There are few things I love reading about more than Solomon Wickey and his Advice and Secrets For Natural Healing.
Amish healer Solomon Wickey was so full of advice and secrets for a natural healing in almost all areas – he could have been considered a walking encyclopedia for natural healing secrets.
For years and years, it was my dream to go to Auburn, Indiana and meet Amish healer Solomon Wickey in person.
He never had any formal training and he felt everything he knew and had, came from God.
I’ve sent many people to Solomon over the years and the stories they all related to me later, were amazing.
A Friends Miraculous Healing by Solomon
One friend, whose grandmother was literally on her deathbed and only given 2 weeks to live, just literally put her grandmother in her car in the back seat and drove her from Florida to Northern Indiana for her miraculous healing from Solomon.
She felt she received that healing! Her grandmother had ridden up to Indiana just as sick as could be and my friend had to keep pulling over to see to her on the way up there but she said it was a very pleasant and uneventful ride coming home and her grandmother seemed to recover very quickly.
She even said that healing starting during her visit with Solomon. She said when Solomon learned of her severe nausea he put a few drops of herb on her tongue and the nausea was gone within minutes. Wish I knew what that herb was, but the ladies didn’t ask and Solomon evidently didn’t say.
She said they even did a little shopping on the way home. Her grandmother stayed on the diet Sol put her on and took the herbs she got from him and was out doing her own thing, shopping and acting just like everyone else.
But after 6 months, she felt she was healed and went back to her old ways.
Within 2 weeks of stopping the diet and herbs, she was gone! IF ONLY she had continued with what Sol had told her to do.
God Gave Us All We Need
I believe we were all given bodies by God that will heal themselves.
I believe that He gave us what we need for our food and our medicine in all the plants and herbs and this and that – that He put on this earth.
I believe that with all my heart!
I believe it was when we started doing all the processing that was supposed to make things so much better – that our health started going in the gutter.
I believe growing our own foods and eating as close to natural as possible will make us enormously healthier than we are now … all of us. Processed foods are loaded with poisons. The closer we eat to Cave Man Style – the healthier we’ll be. I truly believe that.
I believe the more processed foods we eat and the more prescription medicines we take … the sicker we’re going to be.

Get Solomon’s Touch: The life and work of Solomon J. Wickey on Amazon!
A Misdiagnosis by a Conventional Doctor
A close friend just told me this week of a mutual friend we have. He’s in his 70’s and had never taken any prescription medicine in his life and only an aspirin on occasion.
He bought himself a pair of new shoes a few months ago and they didn’t fit just as good as he first thought and he started having problems with his feet. He developed a ‘place’ on his foot and it wouldn’t heal.
He went to the doctor and the doctor couldn’t make it heal either. So he ran some little test and determined that he may have this horrific and rare disease that was going to require the removal of at least 2 toes.
So the old smart doctor took off 2 of his toes and ran tests to find why the disease hadn’t responded to the treatment and found to his dismay that there was no ‘disease’ AT ALL but apparently our friend just had an irritation from the rubbing of the new shoes that didn’t fit just quite right.
SO to make the man heal faster … where the toes had been removed – the smart doctor put him on this strong drug.
THAT DRUG destroyed his kidneys and now he is on dialysis 4 hours a day – 3 days a week .
JUST BECAUSE his doctor misdiagnosed him.
Now I don’t know if every detail in this story is totally correct. But this is what my friend told me and I DO KNOW this man had been in the hospital several times lately and has had 2 toes removed and I do know for a fact that he is now on dialysis 4 hours a day … 3 days a week.
AND I DO KNOW for a fact that he had been a very healthy man for at least 71 of his years before this happened and had not taken any prescription drugs…
What a shame he didn’t come to me first and say “Say – I’ve got a problem with my foot and it’s all red and seems like it started right after I bought this new pair of shoes.” “I” wouldn’t have had a horse in the money race – and I believe in trying the simple/natural first, so the first thing I would have said was – “Why don’t you go without those new shoes for a week or so and see what happens” But no a doctors first thought is ‘take drastic action first and rack up those dollars.
Send people for those MRI’s that they get $400 a pop for sending you for and get a cat scan and half a dozen x rays and take 14 drugs.
Each one to counteract the other’s side effects it gave you and come back in 4 weeks if you’re still alive and we’ll go from there.
Unfortunately Solomon lost his own life in August of 2012.
He had been burning brush on their farm and there was some poison ivy and sumac in the brush and he breathed that poisonous smoke into his lungs and was never able to recover. He worked on and off for months and months after the fire – but his lungs were just damaged to the point of no return.
I LOVE studying stories and testimonials of Solomon Wickey. He has his own healing plan and we have that in our stories below. He could look you right in the eyes (iridology) and tell you exactly what your problem was and how to fix it.
Let’s get to know our own bodies and what foods will and won’t do. Let’s learn what tears our bodies down and what will build them up. Let’s live a life of health and wellness and add life to our years.
Peace and Love from Round Knob Canyon …
More on Solomon Wickey
The life and work of Solomon J. Wickey
Here on Amazon!
Solomon’s Touch: The life and work of Solomon J. Wickey