I’ve been passionate about studying natural healing, homeopathic and holistic cures since 1977. I’ve followed and studied many of the naturopathic greats of our time, but when I ran upon Solomon Wickey, I just almost stopped studying and pursuing others, because he seemed to just have all the answers no matter what ailed you.
I first heard of Amish Healer Solomon Wickey from Auburn, Indiana about 11 or so years ago when I worked with a natural healing website. When I realize the depth of his natural healing ability and his knowledge, I just couldn’t learn enough about him fast enough!
I was told by people that had been to see him, that he was an older man of very strong faith and felt
his healing ability was a gift from God. Because of that he wanted to do all the good he could, for as many as he could, and for as long as he could and he wasn’t going to charge a dime. He had the ability to look into people’s eyes (iridology) and determine what was going on in their body. And then he knew exactly what to do to help them bring about a healing about 95% of the time and he could do it fairly quickly. HE WAS AMAZING!
I was told that he would let folks come and just sit through a day or two in his home office and ‘observe’ if they were into natural healing and I was just absolutely gung ho to do that. It was one of my biggest dreams – to go to Auburn, Indiana just to meet Solomon and spend a couple hours observing him at work.
Naturopathic Remedies, Diet and Healing
Solomon believed in naturopathic remedies and he believed that we were all given bodies that would heal themselves if we gave our bodies the nutrients it needed to do just that.
Solomon believed that our diet should contain NO – salt, sugar, white flour, animal protein.
He believed that aluminum was the main culprit of cancer and Alzheimer’s.
He was quick to tell all who went to him – of all the many places they were running into aluminum in their daily lives that they were not even aware of. Besides in the obvious places, like aluminium foil, it was in other places we wouldn’t think of, like – deodorants, toothpaste, some makeups, and just tons of ‘hidden places’.
Healing Benefits of Carrot and Celery Juice
Solomon believed that our daily diet should contain carrot and celery juice for their immune system boost and a little fresh parsley daily for it’s cleansing benefit.
He thought getting natural enzymes daily was crucial and if we eat good raw fruits and veggies daily – we GET natural food enzymes daily. He strongly believed in Pau D’ Arco and Lapacho
teas and they are just great healing teas that can boost your immune system and can be found on amazon.
I used to run around hunting some of these supplements until someone recommended amazon to me and I have never looked back. I’ve found that most anything can be found on amazon and at a much cheaper price. SO I signed up to be a Prime customer and get all my things shipped free and at their lower discount rate. Since I don’t like shopping – amazon has proved to be the perfect place for me to get most of our supplements and many other needs. AND we usually get them within 24 hours.
Solomon’s healing diet is simple, easy, and very specific if you want to build a strong and healthy body. He sold herbs at his office or would tell you to feel free to get them online or at a health food store. Solomon was not into making money. He was into using the gift that God gave him – to heal as many people as he could. The link to his healing plan is below.
The Loss of Solomon in August, 2013
Sadly, Solomon lost his own life in August of 2013. No doubt, you will wonder – well if he could heal so many thousands of others – WHY couldn’t he heal himself? I was told by someone who knew him personally, that he had been clearing and burning brush and there was some poison ivy and sumac in that brush and the smoke from that got into his lungs and damaged them so badly, there was just nothing that could be done. Solomon was 75 when he passed.
All through the years…he worked out of a little room in his home in the boonies around Auburn, Indiana. People would come from every state in the United States and just park in his yard – sign in at the big book on his front porch and they’d be called in – in the order they signed the book.
Testimonials From Readers Who Went to See Solomon
ONE of the people who contacted me to help them get an appointment with Solomon – said the day they went, there was a couple there from Russia that had come all that way for a miraculous healing.
A Grandmothers Miracle
I had a friend that took her grandmother to see Solomon – because she had been given just a couple weeks to live with advanced cancer. My friend said the trip up there was horrific because her grandmother was so sick, she had to lay her in the back seat of the car. This grandmother – after being given a couple of herbs on the spot … walked out of Solomon’s office and they had a super trip going home all the way to Florida. Her grandmother got well on Solomon’s diet and herbal remedies and lived 6 months – attending church and all of her little old ladies meetings and this and that and one day she said “I’m healed of my cancer so I’m going to stop taking those nasty herbs” She stopped them that day and passed away 2 weeks later.
My FRIEND said as they were leaving the day he saw her grandmother, Solomon called out to her and he said “My dear – I sense a problem in your body as well. Would you mind if I take a close look into your eyes?” She let him take a look and he diagnosed her and she said she just couldn’t believe it. SHE had been going to the doctor with unusual symptoms herself and the doctor couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Solomon GAVE her a couple herbs to take since she didn’t come up there for her own illness and she said she never had another minutes problem with her symptoms.
But “I” believe that many or most of us have the ability to heal our own bodies. I believe we can ward OFF bad and scary things and be strong and vibrant way into very old age and just keel over riding our tricycle down the sidewalk … like the old guy on Laugh In years ago 🙂
It’s just acquiring the knowledge you need and then just DOING it. And it’s the DOING IT that is the hardest. Because juicing and eating more ‘cave man style‘ DOES take more time than running through a fast food lane – it can be done.
I’m as bad as anyone else, I’m so sorry to say. But we’re into our later 60’s now and I’m trying my best to get us on a healthier diet with daily juicing.
SO many are looking for this kind of information. I’m going to try to start talking about natural healing a lot more often, because hey listen gang – we can’t improve our relationships and organize our homes and make them warm and fuzzy if we’re too sick to DO it – or not here at ALL … RIGHT?
Peace and love from the canyon…
I love you all gobs and gobs and thanks so much…for stopping by!
Solomon Wickey
I have been searching someone to help me and my three kids with an unusual illness that struck us months ago and now it seems to still plague us in a neurological manner! I have been going to doctors and we are holding up most days but it affects our lives months later and no one has prescribed us anything yet that has taken away the symptoms we still deal with and are healing from and even the slightest supplements can set something off in a negative way in our bodies! Is there anyone that can help us in the southern Indiana area? I am sad that Solomon Wickey is not here anymore to help figure out what is the root of some of these unusual illnesses plaguing people all around!
GOOD NEWS NICOLE!!! David – who studied under Solomon for 12 years is now seeing his patients and he tours to see these patients in health food stores, etc and is in Indiana often – monthly. And he takes just donations just like Solomon did. Check David’s fb page at this link for his schedule …and please keep me posted – https://www.facebook.com/David-174834132615663/?fref=nf
And listen … if you’re on facebook … click my personal fb link and send me a friends request and message … I’d love to talk to you more … https://www.facebook.com/kay.comer.5
Our son is also battling a kind of mysterious physical problem and it’s been going on for a year. He too has seen many doctors over the last year and all give him a clean bill of health – yet this very mysterious problem continues. I’m hoping David will be coming to Paducah in December or January so I can take our son to him also – we’re trying to work that out now. if you’re not on facebook .. please email me at katydid1@hughes.net and put Solomon Wickey in the subject line…..