Have you been told you’re Hypothyroid? If you have – do you know what that means? HYPOTHYROID – is when the thyroid gland is underactive. It means the thyroid can’t make enough of the thyroid hormone to keep your body running smoothly. And that just isn’t good, because the health of your thyroid affects every organ in the body. And the thyroid controls your whole body’s metabolism. The thyroid hormones regulate how your body’s cells use energy – so when it isn’t working effectively – it affects everything in a negative way.
Hypothyroidism Symptoms
There are so many symptoms that point to a low thyroid. Low energy, brain fog, puffy eyes, depression, anxiety, weight gain, constipation, hoarseness, elevated cholesterol, heavy menstrual periods, dry and itchy skin, cold hands and feet, intolerance to cold in general and goodness – so much more. A low thyroid can literally affect the way you think, feel and even live.
Hypothyroid Treatment
I was diagnosed with Hypothyroid back in 1973. I’ve been on Synthroid and later Levothyroxine since that time. And honestly – I can’t tell either one has done me one bit of good. Synthroid and Levothyroxine are the drugs most given for low thyroid. But to restore health to your thyroid – you need more than drugs. You need a diet and lifestyle conducive to edging your thyroid towards a healthier state.
Foods That Work Against the Thyroid
I decided just recently – that I’d research Hypothyroid and see if there was a way I could treat myself and do a better job than doctors can do. They say I can never stop taking my Synthroid – but in spite of that fact – I know there has to be things I can do to make my thyroid function much better.
In my extensive research, I found that foods like cabbage, broccoli, and brussel sprouts – if eaten very often – can literally slow down the thyroid even more. And there are others that will do the same thing. SO it’s critical that you know what foods are good for your thyroid and which ones work against it.
Hypothyroidism Diet
I also learned that there are foods that can help you restore a little more normal function to the thyroid. Foods like Avocados!
Avocados are loaded with Tyrosine and low levels of tyrosine in our body has been linked to hypothyroidism.
And then there are bell peppers, celery, mushrooms, sea veggies, tomatoes, parsley, brazil nuts, apples, bananas, berries, grapefruit, pineapple, kiwi, coconut oil, fish, chicken, beef, sardines, salmon, eggs and more.
These foods all help the thyroid to function better. And see how many there are? And there are many more that I didn’t list.
Thyroid Supplements
We have to always remember that everything we take into our bodies are things that will either make us better and stronger or less healthy and weaker. And these supplements are really supplements most of us need because we have such poor diets.

Get Solaray Mega B Stress here on Amazon!
There are just a few supplements that will help your thyroid to function a little or even a lot better.
Again – Those crucial supplements are:

Get Vitamin b sublingual here on Amazon!
Just adding those few things to your daily routine – should give you some improvement in your thyroid function.
The thing of it is – we have to have a healthy thyroid to be able to feel good.
Pinterest just has a world of information on thyroid function and how to get it healthy and keep it that way.
You could read from now on – on Pinterest about thyroid health and healing.

Get Vitamin D here on Amazon!

Get Calcium Magnesium Zinc here on Amazon!
That’s it for this one for today. If you have any questions – as always – feel free to yell.
The best way to contact me is to send a friends request and then private message me on facebook.
Peace and lots of love from Round Knob Canyon