Diagnosing Ourselves & Winning
Hiddy doooooooooooo and how are YOU guys this morning? I hope you’re feeling like you can run a marathon or fight the devil and the deep blue sea if necessary…But if you’re like me…and feeling just a little under the weather…..oooooooooooooooh like maybe you’ve been run down by a big PICKup truck OR if you’re having to walk a little more gingerly and maybe even kind of hold on to this and that as you pass because you’re just a little light headed……there’s probably a simple reason FOR that….
If you’re not feeling on top of the world…just go on about your day today…until you take time for that first meal….and without giving that meal any thought….fill your plate like you normally WOULD and then when you set down….LOOK DOWN AT…you plate……There is a 99.9% chance…the way you’re feeling today….is because of the kinds of things you’re putting in your plate each time you set down to a meal….
But oooooooooooooooooh my….isn’t a meal of fried pork chops and whipped cream potatoes with scalloped corn and homemade bread delicious…maybe with a little apple pie ala mode on the side after your meal……My mouth is watering right this minute….
I saw a trailer for a new health video that I’m going to order “Food Matters” and in that trailer they said that 1/4 of what we eat keeps us alive and thriving and the other 3/4 of what we eat keeps our DOCTORS alive and thriving….We are literally KILLING OURSELVES….with our forks…..Our obits should read….Suicide by Fork….. :-/
So we make our bodies less than favorable by the diet we eat and then we go to our favorite family doctor with this symptom or that….and it doesn’t matter what that symptom IS….he has a pill for it….and when we get home…if that pill makes us nauseated or a little light headed…he gives us another pill for THAT….
I’ll bet I’ve had a half dozen offers of help for my dizziness and light headedness and they all say…”TAKE ANTIVERT!” You never….ever….EVER….take a pill for dizziness….and do you know WHY? BeCAUSE….there is a REASON you are dizzy and you need to find out what that reason IS…..Your body is just trying to tell you….”HEY SLOW DOWN, Dear Heart…..WE’VE GOT A KINK IN OUR HARDWARD HERE SOMEWHERE….WE”VE GOT TO FIGURE OUT WHERE THAT KINK IS AND FIX IT!” You don’t put a bandaid on your DIZZINESS…..You find out WHY you are dizzy…and YOU FIX THAT…..You take that Antivert and what usually happens…..those of you that take it know…..it makes you nauseated……so THEN what do you do? You call or go back to the doc and you say…”Hey….thanks for that Antivert, Doc….it really helped my dizziness….but goodness gracious…NOW I’m NAUSEATED”…And Doc says…”HEY NO problem my friend….I have a PILL for that TOO”…So now you have TWO pills at least….when all you had to DO…was figure out why you’re dizzy and FIX it….no pills PERIOD….
DID YOU KNOW….that about 106,000 Americans die a year from pharmaceutical drugs and they were taking those drugs….as directed…..
Watch the TV commercials……Every other commercial….starts out….”If you took…SO AND SO for THIS OR THAT…and you suffered a heart attack or stroke or your right leg dropped off or your head spun around so you are now facing BACKWARDS…you have a case and we are your answer….call 1-800-IWAS-STUPID…………………………
Did you ALSO know….that when you go potty and the smell reminds you of a Paper Mill in full swing at high noon…..that is because you have too many chemicals in your body….The stronger the smell of you poopy….the more dangerous chemicals and additives you have in your body……Poopy in a healthy person….should not be stinky………….Ok I’ve just lost some of ya…..see ya tomorrow when maybe we’ll talk about warm and fuzzy and being in love forever after……..PLLLLEEEASEEE..we need to KNOW these things…..
When your poopy floats….that means you have had too many gassy foods and your poopy is filled with gas/air……Mucous in your poopy is normal…but if you have enough mucous that you can SEE it in the stool….you’re having too much sugar, dairy and you could possibly even have…IBS or Colitis or even the beginning of Crohn’s…….Light colored poopy means your liver isn’t feeling up to par…and we ALL need to keep those livers happy……
The quickest and easiest and most reliable way….to turn our health around….is with juicing….BeCAUSE most all of us…have faulty digestion from too much junk food…..and juices are just so SO easy to digest and get the nutrients we need from our foods……
I was watching a program on KET last night after Billy went to bed and I was having one of my almost regular….slumber parties……and it was JJ Virgin….I’d never heard of her…but evidently she’s really thick with Dr Oz….who I never think to watch these days…….She said there are 7 foods that if we leave off….we will feel like a new person within days….and they were Soy, Peanuts, Sugar, Dairy, eggs, whole grains…and now SEE…I have brain fog and I can’t remember the 7th thing….but you get the picture….right? She said within days inflammation in our bodies will start to die down….brain fog will lift…and we’ll just feel better in general…..
Well…..We’re trying to juice more….and I’m going to hopefully….take time to add 2 juicings a day instead of just one…..SO if you’re not feeling up to par….do your own research….NOBODY knows your body….better than YOU do……But 9.9 times out of 10….that weighted down feeling…is because of what you’re eating and snacking on…….think about it…
I’ve gotta get over to my pinterest world and do a little foo fooing…….Peace and love from the canyon…I love you all and thanks so much for stopping by…..This has been a birdseye view of the katydid…until next time..you are loved.