Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream – it will make YOU feel like a queen! I just get so excited when I’m talking about Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream that I just can’t hardly contain myself. It’s a little known skin care product that is so good – once you use it you’ll never want to be without it – and I promise you that!
Now it’s nothing like those creams you see advertised on television – that promise you will ‘see a difference in just 2 weeks’. THIS one – will really DO what we’re telling you it will do and YOU WILL SEE an improvement within minutes of the first use. I know that for a fact – because Kim and I and many of our friends use this cream ourselves.
I bought my first jar of Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream from Robert Broadway at a flea market booth in Florida in April of 2013. I’ve raved about this cream so much I often get emails and questions about it. I’ve given a gallon of it away in those little clear 2 oz containers with lids and I’ve bought many jars of it myself and so have many of my friends. IN FACT some of my friends have bought directly from Robert and he’s had so many follow up sales from these ladies – that ever now and then he just sends me a free jar of Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream. Now that’s not sales hype – that is GOSPEL 🙂
Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream
I’ve said many times that I’m just not much on wearing makeup. I usually have on a little eyeliner – but if I even add just lipstick – sometimes I feel like I’ve over done it. But I LOVE a good skin care product and I loved the 1st jar SO much – that we went all the way across the state of Florida to Robert’s NEXT flea market and I bought 6 more jars on our way home that first year of buying it!
The Royal Bee Booth At The Deland Flea Market
Let me tell you a quick story –
We visited a favorite Florida flea market in 2013 and was browsing one of the buildings there and passed an old codger in overalls and he spoke to Geezer and they immediately struck up a conversation – so I slowly wondered on down the line.
I came to a booth with a lady selling Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream and she asked me if I’d like to try a dab on my hand. I declined – but she and “I” struck up a conversation.
As we talked – I was scratching my pointer finger on my right hand and she asked what was wrong with my finger. I said “Oh nothing – I got a deep cut on that finger about 6 weeks ago and it formed a callous – and I just can’t get rid of that callous and it itches me to death sometimes.” She said “Would you let me take this Q-Tip and just dab that callous?” I said “Oh sure – why not!”
So she dabbed the callous and had me to rub it in and we continued on with our conversation about this – that and the other thing.
Geezer caught up with me and we continued on our way and that was the last flea market building – so we headed for the squad car.
As we were pulling out on the highway – I reached down to scratch my finger – because that had just become a habit. And I noticed that my 6 week old callous was dissolving – right before our eyes.
I just went berserk in the car – 🙂 I said to Geezer “OH MY GOSH!!! That woman’s miracle cream really IS a miracle.”
Deland is just about 20-30 minutes from Daytona – but by the time we got back to our motel – I had been able to scratch my now very soft ‘callous’ all the way off and there was so sign where it had been.
The lady had given me her card – so I immediately called the number on the card and asked if she’d be set up anywhere else that weekend. She said “YES – Robert will be set up just outside of Orlando at the Marion Market on Friday – Saturday and Sunday.” I said “Tell him we’re coming through there and to hold me 6 jars of this cream.”
We picked it up and got to know Robert a bit and gabbed for 30 minutes and that rascal Robert was so friendly – he even GAVE me an extra jar. SO – you know ME – I came home and started dishing out that cream in little 2 oz containers and giving it away to friends and family like it was door prizes at a big event. And friends started ordering from Robert. Every now and then my cell would ding and it would be Robert and he would say “You just sold another Royal Bee for me – Thank you so much! Love You Guys”
Now I do want to add – that as much as we came to adore Robert and his electric personality – I’ve started ordering from amazon – BECAUSE – Robert has a sales pitch out of this world and I always end up ordering way more than I should. SO it’s just easier to go to amazon and click to order one or two jars 🙂 Saves me a TON of MONEY! 🙂 lol
I LOVE the stuff and hope to never be without it again. Many of my friends have ordered from Robert – but many want to just ‘click and buy’ without getting to know my wonderful friend in depth – 🙂 So
I was glad to find they could buy Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream on Amazon!

Buy Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream on Amazon here!
Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream just has something magical about it in my opinion. As I’ve said – I’m not a fan of makeup but I do love a good skin care and have bought some of the best – at very pricey prices. But nothing I’ve ever bought – compares to Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream. It will also fade away liver and age spots, heal blemishes of all kinds and just work miracles on your skin.
I had one friend tell me her husband noticed the first time she put it on her face – and asked what she had done differently.

That white cream on Kim’s face? That’s Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream with Kim enjoying it’s moisturizing goodness. But Kim likes to goof off and put on gobs just to be goofy. It actually goes on very lightly and is totally invisible except for the miraculous change in your complexion and skin texture itself. But as you can imagine from the personality peeking out from under that cream – Kim enjoys most EVERYTHING to the fullest.
Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream Review
Our local nursing home had tried 2 over the counter creams and one prescription cream on a rash my mother-in-law had on her hands.
They did not work – so they made her an appointment with a big dermatologist up the line.
I had asked several times if I could bring in this cream – but they said anything she used – had to be doctor ordered and now the doctor was wanting to send her to this specialist.
FINALLY when they were unable to heal her hands in spite of sending her to this well known dermatologists – they agreed to call the doctor and see if she could use my cream.
“ABSOLUTELY” Dr Patel said. “Her daughter-in-law is a friend and patient of mine herself and a Holistic QUACK – but she knows what she’s doing.”
SO I took in a small sampler jar – just to give it a try – and GUESS WHAT?
There was improvement within the hour! YES THERE WAS!!! WITHIN THE HOUR!!!
Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream And Grandma’s Nurse’s Healing
Grandma’s head nurse has always been so good to her – and I wanted to give her a little something – so I gave her a full jar of this cream. She was excited to try it because she said she has had blemishes on her face since she was about 15. She was now in her 50’s and had quite a lot of very visible blemishes.
SO this nurse took the cream home and on day 3 after that – she stopped me as I was going in the nursing home and said
“KAY – LOOK AT MY FACE!!! I’ve been using that cream twice a day for 3 days and my blemishes are almost ALL – GONE!!!” She said “My skin hasn’t been this clear since I was a teenager.”
It is just a miraculous cream – that’s all there is to say about it!
You will see and feel a difference after just ONE use of this cream.
You don’t have to wait 2 weeks to ‘see’ a difference like with many other creams … or 6 weeks. You will see a difference on day one.

Buy Royal Bee Skin Healing Cream on Amazon here!
YES!!! You will see and feel a big difference after just the first use … immediately.
I love it so much that even as big of a tightwad as I am I order several jars at a time.
If you are healing an old wound or blemish, please use just a tab and rub it in good about 3-5 times a day. You will not believe how good this skin cream is.
Peace and Love and thanks so much, for stopping by!
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