosy – but I was wondering what’s happened to your hands.” The older lady said “Oh Honey – I’ve got something wrong and I don’t know what it is and the doctors can’t help me either.” She said “That’s why we’re in Paducah today – we came from Herrin – to see a dermatologist – but I really don’t think they know what to do either.”
I said “Do you mind if I close my register and we get in a corner and talk a minute – I think I can help you.” 🙂 She said “Oh Honey – YES – if you think you can help me I’d love to talk to you.”
I closed my register after I checked them out and we went to the side and I had her unwrap one of her hands. And YUP!!! Sure nuff – they looked just like mine. I said “Now the GOOD news is – my hands looked just like that and I healed myself in 5 days. And the BETTER new is – I can heal YOUR hands in 5 days and I’m not selling ANYTHING.” I said “I know exactly what you’re going through – rushing through your shower because of the pain in your hands – and taking forever to get dressed – because your hands are oozy and painful.” She said “OH Honey, YES! That’s my LIFE”
I gave her my formula and wrote it down for her. She said they would get the supplies on the way home and she would start it that day and just not even fill the prescription the dermatologist had just given her for yet another miracle cream. I said “NO don’t put ANYTHING on your hands. No hand lotion – nothing!” She asked if she could have my phone number and address in case she wanted to call me to ask a question and I gave it to her. And in just one week – she called me to thank me because her hands were already healed. She said she just couldn’t believe it.
That sweet lady started writing me and invited me to Herrin to have lunch with her. She was just thrilled and her ability to heal her own hands.
And goodness – I have SO MANY stories – just like that.
Contact Dermatitis Treatment
Now real quick – for contact dermatitis – you need to take Twin Labs Vitamin B Complex twice a day, 5 brewers yeast tablets
once a day, 1,000mg Vitamin C
twice a day.
Drink lots of water
Back off on junk food for the week
Within just a few days you should see dramatic improvement. And on the Vitamin B Complex – always have a bite to eat before you take it. It shouldn’t be taken on an empty tummy.

Have You Read:
How to Look 10 Years Younger in a Flash!?
This was just a miraculous remedy for me. My hands were raw and crusty at the time I started this remedy and within about 5 days they were totally healed.
Within one week – my hands were back to normal and I haven’t had a problem with contact dermatitis since that time – 18 years ago.
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Until Next Time … You Are Loved …
the Katydid