I’m thinking it’s time we need some of our food cravings explained in a way that we can understand what’s happening inside our bodies – when we crave certain foods.
I know for a fact – that if we didn’t crave some foods – it would be a lot easier to lose weight and keep it off.
It would be a lot easier to just pass on the high calorie foods or sugary foods that are so detrimental to our health.
SO – just what DO some of the most popular food cravings mean?
Sweets and Chocolate
I’m guessing sweets and chocolate are 2 of the most craved foods. Most everybody loves chocolate – but some people actually crave it and have to have their chocolate fix each day.
And sweets?
Well that’s a broad range category – but what we’re craving there is the sugar – so that simplifies it.
Food Cravings Explained: Craving Sweets
Craving sweets or chocolate can be like a person addicted to drugs I guess. Not sure on that because I’m not a pill popper and we even use home remedies as often as we can for everything. But have you ever craved a piece of chocolate and as soon as you ate it – a sense of peace just poured down over your whole body? Kind of like a ‘relief’ – “Aaahhhhh CHOcolate!!!
If you crave chocolate – that’s a sign your body is lacking magnesium.
Or do you ever feel like you just have to have a Raspberry filled donut or piece of Coconut Cream Pie? And as soon as you take that first bite – you get that same peace flowing down over you and it goes from your head to your feet. “Aaahhhhh SUGar – I LOVE you!”
But do you know what? You may love sugar but sugar is poison to your body.
SO if you crave anything sweet – your best bet is to eat some of the foods that supply the nutrients your body is probably lacking – like Chromium, Carbon, Phosphorus, Sulfur and Tryptophan.
AND you can supply those same nutrients by eating foods like fresh fruits, lean chicken and fish, eggs, nuts, cranberries, cheese, sweet potatoes and more

Food Cravings Explained: Craving Sweets and Chocolate – Love, Home and Health
Craving soft drinks could just be a lack of calcium in your body.
But you don’t want to take calcium without balancing it with magnesium.
So here in the canyon – we take a magnesium/calcium/zinc combo.
And it’s always a good thing to get a little magnesium daily – because I don’t know if you’ve read about it in my heart blogs – but people who die instantly from a heart attack are just usually and simply – lacking magnesium in their bodies.
How simple it would be to save that life – just by getting a little magnesium daily.
We also use a little magnesium oil once in a while and I just put that on the bottom of our feet at night – after
our evening showers – and that just relaxes you right down and helps you get a better night’s sleep.
I buy the Seven Sea’s Magnesium Oil from amazon and I have the magnesium flakes in the cabinet and
often make up a bottle of magnesium oil to give away. Just take or use both – as directed on their container.
With the flakes – all you need do is mix a tsp or so of crystals with water – and I put ours in a spray bottle. I buy the Ancient Minerals brand of magnesium flakes on amazon – and you can find those here.
Food Cravings Explained: An Easy Fix for Carbs and Sugar
An easy fix for cravings of high carb foods like breads and for any sugary food like cakes, candy and the like – is just to take a simple Vitamin B Complex daily. We use Soloray Mega Stress Capsules here in the canyon and I buy them on amazon.
The B Complex will help you in many ways. But what “I” love about it is that it is so good for the nervous system.
It can turn around anxiety, depression and just plain old nervousness in just a couple days.
If you add the B Complex, B12 Sublingual and even just one Magnesium/Calcium/Zinc combo daily – my goodness – you would be calm enough to fight a grizzly bear with your bare hands and WIN!
When taking a B Complex – ALWAYS have a little food just before you take it. And take as directed on the bottle.
When taking B12 Sublingual – ALWAYS wait 15 minutes after eating or drinking to put this cherry flavored B12 under your tongue. Hold it for 30 seconds – swish and swallow. THEN wait another 15 minutes before eating or drinking anything.
When taking Magnesium/Calcium/Zinc combo – “I” recommend that you bite into it and I even chew it up just a bit. I just don’t want to take the chance that that old hard as a rock tablet – won’t dissolve and absorb into my system.
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Food Cravings Explained Here!
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Cravings Archives
Cravings – If You Crave This, Your Body Is Lacking This
Cravings: What Do They Mean? How To Avoid Them!
Food Cravings Explained: Craving Sweets and Chocolate