Love and Happiness! They’re probably the two things that the most of us want or are looking for more than any other two things in the world. But ‘happiness’ can mean so many different things to so many different people.
My dictionary said that “happiness is” – a mental or emotional state of well being characterized by positive emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. And goodness, I’d say most or many of us are ‘content’ … but doesn’t intense joy sound nice and so very appealing?
Love and Happiness Quotes
I read somewhere that “The secret to being happy is accepting where we are in life and making the most of every single day” Now who among us couldn’t do that? But so many of us want so much more and we just don’t stop to realize that “every single day may not be good, but there is at least a little good in every single day”
I’m big on quotes and signs and I have them all through our home.
I have one that hangs over my computer desk and it says
“There’s so much more to life than having everything”
And that is so true!
What are some things we can do to make ourselves and others happier?
Well we can start deep within ourselves and try to change our mindsets just a bit and in such a way that “when it rains, we can look for the rainbow and when it’s dark, we can look for the stars.” That’s a good start right there for ourselves.
For ourselves and others, we can “Be present in every moment, give a compliment to a stranger, make our beds, buy kool aid from kids at a kool aid stand, walk in the rain, watch a sunset, make brownies, give a compliment, wave at kids on school buses, sing in the shower, sing in the car, sing while washing dishes!
Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures, keep life simple, have pallet picnics in front of the television, count your blessings, say “I love you”, be somebody who makes everybody feel like somebody.”
One of the best things we can do to make our lives happier is to realize that life is going to be what we make it be. Always has been that way and it always will be. And the day we decide that our life can be magical, I think we’ll start to find magic all around us.
I’m just not a person that worries about keeping up with the Jones. If we knew the Jones really well, we’d probably learn that they have as many problems or possibly even more, than we do.
I don’t know about you, but I’m way too busy taking care of my own grass to notice if the neighbors grass is greener. I’m not worried about the neighbor’s grass in the least. The grass can die out around the world, but I want MY grass to stay green, period! If I wake up one day and realize my grass is getting dull, the first thing that’s going to pop in my mind is “HEY, the grass is getting dull and if I don’t want to lose that grass, I’d better give it some nourishment.” Same goes with relationships of every kind.
A relationship is like any fire – if that fire isn’t tended and more wood added as needed, it’s eventually going to burn out. You’re going to get down to a little spark and you’ll be in a panic scrounging for dry leaves and little sticks to get that fire going good again. SO don’t LET it get down to the little embers. Keep that fire going at a good pace and it will be there for you for as long as you need it. Yes, you can keep a fire going for decades if you set your mind to it.
How is your grass today? Could it use a little nourishment? Do you have a good fire going? Or is your fire burning down to the embers?
We all carry burdens of one kind or another. So if we could only realize the importance of kindness towards others. One word of kindness to someone in deep despair, could make a huge difference in that life. “If only our eyes could see souls instead of bodies – how very different our idea of beauty would be”
I think Mother Teresa said it best when she said “Spread love every where you go. First of all in your own homes, give love to your spouse and your children. Let no one come to you without leaving happier or better. Be the living expression of God’s love” Well that sounds pretty good to me, how about you?
I’ve read many times “We will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory” I think that was a Dr Seuss quote. But goodness, that is so true.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve whined enough about just the weather this winter. And I’m going to start today … yes this very day … to make the rest of my life, the best of my life! How about you?
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I’d Like to Make a Difference PillowDo What You Can With What You Have Right Where You Are Pillow
When It Rains Look for the Rainbows Quote Pillow
I love these quotes. They are all good reminders to make the most of every day and every moment we’re given.
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