Lemons to the rescue for high blood pressure! We’ve recently had such a miracle in our own family – as a result of the lemon water for high blood pressure – and I know many others struggle with blood pressure issues as well. I just wanted to share our personal lemon remedy story – while I’m thinking about it.
I’ve also had many public and private messages today about not only blood pressure issues – but also blood clots. We have found just so many interested in the blood clot post – because blood clots are just something that it’s hard to find reliable information on.
Our Son’s Mysterious Physical Dilemma –
Last year when our oldest adult son started having health issues – his blood pressure just went through the roof. He had always been a health nut so to speak – a jogger and ate fairly healthy – and he was just floored when a couple of health issues just seemed to come out of nowhere and so was I.
But while we were trying to figure out what the problem ‘was’ – his blood pressure just spiked like crazy and just would not go down.
It’s looking now – like the extended brain fog problem could have been the effects of poorly administered Versed – which they give to block your memory from your surgery – and we’re looking into that now.
But at the time – we had no clue – and brain fog was not an acceptable condition to our own family Einstein. And his blood pressure was just totally out of control.
The doctor would try one drug – add another and another and pretty soon – he was on EIGHT blood pressure pills a day. I was so hysterical about THAT – that I went out and talked to my own doctor – who was very concerned also.
SO I jumped into research mode and studied and studied and knowing our son like the back of my hand and what many of these remedies will and will not do – no matter what I find in print – I decided to try him on lemon water.
Lemons to The Rescue When High Blood Pressure Hits
He started out with 1 quart of water – with the juice of 1 lemon in each quart – 3 times a day and talked his own doctor into monitoring his blood pressure weekly – while he did it daily at home.
His doctor was livid he was drinking so much acidic lemon water … lol (Now remember SHE was pumping him full of POISON – but was upset because “I” was giving him LEMONS)
But she agreed to monitor him – telling him he was wasting his time and money on lemons.
His blood pressure soon started to come down – and his doctor had to start decreasing his blood pressure meds. The doctor said his body was just reacting to his physical crisis – and this was a fluke – and he would always have to take blood pressure meds to some degree.
He kept downing the lemon water 3 times a day – and his blood pressure kept coming down, down, down and she kept having to decrease his meds even more.
To make a long story short. He went – in just about 7 months or so … from 8 blood pressure pills a day – to now – NO blood pressure pills at all. And he monitors his blood pressure regularly even to this day – to be sure it’s staying in normal range.
It’s now running about 120/70. His doctor says she doesn’t know what happened – but it couldn’t have had anything to do with lemons because lemons are just food. 🙂
The Lemon Remedy – Don’t Try It At Home Alone
Now I’m SURE not suggesting anyone try this without their doctors assistance in monitoring their blood pressure on a weekly basis. But this is what we did – and this was the result.
Lemons alkalize the body – even though they’re thought to be acidic – they still alkalize. And a more alkaline body is what we want. Disease can’t develop or thrive when a body has a sufficiently balanced PH.
Lemons are also good for the immune system. They’re good to flush toxins from the liver and kidneys and they help with digestion.
Lemons will stimulate your gastrointestinal tract and improve your body’s ability to absorb nutrients all day long – on the days you drink it. Just that alone should sell us all on a glass or two of lemon water a day.
A friend called a couple days ago. She had contacted me for some advice because she was feeling sluggish, draggy – just not herself. And I told her about the lemon water with Celtic or Himalayan Sea Salt and what miraculous changes a person will usually feel in just 3 days – so she gathered the stuff to get started –
She called early one morning a few days ago – to see if she could put sugar in her lemon water … lol
We both had a big laugh about it. I told her if she was going to add sugar – just forget the lemon water – because the bad from the sugar would out weigh the good from the lemons. She decided to be tough and just drink it on down – tartness and all. And she was amazed at how much better she felt – even on the 2nd day of drinking the lemon water with Celtic or Himalayan Sea Salt.
I actually love lemon water and have it 2 or 3 times a day. And I put about 2 pinches of Celtic Sea Salt in it and only about 4 oz of water to the juice of one whole fresh lemon. It’s absolutely delicious to me – and perks me right up.
That lemon water and Celtic or Himalayan Sea Salt – in just 3 days – will usually jump start your adrenals – and make you feel like a new person. I usually use Himalayan Sea Salt myself – but both can just work miracles … and no this type of salt will not raise your blood pressure using it as directed here.
OK – I’m going way too long here – but I have to give you a good stern warning. DO NOT – stop taking your blood pressure meds and start drinking lemon water just on your own.
Our son SLOWLY weaned off of his meds with the help of his doctor. But it WAS the lemon water that allowed him to do it.
SO just add a glass or two of lemon water to your daily routine. And when you go back to the doctor for a check up – THEN ask them if they will monitor you if you want to try to decrease the amount of blood pressure meds that you take.
I absolutely believe God gave us all bodies that will heal themselves folks. And when we have something go haywire in our systems – that is a SIGN that some nutrient in lacking in our diet/body.
Just as a bad diet and lifestyle can make us sick – – the right diet and lifestyle can make us whole and well again – – at least to a great degree.
Medical doctors practice medicine and treat symptoms. Alternative doctors look at the symptom and get to work figuring out what the root cause IS – that is causing those symptoms – and that’s when and where the healing begins. It’s usually one or more nutrients missing – that is CAUSING that symptom.
OTHER Blood Pressure Miracles
There are just a few other things we can do – and that “I” do – to keep our blood pressure at a good reading – and they help tremendously.
First is just munching on celery and/or cucumbers as you can on any given day. I put those things in our homemade juices and smoothies often and they can work wonders –
Next is Doctor’s Best CoQ10 – and I take that regularly too. It strengthens the heart and helps to regulate the blood pressure – and unless your diet and lifestyle are just crazy toxic – you will notice an improvement within a week or less of adding a good CoQ10.
I take Doctor’s Best brand because it’s a very reputable company and their prices are very fair – and I take 1 caplet 3 times a day.
Very often – I get busy and only get one down – but CoQ10 is just good for you in general. If you are on other meds – you may ask your doctor to be sure – but even cardiologists recommend CoQ10 🙂 And Doctor’s Best is very reasonable and easily absorbed.
And finally – just slowing down – taking a break – and doing just a couple minutes of deep breathing.
Sit down and let your whole body relax – then breathe in slowly and deeply as you count – 1001 – hold for a few seconds and breathe out slowly as you count 1002. Do that up to about #1006 and you should literally feel – your body relaxing.
We monitor our blood pressure on a regular basis with the wrist monitor below. Now some doctors will tell you that you need the old timey cluff/pump blood pressure monitor – but I read a review on amazon by a medical doctor and he said this particular one – was so easy and so accurate – that he keeps several in his office just to give to his elderly patients that need to monitor their blood pressure and can’t afford a monitor. WE LOVE this blood pressure monitor and it’s only about $22. And we have that link below also.
YOU CAN lower and control your own blood pressure and you can do so – fairly easily.
Here’s the Deal in Cliff Notes –
4 to 8 ounces of water – the juice of one lemon – and Celtic or Himalayan Sea Salt –
OUR pharmacy is in our KITCHEN. Because we believe in God’s way to ultimate health.
Peace & lots of love from the cozy cabin in the canyon – – and I love you all…
Visit our home page for more Natural Home Remedies – and be sure to bookmark as we change our featured articles on a regular basis!
My 82 year old Poppa and I (age 52 years old) have just been using the 8 oz water, juice from 1 lemon and 1/4 tsp of Celtic salt for just 3 days. My Poppa’s gout has drastically reduced, no more leg cramps for him nor I am night. It has really boost our energy level, like we’ve drank a pot of coffee but without the jitters. Thank You Miss Kay for introducing us to this simple all natural solution.
Bonnie-Sue Martin and
Charles Damron (Poppa)
Thank you so much Bonnie and I’m so thrilled it worked so fast for you. It worked that fast for me too. It’s amazing stuff … absolutely!