Most all weight loss programs will work if we’ll just do them! There is no secret in any one of them!
All the information we would need for any one of these weight loss programs is every which way we turn.
We just need to pick one of them and do it – yes, it’s just that easy…
Now will power and controlling our appetites? That’s another story – but we can handle that TOO – if we’ll just psyche ourselves out – Get ready with the supplies we need so we have a healthy snack or meal when we need it and do it!
If we do that through diet AND exercise – just think of the momentum we will put behind our weight loss program – no matter which one we choose.
A fantastic jump start to any weight loss program is a soup diet and I LOVE the Cabbage Soup Diet!
It’s simple to make, delicious and so healthy it can even be considered a kind of detox soup if we eat it for our snacks and one meal a day. But watch the sodium with any ingredients. SOME cabbage soup recipes call for things like onion soup mix and other things that will just add too much sodium to our diet and slow us down instead of speed us up.
I prefer our own Cabbage Soup Recipe and I’ve included it here.
At age 69 and 121 pounds, I’m a weight loss expert from my own experience. I stayed fat (137 lbs) until we were in an accident about 3 years ago and I had to have major surgery for a leg broken in 3 places and was flat on my back for 13 weeks and sick as a dog and couldn’t keep anything down. And I say I was fat BECAUSE 137 pounds on a 5 foot woman is just too much weight. I always said my face was a cross between a bull dog and Dale Evans.
SO – flat on my back with my bulldog jaws – I was literally eating 2 sips of soup broth for breakfast, lunch and supper. YES I KNOW YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT KIND OF SOUP!!! It was Progresso Gumbo Soup. 🙂 I’d sometimes be able to eat 2-3 bites of vanilla Dairy Queen ice cream that my husband kept in the freezer to get a little more food in me. And ZOOM – down 24 pounds in 13 weeks. SO that told me right there – it wasn’t the exercise and it wasn’t any special diet or supplement – it was QUANTITY. I was able from that point on – to keep my weight down. Today (May 24, 2016) I weigh 126 pounds and that’s because I’ve been on an ice cream binge. But I’m on my way back down as I type.
I’ve gained and lost hundreds of pounds over these 5 decades of marriage – but I think I finally have things under control NOW.
Weight Loss Programs: I Exercised With The BEST Weight Loss Gurus
I started with Jack LaLanne in the early 1970s and went on to exercise with Richard Simmons
and others after him. Oh YES – I’ve worked with some of the very best weight loss gurus in this country. I REALLY HAVE!!! You can come to me with any of your weight problems and by doggies I’ll have an answer for you before you can get the question spit out.
Weight Loss Programs: I Started Out TINY
I was a very tiny girl as a little girl and teenager.
When mom took me to get my wedding dress at age 19 – I weighed 83 pounds and was only 5 feet tall – the height I stopped at unfortunately. But the lady waiting on us called to the other ladies in the store to come and see my 19″ waist.
NOW days – these little skinny girls running around town would make my 19″ waist look like a waist stuffed with too much blubber.
And so – being a naive little girl and not very worldly at all – with my first pregnancy at the end of our first year of marriage – I gained 57 pounds. NOBODY told me to watch my weight – not even my doctor.
By the time we headed for the hospital the day of delivery – I couldn’t even tie my own shoes.
After our first son was born – I was shocked that I only lost 9 pounds. SO I asked the doctor – “The baby weighed 8 pounds and 9 ounces – why do I still weigh 137 pounds?”
He said “Because the rest was fat, sister!” I said “WHAT???” I was such a naive little girl – Praise GOD I turned into a researcher – and boy have I learned a lot.
If there’s ONE SECRET to being able to stick to a diet – it’s keeping that blood sugar at a good level so we don’t crave bad foods – and we can do that with Vitamin B Complex and in Round Knob Canyon – we take the Soloray Vitamin B Mega Stress capsules and I get them on amazon. Most all of us lack enough of the B vitamins in our system BECAUSE of our poor diets. And just taking a B Complex once or twice a day – can make a world of difference. B Complex is good for hair, skin and nails – YES! But it’s SO good for our entire nervous system. It can calm down anxiety, depression, give us more energy naturally and just so many good things. We should ALL be taking a B Complex capsule.
Well – let’s get on with it! We’re studying all the major diets and no matter what you’re looking for – you can get and trust the scoop you find right here!
If you have a problem – just yell – maybe we can advise you – because trust me – we’ve been there.
Miracle in a Bowl! Cabbage Soup Diet vs. Fat Flush Soup Diet
Fat Sick and Nearly Dead – Juicing at Round Knob Canyon
Get more of Joe Cross
Here on Amazon!
Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead DVDFat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2
Reboot with Joe: Fully Charged: 7 Keys to Losing Weight, Staying Healthy and Thriving
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead: How Fruits and Vegetables Changed My Life
Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead Amazon Video
The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet Cookbook: Juice, Smoothie, and Plant-based Recipes Inspired by the Hit Documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead
101 Juice Recipes
Juice It to Lose It: Lose Weight and Feel Great in Just 5 Days
101 Smoothie Recipes
Breville BJE200XL Compact Juice Fountain 700-Watt Juice Extractor
Champion 2000 Household Juicer G5-NG853S
Fat Flush Soup Diet: Why It Works Fast
Juice Cleansing and Weight Loss
Urban Remedy – a 4 day At Home Cleanse Retreat
World’s BEST DIET! Heal Your Own Body NOW And More
Obesity – the Avoidable Killer
Juicing – Juice Cleanse, Juice Detox and Weight Loss
We must burn about 3,500 calories to lose one pound and other weight loss tips that work!