We’re hearing so much about the Paleo Diet these days. SO what exactly IS it?
Paleo Diet – Cave Man Diet
The Paleo Diet is also called the Cave Man Diet and it’s said that the reason the Paleo Diet is so simple is because you just know that you don’t eat anything that wasn’t available to the Cave Man.
Paleo Diet – if you can’t hunt it or grow it yourself, you don’t eat it
Now we can BUY things in stores that others have grown or raised. But those foods need to be pure and simple. NO processed foods at all. No Sugar! No Dairy! No wheat or grains!
So if you can hunt it or grow it … wild game, fish, nuts, seeds, greens, whole foods like fruits and veggies that haven’t been altered or added to in any way. Then it’s safe for you AND for your body and health.
And if you don’t believe in Cave Men … DUH!!! It’s just foods that were eaten by our hunter/gatherer ancestors of so many moons ago.
Paleo Benefits
The Paleo Diet is high in protein, low in carbs and glycemic index, it’s high in fiber and has moderate healthy fats. It’s high in potassium which makes it SO good for the heart and kidneys and other organs. It’s also low in sodium.
The Paleo Diet is also very alkaline so it’s such a good way to keep your PH balance in check and that is so SO crucial to being healthy. It’s higher in vitamins and minerals than any other diet and also antioxidants and phytochemicals….
It’s a primitive solution to a huge and current modern day problem.
Hazards of Grains
Grains are causing a HUGE problem to our health these days … do you realize that? Grains didn’t use to even BE a part of our diet. Because they’re loaded with high carbs and gluten and lectins and so many are gluten intolerant these days. MANY more than even KNOW it. SO if you’re having a health issue … and are getting no answers … you may want to leave off the gluten right off the bat and see if your health issues don’t kind of line themselves out BY themselves.
Over time … our intolerance to gluten and lectins will cause many physical conditions … digestive, skin, reflux and so much more! Even problems with our thinking and memory and yes gluten foods can even wreck havoc and cause autoimmune diseases and so many other things.
Lectins are toxins/poisons that exist in these grains and they are there just to cause us trouble … and also cause many physical ills.
The Paleo Diet eliminates all sugars except natural sugars such as is in fruits. It totally eliminates dairy and processed foods as we said above and also grains.
We are to eat NOTHING that will work to tear our bodies and our health down and eat ONLY those foods that nourish and energize and strengthen our bodies … Now does that sound like a good plan or WHAT?
The SAD Diet … or Standard American Diet has wrecked havoc on gazillions of people and sadly … so many of them have no clue.
A Cancer Study
A hospital in Germany did a study on a group of people with terminal cancer. Some dropped out because they just couldn’t give up their sugar and carbs and dairy. FIVE PEOPLE stayed on this Paleo program for 3 months and ate only foods that would nourish and restore their bodies. After the 3 months … all were either stabilized in their cancers … or in remission. And do you know WHY? Because cancer FEEDS on SUGAR! And as long as you’re taking in sugar voluntarily … or high carb foods that are going to turn to sugar … you’re just feeding your cancer and making it bigger and stronger by the day.
Paleo Diet – Main Proteins
There are lists EVERYWHERE of foods you can have on a Paleo Diet. But the main proteins are … chicken, duck, rabbit, pork, lamb, pork, beef, venison, goat, fish-shrimp-oysters-salmon. And now you don’t GORGE on these … you eat to satisfy your hunger. And also allowed are eggs, veggies like asparagus, avocado, broccoli, brussel sprouts, carrots, celery, onions, spinach, zucchini and more…..
IF you’re having health issues and finding no answers I would STRONGLY advise you to give this Paleo Diet just ONE
WEEK and see if you feel an improvement. Will it be easy? SHOOT A MONKEY NO!!! But would you rather live another 20 plus years … or have Twinkies every day and wash them down with Soda Pop and knock a good 15 or more years off your life? YOU DO HAVE A CHOICE!
Peace and Love around the world and Thanks for Reading … I love you all gobs!
Weight Loss Programs
Positive results have been found with the Paleo Diet and Bipolar Disorder!
You can read that here –> Testimonial: Paleo and Bipolar Disorder
Find all sorts of Paleo Diet books, Paleo Diet cookbooks, Paleo Diet on Kindle and more on Amazon here!
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Hi Kay,
Just getting to read on some of the blogs I’ve missed!!
I started The Paleo Cleanse 1st of May!!
My Nutritionist is having me do it.
Its not bad!!! I can already tell a difference!!! 🙂
Got to get blood work done too!
But Thanks for writing this!! Very Interesting!!
Denise S
Keep me posted on your Paleo program Denise … and I just noticed that Llana’s office has closed. I assume she’s retired? Be sure and keep me posted….