Fat Flush Soup Diet – A Review of most of the Fat Flush books by Ann Louise Gittleman! The woman deserves a medal of honor – because she’s come up with a diet that just will not fail you!
If you’re really serious about losing weight and you’re finally ready to get started – you really need the Fat Flush Diet book from amazon. The Fat Flush Diet plan not only detoxifies your whole system – and we all know detoxing is critical to good health – but you will also lose a very noticeable amount of weight in just 2 weeks. It’s going to show you how to eat in a way that will just literally melt the fat right off of your waist and hips and thighs. And isn’t that the goal for all of us that want a good weight loss program.
The Fat Flush Soup Diet plan is based on balanced proteins, like eggs, meat, fish.
Also the essential fats, flaxseed oil and flax seeds.
Flax seeds themselves are actually quite delicious and have a nutty flavor. But flax seeds will do you little good unless they are broken down in some way. I put mine in my coffee grinder for 10 seconds. ALSO on the plan are low-glycemic carbs (fruits and veggies).
No good diet is complete without a good cleansing and detoxing!
SO this book leads you safely and effortlessly through your house cleaning with a cleansing tonic (one is just unsweetened cranberry juice and water – so these are all simple, simple things.) and the “Long Life Cocktail.” Does THAT cocktail get your attention or WHAT? LONG LIFE? I’ll take 3 of those, thank you very much!
Daily hot water and lemon juice is essential as is a selection of fat burning, water regulating and insulin controlling herbs and spices – such as cayenne, cinnamon, cloves, cilantro, parsley and mustard. The lemon juice is actually so delicious I crave it. And I add just a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt to mine for its added health benefit on the adrenal glands.
I’m telling you the truth – I have just about every diet book on the market but this one is what they call “The BOMB.” I quickly saw – researching this book – that it’s a must read for everybody wanting to lose weight and get healthy. I’ve got to get on this plan to the letter – myself.
Fat Flush Soup Diet: The Complete Fat Flush Plan
This set is for the really serious dieter. It includes the Fat Flush Plan book above, the Fat Flush Cookbook, a Fat Flush Journal to log your progress and the recipes, etc that you love best. And a shopping guide to help make your shopping much easier and faster.
The Fat Flush Cookbook – is a companion book for this diet plan and is included in this set to make it easier for those that are extra busy and don’t have time to sit and plan their meals on their own. It takes the stress and worry out of the diet – by not only giving you good options – but giving you the recipes FOR those options.
This is just a really good set – because you get the plan itself which helps so much in the detoxifying of the liver and cleansing the lymphatic system and it will assure that your metabolism is revved to the point it needs to be for the best and quickest fat loss.
Fat Flush Soup Diet: Fat Flush Fast Track Detox Diet

Get Fat Flush Diet: Fat Flush Fast Track Detox Diet here on Amazon!
If you’re like me – you’re always in a hurry and just can’t get enough things done – fast enough. SO Ann Louise Gittleman is offering the Fast Track Plan.
The plan itself is just so simple and you will definitely see super results in just a few days.
This is how it works –
THE PREQUEL is – Seven days of adding detox support foods to your diet to prepare your body for the one-day Fast
THE FAST is – One day of sipping Gittleman’s “Miracle Juice,” a deliciously spiced mixture of herbs and spices specially designed to stave off hunger, balance blood sugar, boost metabolism, and replenish nutrients (no kidding, the juice is completely delicious)
THE SEQUEL – Three days of reintroducing supportive and immune-boosting foods into your diet to seal in the results
DOES IT GET any simpler than this?

Get Fat Flush Diet: Fat Flush For Life here on Amazon!
Fat Flush Soup Diet: Fat Flush For Life
AND – once you get to where you want to go on that old kitchen scale – you’ll want a plan to help you stay on track without a lot of hassle.
SO Ann Louise has come up with the Fat Flush For Life Plan. And you know the drill on this one. It’s a maintenance plan – plain and simple.
These are just absolutely SUPER books.
The very first one will get you where you want to go. These others just make the journey a little simpler if you’re looking for that.
It’s like I’ve said so many times when asked “What’s the best diet?” I always reply “The best diet of all time – is the one you will follow!”
This is a SUPER diet. Very healthy and detoxifying!

Have you read Miracle in a Bowl – Fat Flush Soup Diet vs Cabbage Soup Diet?
You will feel an energy surge within just a couple days.
Bloating – GONE!!! Fat face – GONE!!! Fluid retention
– GONE!!!
Now WHAT could be BETTER than THAT?
If you’ve tried and tried and can’t seem to lose weight – don’t stop now.
Pick up one of these books right here on amazon and give this diet your
best shot.

Have You Read Cleanse and Detox with the Fat Flush Soup Diet?
This is such a good and healthy diet. WE CAN DO THIS!!!
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