Are YOU Taking Too Many Prescription Meds? There’s a video going through facebook now by the GenSight people and that’s an amazing video and a real eye opener.
Now – I don’t know anything about this GeneSight – and haven’t taken the time to research it just yet – but I plan to – and you all should look it up and watch that 3 minute clip too – –
HOWEVER – I know many and even most of us – are on WAY too many prescription meds and even on prescription meds that are working against us instead of to help us.
I’ve just recently dropped TWO of my prescription meds that I’ve been on for years and years – and I’m feeling better already –
But now I DO NOT advise that for most folks. I kinda know what I’m doing – because I’ve studied health and wellness and even prescription drugs for 41 years….You MUST work with your own doctor in doing that – more on what “I” did and how MY OWN blood work IMPROVED – in tomorrow’s daily journal.
For one thing – prescription meds are prescribed to treat symptoms – and treating a symptom is not a healing – that is a band-aid.
So many people go for their regular checkups – only to be told their kidney function is not what it should be – when the very reason FOR that – is because of one or more or many – of the meds they have been prescribed. MANY PRESCRIPTION MEDS – DESTROY the KIDNEYS
I have a friend who’s quite a bit older than I am – but she’s on one medication to keep her from running to pee pee so often – and then she’s also taking a diuretic – given by the same doctor – WHAT? Let’s stop the diuretic – so she’ll stop running to pee pee so often – and work on her kidney function ‘naturally’ and see if we can’t move on down the road towards a healing of those kidneys. Kidneys can be restored – rejuvenated – if caught early enough.
Billy had run to South Gate the other day to check on grandma – and while there he ran into an old friend. This friend was telling Billy how bad his health was and that it was deteriorating fast and many days he just spent in bed.
Billy said to me “I knew you wouldn’t mind – and Johns not even as old as we are – so I’ve told him he should call and talk to you.”
I said to Billy – “What are his symptoms?” And Billy told me – and I said “OH my goodness – that sounds like Myasthenia Gravis” :-0
The friend called later that day – and I asked his symptoms and he told me – but I didn’t tell him what I was already thinking from what Billy had told me about his symptoms –
But I said “When did you notice these symptoms starting?” And he told me – and I asked what prescription meds he was on and he gave me a list of 5 or 6 – but then on the last one – he said ‘Now that one is new” :-0
I ask him to hold a minute and I looked up that one particular med while he held on – and what to my wondering eyes should appear? But his list of symptoms in ‘serious side effects’ – and his symptoms were pretty serious and not at all the ‘normal side effects’ we hear about.
I shared what I was finding with him and he was shocked – and I suggested he go to the doctor immediately and get off of that one – and then flush flush flush his system and see if he didn’t get better … He said he would and that he’d keep me posted and I’m so anxious to hear back –
Many of maybe even most all of us are told at our physicals that our livers are a little sluggish – or fatty –
Some are told their gallbladders are barely functioning –
That is not an ailment that needs surgery – that is a common liver condition brought on by the SAD diet (standard american diet) and/or – too many prescription meds. A good Milk Thistle will turn around both of those problems in a very short period of time.
I was told my gallbladder was only functioning at 20% in 1998 – and that it may as well come out – But by crackie It was functioning well enough to give me pains to compare to ‘labor pains’ on and off for weeks before I finally went to the doctor.
Now most people would have run home and told their spouse – “Well shoot – I have to have my gallbladder out – they’re going to call me with the date and time.”
“I” came home – called my friend Judy Lindberg McFarland – who is a holistic ‘adviser’ known round the world and has written several books and was on PTL for years talking about healing the body naturally – – and she put me on a good Milk Thistle and I was lined out in days – IN DAYS!!! And me and this old gallbladder have been getting along really good ever since.
And listen about that Milk Thistle – I’ve since – suggested it to 2 people that contacted me with cirrhosis of the liver – and they were both in the final stages and oddly – each had been given only months to live.
They both started the Milk Thistle – and got so well so fast – they each said even their doctors were asking “WHAT in the WORLD did you DO?” But now for them – that would be a life time supplement – but STILL
I don’t take Milk Thistle all the time – but I took it then – to restore my liver and gallbladder – and now I just take it now and then – to keep those 2 things working properly and I’ve not had another problem in – coming up on 20 years … That’s a pretty good track record for an old timey herb quack lady …
I’ve just been working on Geezers and my health over the last very few months – adding green smoothies and snacking on nuts and seeds instead of a half gallon of ice cream – and just doing a couple very simple things – and I just got my call yesterday on my blood work results – and I’ll be talking about that miracle – tomorrow – BEST BLOOD WORK in my adult life .. SO be sure and check back for that tomorrow …
This is a super video – and a real eye opener – and it’s short. I hope you have time to watch it.
Peace and lots of love coming to you – from Round Knob Canyon
I am going to forward your post to my BFF for the last 30 years. Her husband passed away on 4/19. She refuses to take anything that contains chemicals. Am certain she will love your site.
Thank you Carol … tell you friend she can send me a friends request and she can private message me any time 🙂