Listen folks, Flu Season is upon us and Home Remedies for Flu are about to become very important to us all! I was just told that one of our little local hospitals has had over 200 cases of this bad flu come in within the last 48 hours.
IF YOU WILL GET WITH IT, you should be able to prevent the flu from attacking your own body and that of other household members.
I ALSO read this morning that 9 people have died of this flu season in Barnes Hospital in St Louis… Now that’s a major hospital and they say the patients were between their 20’s and 60’s, that’s very scary.
Flu Season Home Remedies
You need to be eating 2-3 Kiwi a day
and taking a Vitamin D tablet daily.
Kiwi can be bought at most any small grocery. Now they’re about 33 cents each and you’ll need 2 or 3 a day for each one in your house hold…BUT OH MY GOODNESS it is SO SO worth it. Leave that $3 box of Twinkies on the shelf and buy 9 Kiwi instead…
Vitamin D can be bought at Amazon
, Walgreen’s, Walmart, etc … Take one a day…
If you have a juicer, I’d be juicing – we are … carrots! But even without the juicing, just the 2 things above, IF you do them faithfully and daily – Should prevent you from getting this flu.
ALSO remember to be careful with door handles and this and that out in public….even grocery cart handles, people get out when they’re sick as a dog and cough in their own hands and then open doors and use grocery carts and this and that … spreading those germs right from their bodies to ours … thanks but NO THANKS!
I’m outta here…got to get to church…But I just learned of this and I wanted to give you all a heads up.
Talk to you tomorrow, Lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise….