As humans, we are supposed to be kind. We are taught as children to, “Be kind to one another ” or “Be nice”. We are supposed to show kindness to others anytime we can. It isn’t a hard thing to do. You hold doors for others when they are coming up behind you at the store. You say thank you when someone shows a kind gesture. You lend a helping hand whenever the chance arises. It says a lot about your character when you show kindness. It touches my heart when I see our girls showing kindness to others. Or, when I am witness to someone performing Random Acts of Kindness. It truly tugs on my heart strings.
There are many benefits to showing kindness to others. Let’s see if we can list just a few of them:
- Children learn how to be kind when they see others being kind
- Showing kindness has a ripple effect
- Showing kindness has a way of coming back to you
A Random Act of Kindness touches more than just the two individuals involved
A couple weeks ago, I shared with you a post about Hearing God In Our Daily Lives. If you haven’t already done so, I would love for you to read the article. I bring up the article because I was just doing what I felt in my heart to be right. However, my new friend from Sam’s – his family just couldn’t get over my being so kind to him. Just that one thing I did for that man impacted several life’s, my family including. A great friendship was formed because of the one act of kindness.
Last year on my birthday, I had gone to a local fast food drive thru and paid for the car behind me. My intent was to make someone smile. So, I attempted to watch discreetly from my rear view mirror of what the driver’s reaction would be. What I saw next touched my heart. The car behind me payed for the car behind them. Then, my breakfast was somehow delayed and I got to witness it for the next car as well. Talk about making my birthday! I was beyond overjoyed to see this chain effect take place. That was amazing! It got my birthday off to a great start I must say.
Doing for others has always made me so happy. I don’t do for others expecting anything in return. That isn’t something that even crosses my mind. I absolutely love to make people happy and to see them smile.
When you do something nice for others, it doesn’t come back to you void.
A couple weeks ago, I met a wonderful lady and I have come to learn that she is the epiphany of kindness. All the wonderful things she does for others is incredible. And, I am one of the recipients of her kindness. It is because of her that most of you are reading this post. You see, she is allowing me to guest post on her blog and I am so very grateful. She is a great woman whose heart is full of nothing but love. Thank you my dear friend. Just having had met you has blessed my life.
If you have a chance today or this week, it is my hope that you will show a little extra kindness to someone. There is something about being on the receiving end of someone’s generosity. And, in my opinion – being on the giving end of it is just as wonderful. What a great feeling you will both have.

Read more about Kindness Here!
I would love to hear any act of kindness you have been part of, either by being on the giving end or on the receiving end of it. I love to hear these types of stories.
-This has been a guest post by Crystal Debrito Barton of Happily Ever Uncluttered–