Today on day #4 of our 31 day May Bloggy Challenge – we are to write about our favorite quote and why we love it.
Favorite Motivational Quotes
I love writing about inspirational and motivational quotes and ideas. One of my favorite sayings is “There is no better exercise for the heart than bending down to lift others up.” I try to live by that one – but that’s not necessarily my favorite quote. But I’m very serious and sincere about doing that. My day can already be so full I don’t know how I’m going to make it to the end of the day and someone will call to tell me about some family in some dire situation and I push the “Put my life on hold” button and I’m off … “Mercy Mission Granny” is on the road … “HERE I COME to save the DAY … Oh yes it’s Mercy Mission Granny – on her way” … as I sing that loudly to the tune of “Mighty Mouse is on the Way”
“There is so much more to life than having everything!” And “Life’s experiences can be better than any movie you’ve ever seen.” “Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, for all the people you can – for as long as you can” Isn’t that a great one?
And then I’m still so deeply in love with this old geezer that’s had me in his hip pocket for over 50 years … I LOVE sweet love quotes TOO.
Oh my goodness, I have so many quotes that I love and quote often and try to live by. One inspirational and motivational quote that I love is “There’s just no right way to do a wrong thing!”
But I guess the quotes that come into my mind the most often are 2 quotes that came from my daddy and mom. One is “If you’re not part of the solution – you’re part of the problem” So that one has caused me to stick my nose into a lot of places where it maybe didn’t belong. Because I will NOT be a part of the problems in this old world and I am constantly trying to fix somebody’s life or problems.
And then the one that helps me make a lot of decisions – that came from my mom “When in doubt – don’t” I LOVE that one! But you know – being a Mrs Fix It … often times I’ll ask myself that question – not wanting to feel any doubt and there is old Mr Doubt smacking me in the face with both hands saying “HERE I AM – HERE’S MR DOUBT. Don’t DO that!” … RATS!!! I HATE when that happens. When I’m just sure I have the answer and then I feel like I shouldn’t interfere.
Well that’s it for day #4 of this challenge. I made it in 501 words this time. Tune in tomorrow for challenge #5 “Publicly profess your love for someone” – There are some really good subjects in this challenge. This is fun!
Peace and love and thanks for reading!
Until next time … you are loved!
the Katydid
May Bloggy Challenge
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Love the love quote!
Stephanie Volkert recently posted…Words to remember: Favorite quotes