The World’s BEST Diet! Is there really a ‘world’s best diet’? And can we actually heal our own bodies … starting now?
Studying natural healing started out as a hobby for me. It’s still a hobby in the sense that I’m not paid in any way because of my studying of natural healing except in writing about it. But it’s a DEEP passion that has almost turned into an obsession for me and I could sit for days and study in my books without ever looking up if I just had the time.
My Dream of Becoming a Certified Health Coach
My DREAM was to be certified and teach and help individuals one on one. I’ve been able to help many people one on one, but I just don’t charge. I spent a year working for Delores and Jesse at the Golden Carrot Health Food Store just to have the opportunity to learn under them. They paid very well and the hours were long, but I was so glad to be there I almost felt like “I” should be paying THEM. OH my GOODNESS! I learned volume’s there and saw first hand – healing miracles brought on by nothing but diet change. It was almost a daily occurance for someone to walk in the door – having just left their conventional doctor and tell us they had been giving 2 months to live for this reason or that … and NO HOPE whatsoever.
Delores would take them to the back and wipe their tears and the first thing she’d do is pray for them aloud. THEN she’d sit them down and lay out a healing plan.
I Witnessed a Miracle Healing
I’ll never ever forget the day the 20 something year old girl came in the door … I believe she was 27. She had advanced cancer and was given no hope. She was an absolute beauty, but so frail. Two months later, after following the plan Delores had laid out for her … instead of this young woman’s husband planning her funeral, he was rejoicing in her healing and this young woman looked better and healthier than any of US did. All she did was take a couple supplements, change her diet and start juicing.
Death Rates From Cancer: 1920 vs 2005
So let’s talk about healing our bodies ourselves for just a bit. DID YOU KNOW … that in 1920 the rate of deaths from cancer was 83 in 100,000! And in 2005 – it was 189 per 100,000 and truthfully “I” think it’s higher than that now. And WHY do you think that is? WHAT is the main thing that is different now – than in 1920? We ALL know the answer to that – it’s our food and air and water quality. THAT IS CRUCIAL KNOWLEDGE!!!!!
Did you know we can outsmart all those companies and plants that are killing us softly with their love. BeCAUSE – we can build up our immune systems to where we can battle and destroy those poisons as they try to enter our bodies. The trick is learning which foods are beneficial and which ones help to destroy us.
This is How Our Grannies Did It
Let’s let our minds wander back to our great granny’s day – maybe back to about 1945 or so. Great Granny’s fiddling in the kitchen and she looks so quaint in her long dress and apron with big pockets 🙂 maybe her hair’s in a little bun on top of her head and she’s working in a very basic kitchen.
She decides she wants to have fried chicken for supper and maybe some fried potatoes and fried corn. Maybe apple pie ala mode. SO she goes to the barnyard and chases down a young hen – wrings its neck – scalds it, plucks it, takes it in and washes it good and fries it! I’ve helped MY granny do that a many a time.
NO additives or preservatives are in that home grown chicken. It has had no antibiotics or other poisons to make it grow more plump and appealing. It was just a chicken – out of the barnyard. In the mean time – she went to the shed where she already had fresh potatoes stored from her own garden and she picked and shucked some fresh corn – picked some apples off of her own tree that hadn’t had a thing sprayed on them – and while all of this was cooking – she whipped up a freezer of ice cream made with milk from her own cow and fresh eggs from her own chickens.
Grannies of Today
The granny of today – would go to the store and get a chicken out of the meat counter that had been plumped and doctored, polished and shined with no telling what. Pick waxed apples and veggies off the counters from supplies from around the world that have had all kinds of poisons added to them and the difference would BE – in the granny’s meal of long ago, she would be taking in virtually NO harmful additives. Where the granny of today is poisoning her family with every bite they take and that’s a brief look into just ONE of our biggest problems.
World’s Best Diet
Now let’s talk about that World’s Best Diet for a minute. Surely you’ve noticed when you go through the line at the grocery that each week – Woman’s World and First Magazine For Women – ALWAYS has, the World’s BEST Diet on the front of their magazines. Now HOW can that BE? Don’t they KNOW they are making themselves look very UNreliable. Because there just can’t BE a World’s Best Diet each week! ALL of those diets can’t BE – the BEST? There would be only ONE -BEST diet – right?
I got to thinking about what would BE the world’s best diet. AND IT HIT ME – EAT HEALTHY – EAT LESS AND WALK MORE!!! We’d need to leave off sugar and dairy and high carbs and walk at a fast clip for at least 30 minutes a day.
But to wrap this up and tie it all together – let me just end with this. SO many people laugh at me for believing in and talking about natural healing. And if I hadn’t seen very sick and often terminal people heal their own bodies with diet and exercise – first hand. I may be a little skeptical too. But I HAVE and I AM a believer.
Peace and love from the canyon….I love you all gobs…thanks so much for stopping by….
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