I believe the very first Hallelujah Acres book was called “Why Christians Get Sick”. And I have that book but have never read it.
But the answer to that is very simple.
Christians get sick for the very
reason non Christians get sick. They have not taken care of their bodies and they have eaten more junk foods than healthy foods. They don’t get enough exercise and few even know about the deep breathing technique that is so powerful in helping us to be healthy.
But DID YOU KNOW we can make our bodies stronger and healthier just as easily as we can make them weak and sickly? YES WE CAN!!!
We have an older lady that sings in almost every service at Weaver Creek and she makes the approximately 25 mile drive, to and from her home in Kentucky… 3 times a week, .
She has an absolutely beautiful and deep voice, a little raspy just like I like … and I love to hear her sing.
A week ago last Sunday she got up to sing and she said “I didn’t think I was going to be able to sing for ya today, but Mike gave me some Willard Water with a little fresh lemon yesterday and by doggies, I think I’m better this morning.
Mike is one of her musicians when they go out on the road and he’s been coming with her very regularly for the last umpteen weeks.
Well I was sitting at the piano at the time and couldn’t talk myself because I was battling the same old chest congestion that SHE had been battling. But I couldn’t WAIT until I could talk again to talk to Mike, because I knew that anyone that knew about Willard Water, was going to know his natural healing stuff.
I was way too croupy to try to talk that day, but this past Wednesday night I talked with Mike after church and asked how he came to be interested in natural healing and Willard Water.
He said he had a close friend that was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when she was very young and by the time, just a few years ago … that she got to her late 30’s … she was getting very ill and unable to walk.
Her wise old doctor with the heart of stone and compassion of a brick … told her that he had done all he could do for her and that her days were numbered … so get ready.
When she told Mike he said “I’m not willing to accept that diagnosis and I believe you can make your body heal itself.” He said “If you’ll give it a try, I’ll do the research and help you every step of the way.” She agreed and they were on their healing journey.
The friend started leaving off fast food and sugar and unhealthy foods and started eating raw and juicing and taking a few supplements and drinking water with fresh lemon squeezed in it several times every day and by doggies not only did she turn her own health around … she is now walking without assistance and off of all meds and unless she’s run down by a pick up truck while crossing the street…she will no doubt, out live this negative doctor who practices medicating symptoms instead of healing the body.
You will remember back in late Spring, Geezer was diagnosed with diabetes and we were told that he has had it for a couple years and we’d been told but refused medication. We didn’t remember being told it was full blown diabetes but we did remember the doctor said his sugar was very high and he needed to be on medication for diabetes.
Geezer said he just did not want to be a prisoner to medication because you take one and then you need another to counteract the health hazards of that and on and on. Geezer said he lived with one of the best natural healing quacks there was 🙂 and he would let me see what “I” could do.
The doctor was furious! He said it couldn’t be done and he looked right at me and said “YOU ARE GOING TO KILL YOUR HUSBAND WITH YOUR STUPIDITY!”
(This was NOT Dr Patel 🙂
We left and got right on a healing plan to reverse diabetes and by doggies we did just that. He just had his blood work again 2 weeks ago and the doctor was absolutely flabbergasted that he had turned around the diabetes with diet and exercise and he said he could tell by the blood work that it had been back to normal for several weeks.
He was not interested in how we DID that, because he knew our way would not benefit him financially 🙁
But HERE is the KICKER…THIS IS how we DID that!!!
We didn’t come home and switch from sugar to sugar substitute. Because THAT is why most people can’t turn their diabetes around. That WILL NOT WORK!!!
Everything that goes into our mouth, has to filter through the liver. And your liver is a vital organ but it is NOT Einstein and when you put something sweet in your mouth and it goes down your goozle…your liver has absolutely NO CLUE whether it’s getting table sugar or artificial sugar … it just knows it’s getting something ‘sweet’ and acts accordingly. SO YOU CANNOT turn around your diabetes if you just switch from table sugar to sugar substitute. YOU MUST back away from ALL sugar and all high carb foods and just eat a very healthy diet.
Was it a walk in the park to a Sunday afternoon picnic? Well it wasn’t that bad, actually … because I adore this old geezer and restoring his health was as important to me as it was to him. SO I really watched what we ate. Lots of salads and lean meat. LOTS of freshly squeezed lemon water and he walked 30 minutes a day and still does almost without fail. He’s also lost 17 pounds.
Now here I sit talking about how to be healthy and I’m about as sick and congested as I’ve been in a decade.
IN FACT … according to doctors records, this is the first cold or flu bug I’ve had since 2003. So HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? We juice off and on all the time and eat pretty healthy….so I have no clue.
Geezer thinks my immune system just got really run down because of all the stress from the broken leg and not sleeping and I’m still not sleeping and that absolutely could be what happened. I can tell you this…THIS is the most consistent and aggravating cough I have ever had in my life. I COUGH CONSTANTLY.
I’m about to try pure honey from a local bee farm and ginger, I’ll let you know in case YOU have this. I DO KNOW you shouldn’t take a cough SUPPRESSANT with congestion because it can make the congestion worse. You need a cough EXPECTORANT. So we’ll see…shall we pray.
Someone just told me a few days ago that Dr Cecil was on WPSD News and he said this congestion virus that so many people have, is comparable to the old Whooping Cough virus from decades ago…and I can believe that.
Well…that’s it for today…gotta get busy! Going to do some gardening this morning before it gets too hot. I’m putting in a new little herb patch this morning.
Peace and love from the canyon and we love you all gobs. Thanks SO SO MUCH for stopping by!
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