Have you ever heard it said that good health and even death begins in the colon? And if you have – did you understand what that meant? Early on in my studies of Holistic Health and wellness – I learned that disease and yes even death – begins in the gut. That’s when I immediately became obsessed with colon health. I discovered Dr Bernard Jensen‘s teaching back in the 90’s – after over a decade and half of already studying healing the body naturally – and his teachings absolutely changed my life. I’ve studied the teachings of many of the old natural healing greats but I guess my all time ‘favorite’ would be Bernard Jensen.
After him maybe it would be Dr N.W. Walker. And there are so many newer and more modern day naturopathic doctors making a name for themselves – but these old guys – like Jensen and Walker – just didn’t try to put on any airs or – even try to make big money – they just explained things plain and simple for anybody and everybody to understand because they truly wanted to help folks know how to help themselves. I LOVED that – because that is what “I” need – to fully comprehend technical things. I just need plain and simple.
So here’s the deal – plain and simple –
We can eat all the raw and healthy food we want. We can take healing herbs. We can take buckets of supplements. We can even do juicing. But if our colon and liver and kidneys are congested – we’re just spinning our wheels because any nutrients we ‘may’ be accidentally taking in are running into a huge roadblock and doing us NO good whatsoever.
Cold Drinks With Meals – A BIG NO NO!
When we eat a meal and drink something cold with it – it just knocks the props right out from under our digestion. And we sit down at our kitchen tables to an icy cold drink with our meals – or we go out to eat and what’s the first thing we do? We order ice tea, sweet tea, coca cola or water with lemon ON ICE! So it doesn’t really matter if we order fried chicken – a hamburger or eat raw off of the salad bar – because whatever we’re about to eat isn’t going to be digested well ANYWAY – because we’re drinking something cold with it and messing up our digestion.
Sadly – for the biggest majority of us – our bodies really are – walkin’ talkin’ sewage plants – ugh!!!
It’s kind of like having an entire garbage collection department go on strike for weeks in our towns.
The most serious health condition in the U.S. is malnutrition and most of us are walking around with malnourished bodies even if we’re eating 3 good and big meals a day.
Jensen, Walker and many of the older health gurus – say – that if we have skin conditions, blemishes and this and that – we have a congested liver. And if you see someone walking down the street and they have a very distended tummy – that looks high and hard – THAT is a person with a VERY congested liver. But the good news about that IS – our liver is probably the easiest organ in our bodies to rejuvenate – ourselves.
So – what to do? WHAT to DO???
STOP EATING! And we’re not heroes or out to make the news – but we can at least do a healthy but light semi fast/cleanse and flush your colon, liver and kidneys.
Plan Ahead!
Get anything out of the house that is going to tempt you!
Let’s Clean House – Body Wise
Start Day 1 and every day with a cup of hot water with freshly squeezed lemon in it. For a double healthy whammy – add 2 pinches of Celtic Sea Salt to that lemon water.

You can make fresh juice at home with a juicer! Our absolute favorite is the Champion Juicer… You can read the Katydid’s review here!
Skip breakfast or have freshly made juice – made right then in your kitchen.
Later in the morning – you would have water with lemon or water with a tsp or two of apple cider vinegar in it. Eat a light salad at noon but you’ll need to leave off the store bought salad dressing and just squeeze some lemon or apple cider vinegar on it. Don’t use any processed items in your salad.
Have your lemon water or water with ACV in mid afternoon.
Have a very VERY light supper with maybe some baked chicken or fish and another raw salad.
You should feel a positive difference when you get up on day 2 – IF you have followed the instructions on day 1 to the letter.
IF YOU DON’T START THE DAY – with sugar and high carbs – YOU WILL NOT CRAVE FOOD!
Now if you’re diabetic – you really should go to your doctor and discuss this first. I was told I was diabetic about a year ago and Dr Patel wanted to put me on insulin that very day. But I asked him to give me 8 weeks – to let me see if I could turn it around. He said he’d give me 6 weeks and do blood work again. I did the above diet and ate very light and walla – back to normal in 6 weeks. And through the years – I’ve seen many people get off of their meds for diabetes – just by following a good diet and lifestyle.
The lemon and water – IF you are eating VERY light – will help your liver tremendously. And it’s the congested liver that has caused the problem with sugar. When the liver is congested/fatty – it just throws everything off kilter. And before you know it – you’re a walkin’/talkin’ time bomb for a disease of some kind.
And here’s another thing most people don’t know. They’re told they’re diabetic – so they leave off regular sugar and go to artificial sweetener but when you take in ANYTHING sweet – your liver is no Einstein – and it doesn’t know if you’ve given it REAL sugar or ARTIFICIAL sugar. It just tastes SWEET and reacts accordingly. And so that’s why – even on diabetic meds – people have trouble controlling their diabetes. Doctors give you the impression you can take a pill or a shot and ‘watch’ what you eat but go on with your life. But no that’s wrong.
Let me close with a few tidbits and a short story.
When I went to work at Golden Carrot in 2000 – and I did that just to be able to study under that naturopathic couple for one year – my first 3 customers on my first day – were 3 men that were in the store to buy Hallelujah Acres Books and videos to give away. And they were doing so because they had all had such a turn around with their health – they wanted to share that information with friends or family. AND what’s CRAZY about this story is that these men didn’t even KNOW each other. They were in there at the same time – individually – but sharing their own stories with each other and I overheard their conversation. So I asked them what in the world the Hallelujah Acres Program was and they told me. I went home that night with all the books and the videos – because I wanted to learn more about this program for myself. So on my first day at work – ME – the old tightwad. – SPENT – about $80.
OUR Trial On The Hallelujah Acres Program
Billy and I watched the videos that night and I went to sleep – reading “God’s Way To Ultimate Health“. We were BOTH so impressed with the videos – I came home the next day to go on a trial program and see what it did for us. We spent 3 weeks juicing and eating very healthy – no sugar or dairy – very little meat and it was always lean. No heavy carbs. Lots of raw salads. And I’m telling you the truth – within one week – we couldn’t keep up with our own feet. Brain fog – WHICH DRIVES ME CRAZY – was GONE in less than a week.
I got to town one day – at the end of the first week – and realized I had forgot to even put on my glasses that morning and here I was in town -seeing just perfect without glasses. We felt SO good.
But after 3 weeks – it just got old and Billy said “You know I really DO feel much better – but we don’t really have any health issues so let’s just do the juicing and go back to the ice cream and steak with it. So that’s what we did.
The Hallelujah Acres book is just priceless. It’s packed so full of good information, advice and over 250 testimonies. I’ll bet I’ve given away 10 or more over the years. It’s just one of my top 2-3 books on healing the body naturally.
Billy used to have problems with kidney stones and after a bout in the hospital I dug in my books and found a remedy! One Sunday the kids and I walked in the door from church and Billy was on a pallet in the floor trying to bear the pain until I got home. He was having a kidney stone attack. He said, “I’m sorry,but we’re going to have to go to the ER with this one” (we had dissolved others with my remedy. It takes about 20 minutes, but he said this attack was too bad) I said, “Do you think you can give me 20 minutes?” He said, “I’ll try!”
I went in the kitchen and very quickly got out my Vitamin B Complex and Magnesium/calcium and gave it to him. Within 20 minutes he was back in his recliner waiting on lunch! He’ll be the first to tell ya we’ve dissolved a many a kidney stone with a home remedy…..
Healed MYSELF After 5 Dermatologists Couldn’t Help Me
I had contact dermatitis back in the late 80’s and my hands got SO bad I could barely use them. We went to 5 dermatologists and spent over $1,000. Finally Billy said, “Do you think there may be a remedy in one of your books?” WELL DUH!!! YES! I was in so much pain and agony I wasn’t thinking. I found my answer in Dr Andrew Weil’s book. I healed my horrific contact dermatitis with brewers yeast tablets, vit B complex, Vit E and zinc. And within 5 days – my hands were as smooth as a baby’s bottoms.
Billy’s Friend Healed HIS Own Hands
Billy gave that formula to a man at work that was having to wear gloves because his hands were so bad. He ran right out and got the stuff and within 5 days – walla – baby soft hands even on the man. He came back to Billy at the plant – raving about the formula and how fast it worked.
An Elderly Lady Healed Her Own Hands
I was checking a woman out in Hobby Lobby one day and she had her hands wrapped in white cloth. I said, “My goodness – have you had an accident with your hands?” She said, “Honey – I have contact dermatitis and I can’t even shower without excruciating pain. And they’re so oozie – I just wrap them when I have to go out in public” I said, ‘I can heal those hands in 5 days if you want to trust me and I’m not selling one single solitary thing.” She was so excited. I got off the register and talked to her and her grown daughter that was with her. They were from Herrin, Illinois and just in Paducah shopping. But that older woman called me the next week and she said, ‘Honey, I feel like I need to buy you a new car or something – but I’m on a very fixed income and all I can do is thank you, thank you, thank you” She said they picked up the things I told them to get while still in Paducah that day and she started taking them that night. And within days she was healed. It’s times like that – that make all my studying and this and that – so worth it.
But Here Again – WE ARE WHAT WE EAT!!!!!!! All diseases begin in the gut. It doesn’t matter if your problem is in your hands or feet or joints or your big toe. Your health is going to start in the gut – just like your disease started there. Milk Thistle and Probiotic 11 by Nature’s Sunshine – are top of the line in setting your gut on the path to healing your whole body. YES – this is TRUE!!!
Juicing is the fastest way to turn around a health condition. It helps digestion – slows down the aging process. It’s good for the heart and reduces over all body inflammation. I’ve seen it turn around Multiple Sclerosis – Crohn’s disease – diabetes – cancer and just about anything else you want to name. But you have to give up the junk food and do only what’s healthy and beneficial to your body for juicing to work on serious conditions.
Veggie juices are healing!
Fruit juices are cleansers!
Montel Williams has an infomercial on selling a juicer and that thing is a piece of junk. DO NOT BUY IT! Go to your local health food store or get online and buy a Champion Juicer (about $220) or a Breville JE98XL ( about $200)
Our own amazon line for the Champion juicer is here if you want to use it. This is the one we have and ours is 35 years old and still in like new condition and gets used regularly.
And for the Breville JE98XL that Joe Cross recommends … you can find that link – here
If you’re really interested in healing your body naturally or just reading about it – I recommend all books by Dr N W Walker and you can find several here –
Bernard Jensen – and I LOVE his book “Nature Has a Remedy” and others – and that link is here
I also highly recommend all books by George Malkmus, Dr L Newman
, John Lust
– and you can just type these names into amazon and find their books for a steal or click on the blue names and it’ll take you right to them.
Peace and love from the Canyon –
More on Holistic Health