Acid Reflux – Gerd – Heartburn – this is what you need to know. It’s critical that you know how to identify the effects of too much acid – because far too many times – we mistake the signs of a heart attack for acid indigestion – and it’s critical to know the difference between the two. Even doctors can sometimes make mistakes if they’re rushed – so it’s important that you know your own body and are able to identify signs and symptoms and what they really could be pointing to.
We had a friend who was sent home from the ER because they thought he was having acid indigestion and he passed away – minutes later – in the hospital parking lot of a massive heart attack. It makes one wonder – how in the world could that happen?
What Are Some Things That Cause Acid Reflux, Gerd and Heartburn?
Well just a few simple ones that could easily happen to us on any given day – are:
Just eating a large meal and laying down for a nap. Who hasn’t done that on a Sunday after lunch?
Being overweight and especially if you’re very overweight. Letting yourself get to the point of being obese is just asking for trouble in many areas.
Even just bending over after a heavy meal – can force those acids back up into the esophagus.
Having a late meal or snacking too close to bedtime is a real no no. Not only will that put on extra weight quicker – your food is NOT going to digest.
There are certain foods that cause indigestion. It’s different for all – but some of them are – chocolate, tomato products, onions, spicy or fatty foods.
Drinking too many soft drinks, coffee, tea or even alcohol can cause acid indigestion.
Some over the counter drugs like aspirin and even some prescription meds can cause acid indigestion.
If you’re having a problem with acid reflux or gerd – it’s a good idea to keep a food diary to see what you’re eating or drinking just before this happens.
What Are the Symptoms of Acid Reflux Disease?
If you have a burning pain or discomfort that moves from your tummy up into your chest and or throat – you are probably having acid reflux.
And have you ever eaten a big meal and started to get up from the table and you experience a small burp and food or liquid comes up in your throat and mouth? Most of us have had that happen. If that happens – your meal was too big and you need to wake up and start backing away from the table sooner.
Lots of burping, gas or bloating is a sign you’re not digesting your food properly and undigested food causes what class? YUP!!! Indigestion and other problems.
Can Acid Reflux, Gerd and Heartburn Be Treated With Diet and Lifestyle Changes?
Well the good answer to that question is ABSOLUTELY!!! One of the best ways to treat acid reflux is just to stop eating the wrong foods and too much of what you DO eat. Walk for a bit after a big meal and give your food time to digest before you plop down in front of the TV or at your work desk. It’s easy to avoid – or reverse – when you stop and think about it.
I told the story in another blog – about a baptist preacher who called one day from Wingo, Ky and asked for a home remedy ‘that worked’ for acid reflux. He had been to 5 doctors and found no help and was losing sleep nightly. I told him to eat salads all weekend and a little light fish or chicken and see how that helped. I told him he was probably overweight to start with and he was eating too much and the wrong things TOO – and he could turn his acid reflux around without a doctor’s help and with no meds. THAT call came on a Thursday morning and by Tuesday – he reported he was free of his acid problem.
One of the most effective ways to treat acid reflux disease is to avoid the foods and beverages that trigger symptoms. Here are other steps you can take:You can also raise the head of your bed with blocks 4 to 6 inches – that often helps many people. And stop eating 2-3 hours before you go to bed. You’re not going to starve from 8pm till 6am – I absolutely guarantee you! And if you’re overweight – for goodness sakes – lose a little weight. Losing weight is so simple – you just eat less – eat healthier, walk more and drink a lot of liquids, especially water and lemon water.
Acid Reflux, Gerd, Heartburn: Are There Prescription Meds
Well yes – if you go to your doctor – you’re going to find he has a pill for everything you could drum up in your little noggin. But why would you put a bandaid on an amputated leg? A band aid isn’t going to heal an amputated leg and it isn’t going to heal your acid problem. It’s just going to cover it up. AND only temporarily!
Now the meds for acid problems are many. But the most common one – Prilosec – is connected to dementia, severe brain fog and other bad things. Do you want to pop a Prilosec daily – when you know good and well – you’re only inviting even worse problems down the road?
FORGET prescription drugs for your acid reflux, gerd, and heartburn and heal your own body. YOU CAN DO IT!!! YES YOU CAN!!!
Every single food or drink we put into our mouth is going to do one of two things. It’s going to make your body stronger and healthier – or it’s going to make your body weaker and more sickly. Which do YOU want to do? IT IS YOUR DECISION!!! Your good health – or the lack thereof – is in the grasp of your very own hands.
Peace and lots of love – from me to all of you.