Kindness is just LOVE with it's work boots On! But what is kindness? We hear so much about kindness. We hear about random acts of kindness. So what is that? How can we do a random act of kindness unless we truly understand 'kindness'?
Kindness is just being kind and it's being truly caring. It's caring about other people and their feelings and having a heart yourself so full of love that you just want to show that love to others. THAT is being KIND.
Random acts of kindness are just things we do to help another - usually a person that we don't even know - because we truly care about them because of some hardship they may be going through. SO we secretly or randomly help that person and most times when they receive help - they don't even know where that help comes from.
This old world needs more kindness shown to other - that's for sure. And it NEEDS more random acts of kindness. SO let's all do our part to be kind and promote kindness. After all - we all have time for that - because - Kindness is just LOVE with it's work boots on!