Acid Reflux Home Treatment – One of the most searched health conditions on the internet.
And do you know why? Because half or more of the population in the U.S. has it. So let’s get to the bottom of this whole situation and talk about what it is, how we get it and how we can reverse it.
If you have this problem – you should find your answer, right here!
What is Acid Reflux?
Acid reflux – also known as acid indigestion or heartburn, appears as a pain in the lower chest area shortly after eating and it can be so severe that many that have had it would run to their hospital ER thinking they were having a heart attack.
What Causes Acid Reflux?
Acid Reflux comes on when we eat the wrong foods or too heavy a meal and our tummy acids flow back up into the esophagus.
It may not sound too critical when compared to heart disease, cancer or diabetes, but it can actually be a very serious matter. And if a person lets it go on and on it can eventually, but not always – lead to esophageal cancer.
It can be prevented by not eating heavy meals and by eating certain foods and leaving off certain foods.
Acid Reflux Home Remedy
Many people take so many prescription and over the counter meds for acid reflux they could almost say they have stock in those companies.
But acid reflux is actually a fairly simple thing to turn around.
There are a couple of really good home remedies that give you good results.
The Raw Potato Acid Reflux Home Treatment
One is just simply eating a few bites of a raw potato.
I can’t tell you of the times I’ve gone into the kitchen to just slice a few bites off of a raw potato for the Geezer. And in a bit he’d say “You’re my favorite Quack, I’m already lined out”
The Baking Soda and Apple Cider Vinegar Acid Reflux Home Treatment
Other times, I’ve given him baking soda and apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and here’s what you do to make that.
Put about 1tbsp of apple cider vinegar in a tall glass.
Add about 6-7 ounces of water and at the very last minute, stir in about 1/2 to 1 tsp of baking soda and you stir fast and stir and stir and drink it right down.
That little glass full of magic will start to foam the instant you put the baking soda in and as you drink it down while it’s still bubbling, bubbles will pop all over your nose and around your mouth.
But within minutes, that pain will be gone, gone and you’ll be feeling so good! We’ve used that remedy a gazillion times and it works every time.
Bragg Usda Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, 32 Fluid OunceArm & Hammer Pure Baking Soda, 8 Ounce (Pack of 3)
The Old Preacher From Wingo, Ky and My Acid Reflux Home Treatment
I’ve told this story before, but since we’re talking about Acid Reflux Home Treatments – let me tell it again for the new friends reading.
I worked at the Golden Carrot Health Food Store for a year in 2000 just to study under the two naturopathic doctors that owned the store.
One day the phone rang and I got it and it was a man who said he was a Baptist preacher from Wingo, Ky and he said he had been to several doctors for his Acid Reflux and no one could help him and he wanted to know if we had anything that would help him.
I talked to him for 45 minutes and we talked about his diet and lifestyle and what all he had already tried in the way of prescriptions and this and that. And I said “Now you’re a man and I know how head strong men can be … but I can almost promise you – I can help you cure you own Acid Reflux within days and all you have to do is eat light and I’ll tell you exactly what to eat if you’ll just give this a try.
He said “Well little lady, I’m going to DO exactly what you tell me because I’m so exhausted and haven’t been able to sleep laying down for months, so I’ll try anything”
Bragg Usda Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, 32 Fluid OunceArm & Hammer Pure Baking Soda, 8 Ounce (Pack of 3)
I told him to eat very light for the next few days. Lots of salads and grilled salmon or other light fish. And that even tuna in water would be ok – or Salmon right out of the can or baked. And a little Greek yogurt to help with his digestion. He said he’d head to the grocery right then and let me know.
That was on a Friday morning and I was at work in the back of the store on the next Tuesday and I heard this booming voice say “I’m here to see Kay Comer” I JUST PANICKED – I thought he was a police officer and something had happened in my family. So I ran to the front and I said “I”m Kay” He said “Little lady I came all the way from Wingo to give you a hug because I slept laying down by Saturday night and I haven’t had reflux since Friday morning.” I was THRILLED!!! Because I LOVE to know when I’ve really helped someone.
There IS an Acid Reflux Home Treatment – It’s a Wrap
Well – that’s about it! Acid Reflux is something people are spending a gazillion dollars on every week of the world and it can be remedied SO simply.
Just change your diet … eat light!
NO fried or heavy foods!
NO processed foods!
Lots of greens and low carb foods and light fish and yogurt.
THAT should GET you back on track and then all you have to do is be sensible when you plan your meals.
Peace and love from the canyon – I love you all gobs and thanks so much for reading!
If you’d like to read MORE about the amazing benefits of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar, click here for Apple Cider Vinegar: Said To Be Nature’s Most Perfect Food
If you’re new here and would like to read more of Love, Home and Health; click here for the “New? Start Here!” page – still slightly under construction … and if you found something you like, we hope you’ll use the buttons below to share it with your friends and followers!
Bragg Usda Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, 32 Fluid OunceArm & Hammer Pure Baking Soda, 8 Ounce (Pack of 3)
&This article is from our Home Remedies section and you can find that here!
Thanks!!! I need this information. I’m sick of popping Tums every night at bedtime. I found you at the Motivate Me Monday link party.
Sharilee recently posted…DIY: From Blouse to Pillow in 10 Minutes Flat
It can be easily turned around Sharilee … We just all live lives that are too rushed and we eat too fast, too heavy and the wrong foods too often. Thanks for reading! kay
A lot of people have acid reflux. Maybe I have it. When I get heartburn, Tums helps me which is an antacid.
Thank you for coming to the Inspire Me Monday Linky party. I’m Janice, one of your hostesses.
Janice Wald recently posted…How to Easily Increase Your Page Views
Thanks so much Janice. And yes if you’re needing Tums you DO have Acid Reflux … but Tums and other antacids are controversial. Try a lighter diet and see if that doesn’t help more. Thanks for reading!
How often can you take the soda and apple cider vinegar?
Sherry – You should get some relief after the first time. If you need to do it again just wait about 30 minutes or so and do it again. We’ve just posted one on probiotics and a good probiotic will usually clear up reflux if you are reasonable with your diet and take the probiotic faithfully.
apple cider vinegar doesnt not always work. it gives me reflux/heartburn
Are you diluting it and backing off on the heavy foods?