Over the years I’ve accumulated a library of health books and videos on health, holistic healing, skin care, weight loss and so much more!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE studying holistic healing and natural living. If I were an organized person, I’d be the healthiest and most fit person you all know. But the older I get, the harder it is for me to sort through the process of doing so many things at once – especially with this ADHD. And YES! I’ve been able to get a handle on that too – using what I’ve learned in my studies – but I’ve let my own life just get too hectic and I’ve put myself way too far down on my to do list and I just don’t take time for me. Now that’s not a sob story with violin music playing in the background – that’s just the truth and anyone in my family will tell you the same.
We’re going to build an area here to review a few books and videos and share with you some of our favorite things we learned from them…
Just know that if you read health information here at Love, Home and Health – you can absolutely trust that information. But keep in mind that we are NOT doctors. We are not licensed in any way to practice any type of healing – natural or otherwise – so anything you do or try – from any of our articles – home remedies or otherwise – you should do with the assistance of your own doctor. We share only those things which we know and trust – many of which we have used ourselves.
There are many newer books out. Holistic Health and Wellness and Natural Healing, Acupuncture, Acupressure and many other forms of healing the body naturally – is just getting bigger and bigger all the time. But I still study and go by the ways of the older Naturopathic doctors and healers – like Jethro Kloss, N.W. Walker, Bernard Jensen, Dr. L Newman.
Health Books
Dr Andrew Weil – Spontaneous Healing, 8 Weeks to Optimum Health
, Eating Well For Optimum Health
, Natural Health, Natural Medicine and so many more. Dr Weil is still healthy and wise and still writing books today – but it’s his older books like above – that I cherish and still fall back on.
It was in one of my Andrew Weil books back in the 1990s that I found the formula to heal my own hands after we had spent over $1,000 going to 5 different dermatologists. My hands had gotten so bad with eczema that I’d sit after my shower and hold my hands open – palms facing up – until I could stand the thought of just sitting normal. The pain was horrific after a shower. And I’d wash dishes as they accumulated and as fast as I could.
He has many books out – both old and new. A few of my favorites besides the one above – are – 8 Weeks to Optimum Health – and that book – just like all of his books is just packed with a wealth of information.
From Andrew Weil, I’ve learned that Vitamin B Complex will absolutely CHANGE YOUR LIFE. I’ve gone on to study many studies about Vitamin B Complex since he introduced me to that very supplement in an article he wrote way back in the 90s. I started collecting his books as soon as they started coming out in about 2000.
Jethro Kloss – Back to Eden
Jethro Kloss has one of the best books ever written on holistic health and wellness – called Back To Eden. He’s one of the first I ever studied. The original copyright in the book I have is dated 1939 – but the wisdom within that book goes far and beyond most things you can find in today’s book world. YET IT IS just as accurate today and his healing remedies are just as powerful today – as they were decades ago.
God’s Way to Ultimate Health
, Dr George Malkmus
If I had to pick a favorite book of all time – it would probably be this one. I bought this book in 1999 and it introduced me to the world of Hallelujah Acres and to the fact that juicing really is the fastest way to restore our health. I gave $18 for my book in 1999 and bought it at the Golden Carrot.
It’s selling on amazon right now for about $8 – but worth 10 times that or more for the information inside. It has something like 152 testimonials in it from people that have healed every debilitating illness under the sun – many that were considered hopeless and terminal – with juicing.
I would FIGHT you if you broke into our home and tried to steal this book. 🙂 Because I’ve highlighted it and written in the margins my own formula and this and that – that I’ve come up with using the information in this book. THIS BOOK IS GOLD!!!
Bernard Jensen – Nature Has A Remedy
It was from Bernard Jensen that I learned of the connection between colon and bowel health and the health of the entire body. Jensen taught us that disease begins in the colon – and I’ve come to realize just how right he was and still is. It was from Bernard Jensen that I first heard the saying “Death begins in the colon.” AND that health begins – with colon detoxing.
Health Videos
Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead
Do you feel fat, sick and nearly dead? Are there ever times when you feel like you’re a hopeless case when it comes to making yourself healthy and fit? Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead – calls for an about face and NOW!
I guess the video that has made the biggest impression on me and a difference in the way I look at juicing and natural healing is “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” by Joe Cross.
Get more of Joe Cross
Here on Amazon!
Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead DVDFat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2
Reboot with Joe: Fully Charged: 7 Keys to Losing Weight, Staying Healthy and Thriving
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead: How Fruits and Vegetables Changed My Life
Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead Amazon Video
The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet Cookbook: Juice, Smoothie, and Plant-based Recipes Inspired by the Hit Documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead
101 Juice Recipes
Juice It to Lose It: Lose Weight and Feel Great in Just 5 Days
101 Smoothie Recipes
Breville BJE200XL Compact Juice Fountain 700-Watt Juice Extractor
Champion 2000 Household Juicer G5-NG853S

Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead DVD
Be sure to bookmark and Pin this post as we will continue to add to it our favorite health books and health videos!