May is National Vinegar Month and this is the perfect time to talk about the health benefits of Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar. Natural apple cider vinegar is said to be nature’s most perfect food and one of the greatest aids to health
and long life known to science.
Apple cider vinegar is made from fresh crushed organic apples and then that liquid is allowed to mature in wooden barrels – because it’s believed the wood seems to ‘boost’ the natural fermentation.
Now when I say “natural” – we’re talking Bragg’s Natural Apple Cider Vinegar here.
There are virtually no health benefits to the clear vinegar we buy at the grocery – whether it’s the brownish or clear.
But Bragg’s Natural Apple Cider Vinegar can almost breathe the breath of life into you when you’re just about on your last leg.
Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar VS Store Bought Heinz and Others
Vinegar has so many uses – we could talk about it from now till Kingdom come. The clear vinegar from the grocery has so many uses.
It’s good for hair, skin and nails. Women clean their windows, floors and counters with the white vinegar.
It’s used to flavor foods and it’s a staple in many recipes and so much more.
But there is just no comparison between Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar and the store bought clear vinegars.
If you want to maintain a youthful and vibrant body inside and out. And if you want to regulate calcium metabolism and keep your blood at just the right consistency.
If you want to counteract that mid morning and mid afternoon slump. If you want to help your digestion and relieve sore throats, laryngitis – remove toxins – clear your sinuses – fight arthritis and control and normalize your weight and more – you’re just going to need Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar.
Bragg Healthy Lifestyle: Vital Living to 120!Bragg Usda Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, 32 Fluid Ounce
Apple Cider Vinegar: Miracle Health System (Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar Miracle Health System: With the Bragg Healthy Lifestyle)
Apple Cider Vinegar Remedies
Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss
It’s been thought for as long as I can remember – that apple cider vinegar is a super duper weight loss aid. And while it absolutely will help you curb your appetite. There are no magical powers in apple cider vinegar in regards to weight loss. Now it WILL absolutely HELP you to lose weight – but for that to happen – you will also need to control your own intake of food.
That food also needs to be healthy and nutritious and all junk food needs to be left off except for a rare treat – just like with any healthy diet that you expect to work.
Twenty minutes of walking – will also give you a boost and you can simply do that while watching television at night.
If you’re easily bored with exercise – just get up and walk during commercials – but walk fast in one spot. You can kick, jump and dance around and pretend you’re 16 again – and before long – you’ll be wondering if you HAVE aged backwards.
I read a of one lady who lost 20 pounds in 2 months – just by watching her diet and walking 20 minutes at night and walking only for the 3 to 5 minute commercials during her regular shows. And she did that ONLY until she had walked 20 minutes total. SO it can be done. We don’t have to make weight loss complicated.
The Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss Formula
The apple cider vinegar weight loss formula – is just simply this: Put 1 tsp ACV in glass of water and add 1/2 tsp honey and drink that down 3 times daily – before your meals. That will curb your appetite and give your metabolism a simple boost. This is called the ACV Cocktail. I don’t even add the honey to my apple cider drink – and I use only Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar – because it has many more health benefits. But you absolutely WILL feel a slight boost – by doing this one simple thing.
Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar: An Apple A Day
Apples are a very rich source of potassium. And potassium is the mineral of youthfulness. It’s the key mineral in the ‘constellation of minerals.’ It’s the artery softener and will keep your arteries flexible so that blood can flow smoothly at all times. It’s a fighter of bad bacteria and viruses. It just does so many things – we can easily understand where the old saying came from “An apple a day – keeps the doctor away.” Without potassium – there would be no life.
Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar Was Our FIRST Home Remedy 50 Years Ago
SO to take 1 tsp of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar and put it in a tall glass of water mid morning and mid afternoon – is really just one of the smartest and most beneficial things we can do for our body. AND if you don’t like the ACV in water – you can add it to Tomato Juice or V8 – that’s how our oldest son does it and if you add a couple of shakes of cayenne to that mixture – you’ll get a double good whammy. It’s really very delicious – a super thirst quencher and we’ve been drinking it in water and V8 for decades. I even often use it as an astringent on my face before I don’t put on makeup … lol It’s also a super exfoliator and good for tightening pores.
Oh MY – as we can see – I could talk about Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar forever. It’s one of the first home remedies we used almost 50 years ago and we still use it to this day and use it as many remedies. What more could a person want or expect in one small bottle?
Priceless Books on Healthy Living – By Paul Bragg
Not only do we love the Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar for it’s many health benefits. I absolutely LOVE reading his books and have several of them. They can all be found on amazon – but the ones “I” have are – Healthy Lifestyle, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Super Power Breathing. Just that super power breathing will change your life within days – because we all breath wrong – sad to say. That first breath you take where you’re really breathing in right – like deep into your tummy instead of letting your shoulder’s rise? If you do that right – the very first time – you’ll feel slightly light headed. And that’s because our bodies are not used to getting the oxygen it so desperately needs and when we give it a good whiff – it makes us a little dizzy – but only slightly and it passes quickly. I really highly recommend these books by Paul Bragg.
Where to Buy Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar
Now it is a little harder to find Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar than it is to find the regular vinegars – but you can click right here and have it delivered right to your door – and usually within a couple days.
Bragg Healthy Lifestyle: Vital Living to 120!Bragg Usda Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, 32 Fluid Ounce
Apple Cider Vinegar: Miracle Health System (Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar Miracle Health System: With the Bragg Healthy Lifestyle)
Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar – it’s just almost good for whatever ails ya!