Cancer – probably the most feared word in the English language. But let’s not only talk about how to prevent it, but let’s talk about how to beat it if you have it.
There are so many forms of cancer – Pancreatic cancer is probably the most feared and then there’s lung cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, cervical and ovarian cancers and so many more.
Cancer can literally affect any and every organ in your body and you can have it and still feel good and not even know it. Now that’s scary!
That’s all very bad news! But here’s the good news – most cancer patients can turn their own health around and put those scary cancer cells in their grave and keep the rest of them from waking up if they’ll just take the time to research and do it.
Lung Cancer – Symptoms, Stages and Treatment
There are about 174,000 people diagnosed a year with lung cancer. ONE FOURTH of those people had no symptoms when diagnosed and their problem was only found at a routine physical. Now THAT is scary!!! Lung Cancer Symptoms Symptoms of lung cancer include but are not limited to: cough or coughing up blood or rusty colored phlegm. Fatigue that’s worse than usual. Unexplained weight loss. Recurrent respiratory infections. Hoarseness, wheezing and trouble getting a good breath. More people die each year from lung cancer than from breast, prostate and colon…
7 Cancer Prevention Foods
Cancer Prevention We ALL Have Cancer Cells In Our Bodies NOW! We’ve all heard that we all have cancer cells in our bodies right now. But the trick to not getting active cancer is to keep those cancer cells asleep for a lifetime. That’s easier than it sounds, but the problem is, most of us don’t want to do the things we’d need to do to keep those cancer cells in a comatose state. Some countries have a diet and lifestyle that just naturally keeps cancer cells asleep. For instance, the…
Alternative Cancer Treatments
Cancer Research I’ve researched cancer and ways to heal it naturally since late 1977. Not because I or anyone in my immediate family had it at that time, but because so many on down the line in our family had lost a battle with it and I was learning quick that the doctors had no answer. All of my aunts and uncles and even a few cousins battled this cancer or that and they were all given the deadly poison – chemo – to try to heal their bodies. Now…
Solomon Wickey Cancer Diet
I get emails weekly asking for Solomon Wickey’s exact healing plan. This plan has to be followed to the letter if you’re dealing with a very devastating or possibly terminal prognosis it’s a must do. The secret to healing the body is to build up the immune system and balance the PH. But with a little work, you can do both! Sadly, medical doctors know little about building up the immune system OR balancing the PH – but they must both be done if a person wants to be…
Cancer Prevention – Fight Cancer Before You Get It!
Cancer – How does it develop? Cancer is probably the most searched subject on the internet. Surprisingly, not many people are looking for cancer prevention ideas. They’re all looking for Holistic Health recommendations AFTER the diagnosis. Cancer develops from our diets and lifestyle, plain and simple. We’re eating the wrong foods and foods loaded with their own carcinogens and more often than not, we don’t even look on the packaging to see what is inside that food we’re putting in our cart at the grocery. We’re downing sugar like it’s going…
Cancer Causes and Prevention