Refined sugar is the most destructive thing we put in our bodies!
Eating sugar is like slowly putting a little poison in our bodies day after day after day. There are many other foods that are considered “refined.”
Now “refined” … that makes it sounds like it would be something good … doesn’t it? Sometimes when I look in the mirror when I’m getting ready to go out the door … I’ll think to myself … “Goodness Granny Goose … YOU need to be REFINED or something!” Which to ME would make me seem like I was making myself better … to become more “refined.” So to me … being “refined” sounds like a good thing. But goodness gracious, it surely isn’t when it comes to putting “refined foods” into our bodies.
DID YOU KNOW that when we take in refined sugar in any form … food, drink, candy, deserts … ANYTHING … that it quickly ferments in our system and causes the formation of acetic acid, carbonic acid and alcohol.
And there I said I’d never had a drop of alcohol in my life. Well for goodness sakes alive … I’ve had enough sugar … which evidently turned into alcohol … to make me sloppy drunk every single day of my life. MY POOR LIVER AND PANCREAS!!!
Acetic acid is the super strong acid that’s used to burn off warts. If that stuff will burn off a wart from our old weathered skin … what kind of destruction do you think it’s doing to the soft tissue inside of our bodies?
Carbonic acid is what gives our soft drinks that burn as it goes down and it’s used to dissolve limestone. WELL THAT’S JUST GREAT!!!
WHAT is keeping us ALIVE … those of us who consume too many soft drinks a day?
And that alcohol we’re not completely sure about? It will, over time … destroy the kidneys and affect the nerves close to the brain … which in turn will affect our concentration, motion, ability to be observing and much more.
I’m sure we’ve all heard that everything that we take into our bodies is filtered thru the liver. And everything that affects the liver also has an affect on the pancreas. So now when you go to messing with the health of your pancreas and liver … you may as well be playing chicken with 2 really drunk drivers way out on old Route 66 … because disaster is bound to happen sooner or later …
Artificial sweeteners are also very harmful to our bodies but we’re not going to talk about those today. The ONLY sugar that is of any value to us are the natural sugars in raw fruits and also pure honey.
There’s enough sugar in one soft drink to paralyze your immune system for 1/3 of the day. SO if you have a sugary drink for breakfast and another for lunch and then another for supper … even if that’s the only sugary drinks you have all day … you have gone through that day with virtually NO immune system.
Colds and Flu and cancer and all the other dreaded diseases LOVE your unhealthy diet. Because they are all looking for a place to land and take up residence until they can do you in. And here you are waving a big sign that’s saying “YOU LOOKIN’ FOR STUPID? HERE I AM!!!”
We could talk about the dangers of sugar from now till the 2nd Tuesday of next week. But WHY would we NEED to?
Isn’t what we’ve just learned above ENOUGH?
We can make ourselves well … or we can make ourselves sick … depending on what foods we consume each and every day.
SO SO MANY OF US are committing slow suicide daily … right at our kitchen tables.
NOW … let me tell you what I did yesterday.
I made a coconut cream pie for my old geezer. :-0
The whole pie … was nothing but refined sugar … so why did I DO that?
Because we’ve all learned that to show love we do things that make our loved ones happy!
And food … especially unhealthy food … makes most everybody happy.
I LOVE taking homemade cookies to our kids and even shut ins and others.
But what I’m doing is delivering poison right to their doors … OH my GOODNESS!!!
I may as well knock on those doors and say
“Here ya go … I brought you a little bowl of arsenic … just have a little throughout the day and let’s see how long you can last” :-0
I AM SO SORRY!!! It’s freshly made carrot juice from now on!
Peace and love from the canyon … I love you all gobs and thanks SO MUCH for stopping by!
Hi KAY- Wanted to see what your new set up was like on WP. Looks Great!
I’ll be back later to check out the rest of your post.
You are doing a great job!
Linda recently posted…Creamy French Bean Soup
It’s really going slow Linda….We take 2 steps forward and 3 steps back. And I’m a control freak
so I think I’m going to write about short blog about why we’re not posting a BLOG … lol We’ve had
a few ask what’s going on and I hate keeping people in limbo….We’ll help you when we’re settled and